Explore with Pulumi AI
Provides a resource to manage transit router route entry
Example Usage
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using Pulumi;
using Volcengine = Pulumi.Volcengine;
return await Deployment.RunAsync(() =>
var fooZones = Volcengine.Ecs.Zones.Invoke();
var fooVpc = new Volcengine.Vpc.Vpc("fooVpc", new()
VpcName = "acc-test-vpc",
CidrBlock = "",
var fooSubnet = new Volcengine.Vpc.Subnet("fooSubnet", new()
SubnetName = "acc-test-subnet",
CidrBlock = "",
ZoneId = fooZones.Apply(zonesResult => zonesResult.Zones[0]?.Id),
VpcId = fooVpc.Id,
var fooGateway = new Volcengine.Vpn.Gateway("fooGateway", new()
VpcId = fooVpc.Id,
SubnetId = fooSubnet.Id,
Bandwidth = 20,
VpnGatewayName = "acc-test",
Description = "acc-test",
Period = 2,
var fooCustomerGateway = new Volcengine.Vpn.CustomerGateway("fooCustomerGateway", new()
IpAddress = "",
CustomerGatewayName = "acc-test",
Description = "acc-test",
var fooConnection = new Volcengine.Vpn.Connection("fooConnection", new()
VpnConnectionName = "acc-tf-test",
Description = "acc-tf-test",
AttachType = "TransitRouter",
VpnGatewayId = fooGateway.Id,
CustomerGatewayId = fooCustomerGateway.Id,
LocalSubnets = new[]
RemoteSubnets = new[]
DpdAction = "none",
NatTraversal = true,
IkeConfigPsk = "acctest@!3",
IkeConfigVersion = "ikev1",
IkeConfigMode = "main",
IkeConfigEncAlg = "aes",
IkeConfigAuthAlg = "md5",
IkeConfigDhGroup = "group2",
IkeConfigLifetime = 9000,
IkeConfigLocalId = "acc_test",
IkeConfigRemoteId = "acc_test",
IpsecConfigEncAlg = "aes",
IpsecConfigAuthAlg = "sha256",
IpsecConfigDhGroup = "group2",
IpsecConfigLifetime = 9000,
LogEnabled = false,
var fooTransitRouter = new Volcengine.Transit_router.TransitRouter("fooTransitRouter", new()
TransitRouterName = "test-tf-acc",
Description = "test-tf-acc",
var fooVpnAttachment = new Volcengine.Transit_router.VpnAttachment("fooVpnAttachment", new()
ZoneId = "cn-beijing-a",
TransitRouterAttachmentName = "tf-test-acc",
Description = "tf-test-acc-desc",
TransitRouterId = fooTransitRouter.Id,
VpnConnectionId = fooConnection.Id,
var fooRouteTable = new Volcengine.Transit_router.RouteTable("fooRouteTable", new()
Description = "tf-test-acc-description-route-route-table",
TransitRouterRouteTableName = "tf-table-test-acc",
TransitRouterId = fooTransitRouter.Id,
var fooRouteEntry = new Volcengine.Transit_router.RouteEntry("fooRouteEntry", new()
Description = "tf-test-acc-description-entry",
TransitRouterRouteEntryName = "tf-acc-test-entry",
DestinationCidrBlock = "",
TransitRouterRouteEntryNextHopType = "Attachment",
TransitRouterRouteTableId = fooRouteTable.TransitRouterRouteTableId,
TransitRouterRouteEntryNextHopId = fooVpnAttachment.TransitRouterAttachmentId,
package main
import (
func main() {
pulumi.Run(func(ctx *pulumi.Context) error {
fooZones, err := ecs.Zones(ctx, nil, nil)
if err != nil {
return err
fooVpc, err := vpc.NewVpc(ctx, "fooVpc", &vpc.VpcArgs{
VpcName: pulumi.String("acc-test-vpc"),
CidrBlock: pulumi.String(""),
if err != nil {
return err
fooSubnet, err := vpc.NewSubnet(ctx, "fooSubnet", &vpc.SubnetArgs{
SubnetName: pulumi.String("acc-test-subnet"),
CidrBlock: pulumi.String(""),
ZoneId: *pulumi.String(fooZones.Zones[0].Id),
VpcId: fooVpc.ID(),
if err != nil {
return err
fooGateway, err := vpn.NewGateway(ctx, "fooGateway", &vpn.GatewayArgs{
VpcId: fooVpc.ID(),
SubnetId: fooSubnet.ID(),
Bandwidth: pulumi.Int(20),
