Explore with Pulumi AI
Manages a Spotinst OceanCD Verfification Template resource.
Example Usage
import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi";
import * as spotinst from "@pulumi/spotinst";
const test = new spotinst.oceancd.VerificationTemplate("test", {
name: "test-verification-template-tes",
args: [{
argName: "test-arg",
value: "test",
valueFrom: {
secretKeyRef: {
name: "test_key",
key: "key-value-test",
metrics: [{
metricsName: "test-metrics-names",
dryRun: false,
interval: "10m",
initialDelay: "1m",
count: 10,
successCondition: "result[0] <= 0.95",
failureCondition: "result[0] >= 0.95",
failureLimit: 2,
consecutiveErrorLimit: 1,
providers: [{
prometheus: {
prometheusQuery: "http_requests_new",
datadog: {
duration: "1m",
datadogQuery: "",
newRelic: {
profile: "test",
newRelicQuery: "FROM Metric SELECT count",
cloudWatch: {
duration: "5m",
metricDataQueries: [{
id: "utilization",
metricStat: {
metric: {
metricName: "Test",
namespace: "AWS/EC2",
dimensions: [{
dimensionName: "instandId",
dimensionValue: "i-123044",
metricPeriod: 400,
stat: "average",
unit: "None",
expression: "SELECT AVG(CPUUtilization) FROM SCHEMA",
label: "TestLabel",
returnData: false,
period: 300,
web: {
method: "GET",
url: " args.clusterId",
webHeaders: [{
webHeaderKey: "Autorization",
webHeaderValue: "Bearer=args.token",
body: "{\"key\": \"test\"}",
timeoutSeconds: 20,
jsonPath: "$.data",
insecure: false,
job: {
specs: [{
backoffLimit: 1,
jobTemplates: [{
templateSpecs: [{
containers: [{
containerName: "hello",
commands: [
image: "nginx.2.1",
restartPolicy: "never",
jenkins: {
pipelineName: "testPipelineName",
tlsVerification: true,
timeout: "2m",
jenkinsInterval: "5s",
jenkinsParameters: {
parameterKey: "app",
parameterValue: "my-app",
baseline: {
baselineProviders: [{
prometheus: {
prometheusQuery: "http_requests_total.status!",
datadog: {
duration: "2m",
datadogQuery: "avg:kubernetes.cpu.user",
newRelic: {
profile: "test",
newRelicQuery: "FROM Metric SELECT count*",
minRange: 40,
maxRange: 50,
threshold: "range",
import pulumi
import pulumi_spotinst as spotinst
test = spotinst.oceancd.VerificationTemplate("test",
"arg_name": "test-arg",
"value": "test",
"value_from": {
"secret_key_ref": {
"name": "test_key",
"key": "key-value-test",
"metrics_name": "test-metrics-names",
"dry_run": False,
"interval": "10m",
"initial_delay": "1m",
"count": 10,
"success_condition": "result[0] <= 0.95",
"failure_condition": "result[0] >= 0.95",
"failure_limit": 2,
"consecutive_error_limit": 1,
"providers": [{
"prometheus": {
"prometheus_query": "http_requests_new",
"datadog": {
"duration": "1m",
"datadog_query": "",
"new_relic": {
"profile": "test",
"new_relic_query": "FROM Metric SELECT count",
"cloud_watch": {
"duration": "5m",
"metric_data_queries": [{
"id": "utilization",
"metric_stat": {
"metric": {
"metric_name": "Test",
"namespace": "AWS/EC2",
"dimensions": [{
"dimension_name": "instandId",
"dimension_value": "i-123044",
"metric_period": 400,
"stat": "average",
"unit": "None",
"expression": "SELECT AVG(CPUUtilization) FROM SCHEMA",
"label": "TestLabel",
"return_data": False,
"period": 300,
"web": {
"method": "GET",
"url": " args.clusterId",
"web_headers": [{
"web_header_key": "Autorization",
"web_header_value": "Bearer=args.token",
"body": "{\"key\": \"test\"}",
"timeout_seconds": 20,
"json_path": "$.data",
"insecure": False,
"job": {
"specs": [{
"backoff_limit": 1,
"job_templates": [{
"template_specs": [{
"containers": [{
"container_name": "hello",
"commands": [