VpnGatewayName: pulumi.String("acc-test"),
Description: pulumi.String("acc-test"),
Period: pulumi.Int(2),
if err != nil {
return err
fooCustomerGateway, err := vpn.NewCustomerGateway(ctx, "fooCustomerGateway", &vpn.CustomerGatewayArgs{
IpAddress: pulumi.String(""),
CustomerGatewayName: pulumi.String("acc-test"),
Description: pulumi.String("acc-test"),
if err != nil {
return err
fooConnection, err := vpn.NewConnection(ctx, "fooConnection", &vpn.ConnectionArgs{
VpnConnectionName: pulumi.String("acc-tf-test"),
Description: pulumi.String("acc-tf-test"),
AttachType: pulumi.String("TransitRouter"),
VpnGatewayId: fooGateway.ID(),
CustomerGatewayId: fooCustomerGateway.ID(),
LocalSubnets: pulumi.StringArray{
RemoteSubnets: pulumi.StringArray{
DpdAction: pulumi.String("none"),
NatTraversal: pulumi.Bool(true),
IkeConfigPsk: pulumi.String("acctest@!3"),
IkeConfigVersion: pulumi.String("ikev1"),
IkeConfigMode: pulumi.String("main"),
IkeConfigEncAlg: pulumi.String("aes"),
IkeConfigAuthAlg: pulumi.String("md5"),
IkeConfigDhGroup: pulumi.String("group2"),
IkeConfigLifetime: pulumi.Int(9000),
IkeConfigLocalId: pulumi.String("acc_test"),
IkeConfigRemoteId: pulumi.String("acc_test"),
IpsecConfigEncAlg: pulumi.String("aes"),
IpsecConfigAuthAlg: pulumi.String("sha256"),
IpsecConfigDhGroup: pulumi.String("group2"),
IpsecConfigLifetime: pulumi.Int(9000),
LogEnabled: pulumi.Bool(false),
if err != nil {
return err
fooTransitRouter, err := transit_router.NewTransitRouter(ctx, "fooTransitRouter", &transit_router.TransitRouterArgs{
TransitRouterName: pulumi.String("test-tf-acc"),
Description: pulumi.String("test-tf-acc"),
if err != nil {
return err
fooVpnAttachment, err := transit_router.NewVpnAttachment(ctx, "fooVpnAttachment", &transit_router.VpnAttachmentArgs{
ZoneId: pulumi.String("cn-beijing-a"),
TransitRouterAttachmentName: pulumi.String("tf-test-acc"),
Description: pulumi.String("tf-test-acc-desc"),
TransitRouterId: fooTransitRouter.ID(),
VpnConnectionId: fooConnection.ID(),
if err != nil {
return err
fooRouteTable, err := transit_router.NewRouteTable(ctx, "fooRouteTable", &transit_router.RouteTableArgs{
Description: pulumi.String("tf-test-acc-description-route-route-table"),
TransitRouterRouteTableName: pulumi.String("tf-table-test-acc"),
TransitRouterId: fooTransitRouter.ID(),
if err != nil {
return err
_, err = transit_router.NewRouteEntry(ctx, "fooRouteEntry", &transit_router.RouteEntryArgs{
Description: pulumi.String("tf-test-acc-description-entry"),
TransitRouterRouteEntryName: pulumi.String("tf-acc-test-entry"),
DestinationCidrBlock: pulumi.String(""),
TransitRouterRouteEntryNextHopType: pulumi.String("Attachment"),
TransitRouterRouteTableId: fooRouteTable.TransitRouterRouteTableId,
TransitRouterRouteEntryNextHopId: fooVpnAttachment.TransitRouterAttachmentId,
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
package generated_program;
import com.pulumi.Context;
import com.pulumi.Pulumi;
import com.pulumi.core.Output;
import com.pulumi.volcengine.ecs.EcsFunctions;
import com.pulumi.volcengine.ecs.inputs.ZonesArgs;
import com.pulumi.volcengine.vpc.Vpc;
import com.pulumi.volcengine.vpc.VpcArgs;
import com.pulumi.volcengine.vpc.Subnet;
import com.pulumi.volcengine.vpc.SubnetArgs;
import com.pulumi.volcengine.vpn.Gateway;
import com.pulumi.volcengine.vpn.GatewayArgs;
import com.pulumi.volcengine.vpn.CustomerGateway;
import com.pulumi.volcengine.vpn.CustomerGatewayArgs;
import com.pulumi.volcengine.vpn.Connection;
import com.pulumi.volcengine.vpn.ConnectionArgs;
import com.pulumi.volcengine.transit_router.TransitRouter;
import com.pulumi.volcengine.transit_router.TransitRouterArgs;
import com.pulumi.volcengine.transit_router.VpnAttachment;
import com.pulumi.volcengine.transit_router.VpnAttachmentArgs;
import com.pulumi.volcengine.transit_router.RouteTable;
import com.pulumi.volcengine.transit_router.RouteTableArgs;
import com.pulumi.volcengine.transit_router.RouteEntry;
import com.pulumi.volcengine.transit_router.RouteEntryArgs;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Map;
import java.io.File;
import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.nio.file.Paths;
public class App {
public static void main(String[] args) {
public static void stack(Context ctx) {
final var fooZones = EcsFunctions.Zones();
var fooVpc = new Vpc("fooVpc", VpcArgs.builder()
var fooSubnet = new Subnet("fooSubnet", SubnetArgs.builder()
.zoneId(fooZones.applyValue(zonesResult -> zonesResult.zones()[0].id()))
var fooGateway = new Gateway("fooGateway", GatewayArgs.builder()
var fooCustomerGateway = new CustomerGateway("fooCustomerGateway", CustomerGatewayArgs.builder()
var fooConnection = new Connection("fooConnection", ConnectionArgs.builder()
var fooTransitRouter = new TransitRouter("fooTransitRouter", TransitRouterArgs.builder()
var fooVpnAttachment = new VpnAttachment("fooVpnAttachment", VpnAttachmentArgs.builder()
var fooRouteTable = new RouteTable("fooRouteTable", RouteTableArgs.builder()
var fooRouteEntry = new RouteEntry("fooRouteEntry", RouteEntryArgs.builder()
import pulumi
import pulumi_volcengine as volcengine
foo_zones = volcengine.ecs.zones()
foo_vpc = volcengine.vpc.Vpc("fooVpc",
foo_subnet = volcengine.vpc.Subnet("fooSubnet",
foo_gateway = volcengine.vpn.Gateway("fooGateway",
foo_customer_gateway = volcengine.vpn.CustomerGateway("fooCustomerGateway",
foo_connection = volcengine.vpn.Connection("fooConnection",
foo_transit_router = volcengine.transit_router.TransitRouter("fooTransitRouter",
foo_vpn_attachment = volcengine.transit_router.VpnAttachment("fooVpnAttachment",
foo_route_table = volcengine.transit_router.RouteTable("fooRouteTable",
foo_route_entry = volcengine.transit_router.RouteEntry("fooRouteEntry",
import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi";
import * as volcengine from "@pulumi/volcengine";
import * as volcengine from "@volcengine/pulumi";
const fooZones = volcengine.ecs.Zones({});
const fooVpc = new volcengine.vpc.Vpc("fooVpc", {
vpcName: "acc-test-vpc",
cidrBlock: "",
const fooSubnet = new volcengine.vpc.Subnet("fooSubnet", {
subnetName: "acc-test-subnet",
cidrBlock: "",
zoneId: fooZones.then(fooZones => fooZones.zones?.[0]?.id),
vpcId: fooVpc.id,
const fooGateway = new volcengine.vpn.Gateway("fooGateway", {
vpcId: fooVpc.id,
subnetId: fooSubnet.id,
bandwidth: 20,
vpnGatewayName: "acc-test",
description: "acc-test",
period: 2,
const fooCustomerGateway = new volcengine.vpn.CustomerGateway("fooCustomerGateway", {
ipAddress: "",
customerGatewayName: "acc-test",
description: "acc-test",
const fooConnection = new volcengine.vpn.Connection("fooConnection", {
vpnConnectionName: "acc-tf-test",
description: "acc-tf-test",
attachType: "TransitRouter",
vpnGatewayId: fooGateway.id,
customerGatewayId: fooCustomerGateway.id,
localSubnets: [""],
remoteSubnets: [""],
dpdAction: "none",
natTraversal: true,