"image": "nginx.2.1",
"restart_policy": "never",
"jenkins": {
"pipeline_name": "testPipelineName",
"tls_verification": True,
"timeout": "2m",
"jenkins_interval": "5s",
"jenkins_parameters": {
"parameter_key": "app",
"parameter_value": "my-app",
"baseline": {
"baseline_providers": [{
"prometheus": {
"prometheus_query": "http_requests_total.status!",
"datadog": {
"duration": "2m",
"datadog_query": "avg:kubernetes.cpu.user",
"new_relic": {
"profile": "test",
"new_relic_query": "FROM Metric SELECT count*",
"min_range": 40,
"max_range": 50,
"threshold": "range",
package main
import (
func main() {
pulumi.Run(func(ctx *pulumi.Context) error {
_, err := oceancd.NewVerificationTemplate(ctx, "test", &oceancd.VerificationTemplateArgs{
Name: pulumi.String("test-verification-template-tes"),
Args: oceancd.VerificationTemplateArgArray{
ArgName: pulumi.String("test-arg"),
Value: pulumi.String("test"),
ValueFrom: &oceancd.VerificationTemplateArgValueFromArgs{
SecretKeyRef: &oceancd.VerificationTemplateArgValueFromSecretKeyRefArgs{
Name: pulumi.String("test_key"),
Key: pulumi.String("key-value-test"),
Metrics: oceancd.VerificationTemplateMetricArray{
MetricsName: pulumi.String("test-metrics-names"),
DryRun: pulumi.Bool(false),
Interval: pulumi.String("10m"),
InitialDelay: pulumi.String("1m"),
Count: pulumi.Int(10),
SuccessCondition: pulumi.String("result[0] <= 0.95"),
FailureCondition: pulumi.String("result[0] >= 0.95"),
FailureLimit: pulumi.Int(2),
ConsecutiveErrorLimit: pulumi.Int(1),
Providers: oceancd.VerificationTemplateMetricProviderArray{
Prometheus: &oceancd.VerificationTemplateMetricProviderPrometheusArgs{
PrometheusQuery: pulumi.String("http_requests_new"),
Datadog: &oceancd.VerificationTemplateMetricProviderDatadogArgs{
Duration: pulumi.String("1m"),
DatadogQuery: pulumi.String(""),
NewRelic: &oceancd.VerificationTemplateMetricProviderNewRelicArgs{
Profile: pulumi.String("test"),
NewRelicQuery: pulumi.String("FROM Metric SELECT count"),
CloudWatch: &oceancd.VerificationTemplateMetricProviderCloudWatchArgs{
Duration: pulumi.String("5m"),
MetricDataQueries: oceancd.VerificationTemplateMetricProviderCloudWatchMetricDataQueryArray{
Id: pulumi.String("utilization"),
MetricStat: &oceancd.VerificationTemplateMetricProviderCloudWatchMetricDataQueryMetricStatArgs{
Metric: &oceancd.VerificationTemplateMetricProviderCloudWatchMetricDataQueryMetricStatMetricArgs{
MetricName: pulumi.String("Test"),
Namespace: pulumi.String("AWS/EC2"),
Dimensions: oceancd.VerificationTemplateMetricProviderCloudWatchMetricDataQueryMetricStatMetricDimensionArray{
DimensionName: pulumi.String("instandId"),
DimensionValue: pulumi.String("i-123044"),
MetricPeriod: pulumi.Int(400),
Stat: pulumi.String("average"),
Unit: pulumi.String("None"),
Expression: pulumi.String("SELECT AVG(CPUUtilization) FROM SCHEMA"),
Label: pulumi.String("TestLabel"),
ReturnData: pulumi.Bool(false),
Period: pulumi.Int(300),
Web: &oceancd.VerificationTemplateMetricProviderWebArgs{
Method: pulumi.String("GET"),
Url: pulumi.String(" args.clusterId"),
WebHeaders: oceancd.VerificationTemplateMetricProviderWebWebHeaderArray{
WebHeaderKey: pulumi.String("Autorization"),
WebHeaderValue: pulumi.String("Bearer=args.token"),
Body: pulumi.String("{\"key\": \"test\"}"),
TimeoutSeconds: pulumi.Int(20),
JsonPath: pulumi.String("$.data"),
Insecure: pulumi.Bool(false),
Job: &oceancd.VerificationTemplateMetricProviderJobArgs{
Specs: oceancd.VerificationTemplateMetricProviderJobSpecArray{
BackoffLimit: pulumi.Int(1),