ikeConfigPsk: "acctest@!3",
ikeConfigVersion: "ikev1",
ikeConfigMode: "main",
ikeConfigEncAlg: "aes",
ikeConfigAuthAlg: "md5",
ikeConfigDhGroup: "group2",
ikeConfigLifetime: 9000,
ikeConfigLocalId: "acc_test",
ikeConfigRemoteId: "acc_test",
ipsecConfigEncAlg: "aes",
ipsecConfigAuthAlg: "sha256",
ipsecConfigDhGroup: "group2",
ipsecConfigLifetime: 9000,
logEnabled: false,
const fooTransitRouter = new volcengine.transit_router.TransitRouter("fooTransitRouter", {
transitRouterName: "test-tf-acc",
description: "test-tf-acc",
const fooVpnAttachment = new volcengine.transit_router.VpnAttachment("fooVpnAttachment", {
zoneId: "cn-beijing-a",
transitRouterAttachmentName: "tf-test-acc",
description: "tf-test-acc-desc",
transitRouterId: fooTransitRouter.id,
vpnConnectionId: fooConnection.id,
const fooRouteTable = new volcengine.transit_router.RouteTable("fooRouteTable", {
description: "tf-test-acc-description-route-route-table",
transitRouterRouteTableName: "tf-table-test-acc",
transitRouterId: fooTransitRouter.id,
const fooRouteEntry = new volcengine.transit_router.RouteEntry("fooRouteEntry", {
description: "tf-test-acc-description-entry",
transitRouterRouteEntryName: "tf-acc-test-entry",
destinationCidrBlock: "",
transitRouterRouteEntryNextHopType: "Attachment",
transitRouterRouteTableId: fooRouteTable.transitRouterRouteTableId,
transitRouterRouteEntryNextHopId: fooVpnAttachment.transitRouterAttachmentId,
type: volcengine:vpc:Vpc
vpcName: acc-test-vpc
type: volcengine:vpc:Subnet
subnetName: acc-test-subnet
zoneId: ${fooZones.zones[0].id}
vpcId: ${fooVpc.id}
type: volcengine:vpn:Gateway
vpcId: ${fooVpc.id}
subnetId: ${fooSubnet.id}
bandwidth: 20
vpnGatewayName: acc-test
description: acc-test
period: 2
type: volcengine:vpn:CustomerGateway
customerGatewayName: acc-test
description: acc-test
type: volcengine:vpn:Connection
vpnConnectionName: acc-tf-test
description: acc-tf-test
attachType: TransitRouter
vpnGatewayId: ${fooGateway.id}
customerGatewayId: ${fooCustomerGateway.id}
dpdAction: none
natTraversal: true
ikeConfigPsk: acctest@!3
ikeConfigVersion: ikev1
ikeConfigMode: main
ikeConfigEncAlg: aes
ikeConfigAuthAlg: md5
ikeConfigDhGroup: group2
ikeConfigLifetime: 9000
ikeConfigLocalId: acc_test
ikeConfigRemoteId: acc_test
ipsecConfigEncAlg: aes
ipsecConfigAuthAlg: sha256
ipsecConfigDhGroup: group2
ipsecConfigLifetime: 9000
logEnabled: false
type: volcengine:transit_router:VpnAttachment
zoneId: cn-beijing-a
transitRouterAttachmentName: tf-test-acc
description: tf-test-acc-desc
transitRouterId: ${fooTransitRouter.id}
vpnConnectionId: ${fooConnection.id}
type: volcengine:transit_router:TransitRouter
transitRouterName: test-tf-acc
description: test-tf-acc
type: volcengine:transit_router:RouteTable
description: tf-test-acc-description-route-route-table
transitRouterRouteTableName: tf-table-test-acc
transitRouterId: ${fooTransitRouter.id}
type: volcengine:transit_router:RouteEntry
description: tf-test-acc-description-entry
transitRouterRouteEntryName: tf-acc-test-entry
transitRouterRouteEntryNextHopType: Attachment
transitRouterRouteTableId: ${fooRouteTable.transitRouterRouteTableId}
transitRouterRouteEntryNextHopId: ${fooVpnAttachment.transitRouterAttachmentId}
Function: volcengine:ecs:Zones
Arguments: {}
Create RouteEntry Resource
Resources are created with functions called constructors. To learn more about declaring and configuring resources, see Resources.
Constructor syntax
new RouteEntry(name: string, args: RouteEntryArgs, opts?: CustomResourceOptions);
def RouteEntry(resource_name: str,
args: RouteEntryArgs,
opts: Optional[ResourceOptions] = None)
def RouteEntry(resource_name: str,
opts: Optional[ResourceOptions] = None,
destination_cidr_block: Optional[str] = None,
transit_router_route_entry_next_hop_type: Optional[str] = None,
transit_router_route_table_id: Optional[str] = None,
description: Optional[str] = None,
transit_router_route_entry_name: Optional[str] = None,
transit_router_route_entry_next_hop_id: Optional[str] = None)
func NewRouteEntry(ctx *Context, name string, args RouteEntryArgs, opts ...ResourceOption) (*RouteEntry, error)
public RouteEntry(string name, RouteEntryArgs args, CustomResourceOptions? opts = null)
public RouteEntry(String name, RouteEntryArgs args)
public RouteEntry(String name, RouteEntryArgs args, CustomResourceOptions options)
type: volcengine:transit_router:RouteEntry
properties: # The arguments to resource properties.
options: # Bag of options to control resource's behavior.
- name string
- The unique name of the resource.
- args RouteEntryArgs
- The arguments to resource properties.
- opts CustomResourceOptions
- Bag of options to control resource's behavior.
- resource_name str
- The unique name of the resource.
- args RouteEntryArgs
- The arguments to resource properties.
- opts ResourceOptions
- Bag of options to control resource's behavior.
- ctx Context
- Context object for the current deployment.
- name string
- The unique name of the resource.
- args RouteEntryArgs
- The arguments to resource properties.
- opts ResourceOption
- Bag of options to control resource's behavior.
- name string
- The unique name of the resource.
- args RouteEntryArgs
- The arguments to resource properties.
- opts CustomResourceOptions
- Bag of options to control resource's behavior.
- name String
- The unique name of the resource.
- args RouteEntryArgs
- The arguments to resource properties.
- options CustomResourceOptions
- Bag of options to control resource's behavior.
Constructor example
The following reference example uses placeholder values for all input properties.
var volcengineRouteEntryResource = new Volcengine.Transit_router.RouteEntry("volcengineRouteEntryResource", new()
DestinationCidrBlock = "string",
TransitRouterRouteEntryNextHopType = "string",
TransitRouterRouteTableId = "string",
Description = "string",
TransitRouterRouteEntryName = "string",
TransitRouterRouteEntryNextHopId = "string",
example, err := transit_router.NewRouteEntry(ctx, "volcengineRouteEntryResource", &transit_router.RouteEntryArgs{
DestinationCidrBlock: pulumi.String("string"),
TransitRouterRouteEntryNextHopType: pulumi.String("string"),
TransitRouterRouteTableId: pulumi.String("string"),
Description: pulumi.String("string"),
TransitRouterRouteEntryName: pulumi.String("string"),
TransitRouterRouteEntryNextHopId: pulumi.String("string"),
var volcengineRouteEntryResource = new RouteEntry("volcengineRouteEntryResource", RouteEntryArgs.builder()
volcengine_route_entry_resource = volcengine.transit_router.RouteEntry("volcengineRouteEntryResource",
const volcengineRouteEntryResource = new volcengine.transit_router.RouteEntry("volcengineRouteEntryResource", {
destinationCidrBlock: "string",
transitRouterRouteEntryNextHopType: "string",
transitRouterRouteTableId: "string",
description: "string",
transitRouterRouteEntryName: "string",
transitRouterRouteEntryNextHopId: "string",
type: volcengine:transit_router:RouteEntry
description: string
destinationCidrBlock: string
transitRouterRouteEntryName: string
transitRouterRouteEntryNextHopId: string
transitRouterRouteEntryNextHopType: string
transitRouterRouteTableId: string
RouteEntry Resource Properties
To learn more about resource properties and how to use them, see Inputs and Outputs in the Architecture and Concepts docs.
In Python, inputs that are objects can be passed either as argument classes or as dictionary literals.
The RouteEntry resource accepts the following input properties:
- Destination
Cidr stringBlock - The target network segment of the route entry.