JobTemplates: oceancd.VerificationTemplateMetricProviderJobSpecJobTemplateArray{
TemplateSpecs: oceancd.VerificationTemplateMetricProviderJobSpecJobTemplateTemplateSpecArray{
Containers: oceancd.VerificationTemplateMetricProviderJobSpecJobTemplateTemplateSpecContainerArray{
ContainerName: pulumi.String("hello"),
Commands: pulumi.StringArray{
Image: pulumi.String("nginx.2.1"),
RestartPolicy: pulumi.String("never"),
Jenkins: &oceancd.VerificationTemplateMetricProviderJenkinsArgs{
PipelineName: pulumi.String("testPipelineName"),
TlsVerification: pulumi.Bool(true),
Timeout: pulumi.String("2m"),
JenkinsInterval: pulumi.String("5s"),
JenkinsParameters: &oceancd.VerificationTemplateMetricProviderJenkinsJenkinsParametersArgs{
ParameterKey: pulumi.String("app"),
ParameterValue: pulumi.String("my-app"),
Baseline: &oceancd.VerificationTemplateMetricBaselineArgs{
BaselineProviders: oceancd.VerificationTemplateMetricBaselineBaselineProviderArray{
Prometheus: &oceancd.VerificationTemplateMetricBaselineBaselineProviderPrometheusArgs{
PrometheusQuery: pulumi.String("http_requests_total.status!"),
Datadog: &oceancd.VerificationTemplateMetricBaselineBaselineProviderDatadogArgs{
Duration: pulumi.String("2m"),
DatadogQuery: pulumi.String("avg:kubernetes.cpu.user"),
NewRelic: &oceancd.VerificationTemplateMetricBaselineBaselineProviderNewRelicArgs{
Profile: pulumi.String("test"),
NewRelicQuery: pulumi.String("FROM Metric SELECT count*"),
MinRange: pulumi.Int(40),
MaxRange: pulumi.Int(50),
Threshold: pulumi.String("range"),
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using Pulumi;
using SpotInst = Pulumi.SpotInst;
return await Deployment.RunAsync(() =>
var test = new SpotInst.Oceancd.VerificationTemplate("test", new()
Name = "test-verification-template-tes",
Args = new[]
new SpotInst.Oceancd.Inputs.VerificationTemplateArgArgs
ArgName = "test-arg",
Value = "test",
ValueFrom = new SpotInst.Oceancd.Inputs.VerificationTemplateArgValueFromArgs
SecretKeyRef = new SpotInst.Oceancd.Inputs.VerificationTemplateArgValueFromSecretKeyRefArgs
Name = "test_key",
Key = "key-value-test",
Metrics = new[]
new SpotInst.Oceancd.Inputs.VerificationTemplateMetricArgs
MetricsName = "test-metrics-names",
DryRun = false,
Interval = "10m",
InitialDelay = "1m",
Count = 10,
SuccessCondition = "result[0] <= 0.95",
FailureCondition = "result[0] >= 0.95",
FailureLimit = 2,
ConsecutiveErrorLimit = 1,
Providers = new[]
new SpotInst.Oceancd.Inputs.VerificationTemplateMetricProviderArgs
Prometheus = new SpotInst.Oceancd.Inputs.VerificationTemplateMetricProviderPrometheusArgs
PrometheusQuery = "http_requests_new",
Datadog = new SpotInst.Oceancd.Inputs.VerificationTemplateMetricProviderDatadogArgs
Duration = "1m",
DatadogQuery = "",
NewRelic = new SpotInst.Oceancd.Inputs.VerificationTemplateMetricProviderNewRelicArgs
Profile = "test",
NewRelicQuery = "FROM Metric SELECT count",
CloudWatch = new SpotInst.Oceancd.Inputs.VerificationTemplateMetricProviderCloudWatchArgs
Duration = "5m",
MetricDataQueries = new[]
new SpotInst.Oceancd.Inputs.VerificationTemplateMetricProviderCloudWatchMetricDataQueryArgs
Id = "utilization",
MetricStat = new SpotInst.Oceancd.Inputs.VerificationTemplateMetricProviderCloudWatchMetricDataQueryMetricStatArgs
Metric = new SpotInst.Oceancd.Inputs.VerificationTemplateMetricProviderCloudWatchMetricDataQueryMetricStatMetricArgs
MetricName = "Test",
Namespace = "AWS/EC2",
Dimensions = new[]
new SpotInst.Oceancd.Inputs.VerificationTemplateMetricProviderCloudWatchMetricDataQueryMetricStatMetricDimensionArgs