- Transit
Router stringRoute Entry Next Hop Type - The next hop type of the routing entry. The value can be Attachment or BlackHole.
- Transit
Router stringRoute Table Id - The id of the route table.
- Description string
- Description of the transit router route entry.
- Transit
Router stringRoute Entry Name - The name of the route entry.
- Transit
Router stringRoute Entry Next Hop Id - The next hot id of the routing entry. When the parameter TransitRouterRouteEntryNextHopType is Attachment, this parameter must be filled.
- Destination
Cidr stringBlock - The target network segment of the route entry.
- Transit
Router stringRoute Entry Next Hop Type - The next hop type of the routing entry. The value can be Attachment or BlackHole.
- Transit
Router stringRoute Table Id - The id of the route table.
- Description string
- Description of the transit router route entry.
- Transit
Router stringRoute Entry Name - The name of the route entry.
- Transit
Router stringRoute Entry Next Hop Id - The next hot id of the routing entry. When the parameter TransitRouterRouteEntryNextHopType is Attachment, this parameter must be filled.
- destination
Cidr StringBlock - The target network segment of the route entry.
- transit
Router StringRoute Entry Next Hop Type - The next hop type of the routing entry. The value can be Attachment or BlackHole.
- transit
Router StringRoute Table Id - The id of the route table.
- description String
- Description of the transit router route entry.
- transit
Router StringRoute Entry Name - The name of the route entry.
- transit
Router StringRoute Entry Next Hop Id - The next hot id of the routing entry. When the parameter TransitRouterRouteEntryNextHopType is Attachment, this parameter must be filled.
- destination
Cidr stringBlock - The target network segment of the route entry.
- transit
Router stringRoute Entry Next Hop Type - The next hop type of the routing entry. The value can be Attachment or BlackHole.
- transit
Router stringRoute Table Id - The id of the route table.
- description string
- Description of the transit router route entry.
- transit
Router stringRoute Entry Name - The name of the route entry.
- transit
Router stringRoute Entry Next Hop Id - The next hot id of the routing entry. When the parameter TransitRouterRouteEntryNextHopType is Attachment, this parameter must be filled.
- destination_
cidr_ strblock - The target network segment of the route entry.
- transit_
router_ strroute_ entry_ next_ hop_ type - The next hop type of the routing entry. The value can be Attachment or BlackHole.
- transit_
router_ strroute_ table_ id - The id of the route table.
- description str
- Description of the transit router route entry.
- transit_
router_ strroute_ entry_ name - The name of the route entry.
- transit_
router_ strroute_ entry_ next_ hop_ id - The next hot id of the routing entry. When the parameter TransitRouterRouteEntryNextHopType is Attachment, this parameter must be filled.
- destination
Cidr StringBlock - The target network segment of the route entry.
- transit
Router StringRoute Entry Next Hop Type - The next hop type of the routing entry. The value can be Attachment or BlackHole.
- transit
Router StringRoute Table Id - The id of the route table.
- description String
- Description of the transit router route entry.
- transit
Router StringRoute Entry Name - The name of the route entry.
- transit
Router StringRoute Entry Next Hop Id - The next hot id of the routing entry. When the parameter TransitRouterRouteEntryNextHopType is Attachment, this parameter must be filled.
All input properties are implicitly available as output properties. Additionally, the RouteEntry resource produces the following output properties:
- Creation
Time string - The creation time of the route entry.
- Id string
- The provider-assigned unique ID for this managed resource.
- Status string
- The status of the route entry.
- Transit
Router stringRoute Entry Id - The id of the route entry.
- Transit
Router stringRoute Entry Type - The type of the route entry.
- Update
Time string - The update time of the route entry.
- Creation
Time string - The creation time of the route entry.
- Id string
- The provider-assigned unique ID for this managed resource.
- Status string
- The status of the route entry.
- Transit
Router stringRoute Entry Id - The id of the route entry.
- Transit
Router stringRoute Entry Type - The type of the route entry.
- Update
Time string - The update time of the route entry.
- creation
Time String - The creation time of the route entry.
- id String
- The provider-assigned unique ID for this managed resource.
- status String
- The status of the route entry.
- transit
Router StringRoute Entry Id - The id of the route entry.
- transit
Router StringRoute Entry Type - The type of the route entry.
- update
Time String - The update time of the route entry.
- creation
Time string - The creation time of the route entry.
- id string
- The provider-assigned unique ID for this managed resource.
- status string
- The status of the route entry.
- transit
Router stringRoute Entry Id - The id of the route entry.
- transit
Router stringRoute Entry Type - The type of the route entry.
- update
Time string - The update time of the route entry.
- creation_
time str - The creation time of the route entry.
- id str
- The provider-assigned unique ID for this managed resource.
- status str
- The status of the route entry.
- transit_
router_ strroute_ entry_ id - The id of the route entry.
- transit_
router_ strroute_ entry_ type - The type of the route entry.
- update_
time str - The update time of the route entry.
- creation
Time String - The creation time of the route entry.
- id String
- The provider-assigned unique ID for this managed resource.
- status String
- The status of the route entry.
- transit
Router StringRoute Entry Id - The id of the route entry.
- transit
Router StringRoute Entry Type - The type of the route entry.
- update
Time String - The update time of the route entry.
Look up Existing RouteEntry Resource
Get an existing RouteEntry resource’s state with the given name, ID, and optional extra properties used to qualify the lookup.
public static get(name: string, id: Input<ID>, state?: RouteEntryState, opts?: CustomResourceOptions): RouteEntry
def get(resource_name: str,
id: str,
opts: Optional[ResourceOptions] = None,
creation_time: Optional[str] = None,
description: Optional[str] = None,
destination_cidr_block: Optional[str] = None,
status: Optional[str] = None,
transit_router_route_entry_id: Optional[str] = None,
transit_router_route_entry_name: Optional[str] = None,
transit_router_route_entry_next_hop_id: Optional[str] = None,
transit_router_route_entry_next_hop_type: Optional[str] = None,
transit_router_route_entry_type: Optional[str] = None,
transit_router_route_table_id: Optional[str] = None,
update_time: Optional[str] = None) -> RouteEntry
func GetRouteEntry(ctx *Context, name string, id IDInput, state *RouteEntryState, opts ...ResourceOption) (*RouteEntry, error)
public static RouteEntry Get(string name, Input<string> id, RouteEntryState? state, CustomResourceOptions? opts = null)
public static RouteEntry get(String name, Output<String> id, RouteEntryState state, CustomResourceOptions options)
Resource lookup is not supported in YAML
- name
- The unique name of the resulting resource.
- id
- The unique provider ID of the resource to lookup.
- state
- Any extra arguments used during the lookup.
- opts
- A bag of options that control this resource's behavior.
- resource_name
- The unique name of the resulting resource.
- id
- The unique provider ID of the resource to lookup.
- name
- The unique name of the resulting resource.
- id
- The unique provider ID of the resource to lookup.
- state
- Any extra arguments used during the lookup.
- opts
- A bag of options that control this resource's behavior.
- name
- The unique name of the resulting resource.
- id
- The unique provider ID of the resource to lookup.
- state
- Any extra arguments used during the lookup.
- opts
- A bag of options that control this resource's behavior.
- name
- The unique name of the resulting resource.
- id
- The unique provider ID of the resource to lookup.
- state
- Any extra arguments used during the lookup.
- opts
- A bag of options that control this resource's behavior.
- Creation
Time string - The creation time of the route entry.
- Description string
- Description of the transit router route entry.
- Destination
Cidr stringBlock - The target network segment of the route entry.
- Status string
- The status of the route entry.
- Transit
Router stringRoute Entry Id - The id of the route entry.
- Transit
Router stringRoute Entry Name - The name of the route entry.
- Transit
Router stringRoute Entry Next Hop Id - The next hot id of the routing entry. When the parameter TransitRouterRouteEntryNextHopType is Attachment, this parameter must be filled.
- Transit
Router stringRoute Entry Next Hop Type - The next hop type of the routing entry. The value can be Attachment or BlackHole.
- Transit
Router stringRoute Entry Type - The type of the route entry.
- Transit
Router stringRoute Table Id - The id of the route table.
- Update
Time string - The update time of the route entry.
- Creation
Time string - The creation time of the route entry.
- Description string
- Description of the transit router route entry.
- Destination
Cidr stringBlock - The target network segment of the route entry.
- Status string
- The status of the route entry.
- Transit
Router stringRoute Entry Id - The id of the route entry.