DimensionName = "instandId",
DimensionValue = "i-123044",
MetricPeriod = 400,
Stat = "average",
Unit = "None",
Expression = "SELECT AVG(CPUUtilization) FROM SCHEMA",
Label = "TestLabel",
ReturnData = false,
Period = 300,
Web = new SpotInst.Oceancd.Inputs.VerificationTemplateMetricProviderWebArgs
Method = "GET",
Url = " args.clusterId",
WebHeaders = new[]
new SpotInst.Oceancd.Inputs.VerificationTemplateMetricProviderWebWebHeaderArgs
WebHeaderKey = "Autorization",
WebHeaderValue = "Bearer=args.token",
Body = "{\"key\": \"test\"}",
TimeoutSeconds = 20,
JsonPath = "$.data",
Insecure = false,
Job = new SpotInst.Oceancd.Inputs.VerificationTemplateMetricProviderJobArgs
Specs = new[]
new SpotInst.Oceancd.Inputs.VerificationTemplateMetricProviderJobSpecArgs
BackoffLimit = 1,
JobTemplates = new[]
new SpotInst.Oceancd.Inputs.VerificationTemplateMetricProviderJobSpecJobTemplateArgs
TemplateSpecs = new[]
new SpotInst.Oceancd.Inputs.VerificationTemplateMetricProviderJobSpecJobTemplateTemplateSpecArgs
Containers = new[]
new SpotInst.Oceancd.Inputs.VerificationTemplateMetricProviderJobSpecJobTemplateTemplateSpecContainerArgs
ContainerName = "hello",
Commands = new[]
Image = "nginx.2.1",
RestartPolicy = "never",
Jenkins = new SpotInst.Oceancd.Inputs.VerificationTemplateMetricProviderJenkinsArgs
PipelineName = "testPipelineName",
TlsVerification = true,
Timeout = "2m",
JenkinsInterval = "5s",
JenkinsParameters = new SpotInst.Oceancd.Inputs.VerificationTemplateMetricProviderJenkinsJenkinsParametersArgs
ParameterKey = "app",
ParameterValue = "my-app",
Baseline = new SpotInst.Oceancd.Inputs.VerificationTemplateMetricBaselineArgs
BaselineProviders = new[]
new SpotInst.Oceancd.Inputs.VerificationTemplateMetricBaselineBaselineProviderArgs
Prometheus = new SpotInst.Oceancd.Inputs.VerificationTemplateMetricBaselineBaselineProviderPrometheusArgs
PrometheusQuery = "http_requests_total.status!",
Datadog = new SpotInst.Oceancd.Inputs.VerificationTemplateMetricBaselineBaselineProviderDatadogArgs
Duration = "2m",
DatadogQuery = "avg:kubernetes.cpu.user",
NewRelic = new SpotInst.Oceancd.Inputs.VerificationTemplateMetricBaselineBaselineProviderNewRelicArgs
Profile = "test",
NewRelicQuery = "FROM Metric SELECT count*",
MinRange = 40,
MaxRange = 50,
Threshold = "range",
package generated_program;
import com.pulumi.Context;
import com.pulumi.Pulumi;
import com.pulumi.core.Output;
import com.pulumi.spotinst.oceancd.VerificationTemplate;
import com.pulumi.spotinst.oceancd.VerificationTemplateArgs;
import com.pulumi.spotinst.oceancd.inputs.VerificationTemplateArgArgs;
import com.pulumi.spotinst.oceancd.inputs.VerificationTemplateArgValueFromArgs;
import com.pulumi.spotinst.oceancd.inputs.VerificationTemplateArgValueFromSecretKeyRefArgs;
import com.pulumi.spotinst.oceancd.inputs.VerificationTemplateMetricArgs;
import com.pulumi.spotinst.oceancd.inputs.VerificationTemplateMetricBaselineArgs;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Map;
import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.nio.file.Paths;
public class App {
public static void main(String[] args) {;
public static void stack(Context ctx) {
var test = new VerificationTemplate("test", VerificationTemplateArgs.builder()
.successCondition("result[0] <= 0.95")
.failureCondition("result[0] >= 0.95")
.newRelicQuery("FROM Metric SELECT count")
.expression("SELECT AVG(CPUUtilization) FROM SCHEMA")
.url(" args.clusterId")
.body("{\"key\": \"test\"}")
.newRelicQuery("FROM Metric SELECT count*")