- Transit
Router stringRoute Entry Name - The name of the route entry.
- Transit
Router stringRoute Entry Next Hop Id - The next hot id of the routing entry. When the parameter TransitRouterRouteEntryNextHopType is Attachment, this parameter must be filled.
- Transit
Router stringRoute Entry Next Hop Type - The next hop type of the routing entry. The value can be Attachment or BlackHole.
- Transit
Router stringRoute Entry Type - The type of the route entry.
- Transit
Router stringRoute Table Id - The id of the route table.
- Update
Time string - The update time of the route entry.
- creation
Time String - The creation time of the route entry.
- description String
- Description of the transit router route entry.
- destination
Cidr StringBlock - The target network segment of the route entry.
- status String
- The status of the route entry.
- transit
Router StringRoute Entry Id - The id of the route entry.
- transit
Router StringRoute Entry Name - The name of the route entry.
- transit
Router StringRoute Entry Next Hop Id - The next hot id of the routing entry. When the parameter TransitRouterRouteEntryNextHopType is Attachment, this parameter must be filled.
- transit
Router StringRoute Entry Next Hop Type - The next hop type of the routing entry. The value can be Attachment or BlackHole.
- transit
Router StringRoute Entry Type - The type of the route entry.
- transit
Router StringRoute Table Id - The id of the route table.
- update
Time String - The update time of the route entry.
- creation
Time string - The creation time of the route entry.
- description string
- Description of the transit router route entry.
- destination
Cidr stringBlock - The target network segment of the route entry.
- status string
- The status of the route entry.
- transit
Router stringRoute Entry Id - The id of the route entry.
- transit
Router stringRoute Entry Name - The name of the route entry.
- transit
Router stringRoute Entry Next Hop Id - The next hot id of the routing entry. When the parameter TransitRouterRouteEntryNextHopType is Attachment, this parameter must be filled.
- transit
Router stringRoute Entry Next Hop Type - The next hop type of the routing entry. The value can be Attachment or BlackHole.
- transit
Router stringRoute Entry Type - The type of the route entry.
- transit
Router stringRoute Table Id - The id of the route table.
- update
Time string - The update time of the route entry.
- creation_
time str - The creation time of the route entry.
- description str
- Description of the transit router route entry.
- destination_
cidr_ strblock - The target network segment of the route entry.
- status str
- The status of the route entry.
- transit_
router_ strroute_ entry_ id - The id of the route entry.
- transit_
router_ strroute_ entry_ name - The name of the route entry.
- transit_
router_ strroute_ entry_ next_ hop_ id - The next hot id of the routing entry. When the parameter TransitRouterRouteEntryNextHopType is Attachment, this parameter must be filled.
- transit_
router_ strroute_ entry_ next_ hop_ type - The next hop type of the routing entry. The value can be Attachment or BlackHole.
- transit_
router_ strroute_ entry_ type - The type of the route entry.
- transit_
router_ strroute_ table_ id - The id of the route table.
- update_
time str - The update time of the route entry.
- creation
Time String - The creation time of the route entry.
- description String
- Description of the transit router route entry.
- destination
Cidr StringBlock - The target network segment of the route entry.
- status String
- The status of the route entry.
- transit
Router StringRoute Entry Id - The id of the route entry.
- transit
Router StringRoute Entry Name - The name of the route entry.
- transit
Router StringRoute Entry Next Hop Id - The next hot id of the routing entry. When the parameter TransitRouterRouteEntryNextHopType is Attachment, this parameter must be filled.
- transit
Router StringRoute Entry Next Hop Type - The next hop type of the routing entry. The value can be Attachment or BlackHole.
- transit
Router StringRoute Entry Type - The type of the route entry.
- transit
Router StringRoute Table Id - The id of the route table.
- update
Time String - The update time of the route entry.
transit router route entry can be imported using the table and entry id, e.g.
$ pulumi import volcengine:transit_router/routeEntry:RouteEntry default tr-rtb-12b7qd3fmzf2817q7y2jkbd55:tr-rte-1i5i8khf9m58gae5kcx6***
To learn more about importing existing cloud resources, see Importing resources.
Package Details
- Repository
- volcengine volcengine/pulumi-volcengine
- License
- Apache-2.0
- Notes
- This Pulumi package is based on the
Terraform Provider.