type: spotinst:oceancd:VerificationTemplate
name: test-verification-template-tes
- argName: test-arg
value: test
name: test_key
key: key-value-test
- metricsName: test-metrics-names
dryRun: false
interval: 10m
initialDelay: 1m
count: '10'
successCondition: result[0] <= 0.95
failureCondition: result[0] >= 0.95
failureLimit: 2
consecutiveErrorLimit: 1
- prometheus:
prometheusQuery: http_requests_new
duration: 1m
profile: test
newRelicQuery: FROM Metric SELECT count
duration: 5m
- id: utilization
metricName: Test
namespace: AWS/EC2
- dimensionName: instandId
dimensionValue: i-123044
metricPeriod: 400
stat: average
unit: None
expression: SELECT AVG(CPUUtilization) FROM SCHEMA
label: TestLabel
returnData: false
period: 300
method: GET
url: args.clusterId
- webHeaderKey: Autorization
webHeaderValue: Bearer=args.token
body: '{"key": "test"}'
timeoutSeconds: 20
jsonPath: $.data
insecure: false
- backoffLimit: 1
- templateSpecs:
- containers:
- containerName: hello
- sh
- -c
image: nginx.2.1
restartPolicy: never
pipelineName: testPipelineName
tlsVerification: true
timeout: 2m
jenkinsInterval: 5s
parameterKey: app
parameterValue: my-app
- prometheus:
prometheusQuery: http_requests_total.status!
duration: 2m
datadogQuery: avg:kubernetes.cpu.user
profile: test
newRelicQuery: FROM Metric SELECT count*
minRange: 40
maxRange: 50
threshold: range
output "name" {
value =
Create VerificationTemplate Resource
Resources are created with functions called constructors. To learn more about declaring and configuring resources, see Resources.
Constructor syntax
new VerificationTemplate(name: string, args?: VerificationTemplateArgs, opts?: CustomResourceOptions);
def VerificationTemplate(resource_name: str,
args: Optional[VerificationTemplateArgs] = None,
opts: Optional[ResourceOptions] = None)
def VerificationTemplate(resource_name: str,
opts: Optional[ResourceOptions] = None,
args: Optional[Sequence[VerificationTemplateArgArgs]] = None,
metrics: Optional[Sequence[VerificationTemplateMetricArgs]] = None,
name: Optional[str] = None)
func NewVerificationTemplate(ctx *Context, name string, args *VerificationTemplateArgs, opts ...ResourceOption) (*VerificationTemplate, error)
public VerificationTemplate(string name, VerificationTemplateArgs? args = null, CustomResourceOptions? opts = null)
public VerificationTemplate(String name, VerificationTemplateArgs args)
public VerificationTemplate(String name, VerificationTemplateArgs args, CustomResourceOptions options)
type: spotinst:oceancd:VerificationTemplate
properties: # The arguments to resource properties.
options: # Bag of options to control resource's behavior.
- name string
- The unique name of the resource.
- args VerificationTemplateArgs
- The arguments to resource properties.
- opts CustomResourceOptions
- Bag of options to control resource's behavior.
- resource_name str
- The unique name of the resource.
- args VerificationTemplateArgs
- The arguments to resource properties.
- opts ResourceOptions
- Bag of options to control resource's behavior.
- ctx Context
- Context object for the current deployment.
- name string
- The unique name of the resource.
- args VerificationTemplateArgs
- The arguments to resource properties.
- opts ResourceOption
- Bag of options to control resource's behavior.
- name string
- The unique name of the resource.
- args VerificationTemplateArgs
- The arguments to resource properties.
- opts CustomResourceOptions
- Bag of options to control resource's behavior.
- name String
- The unique name of the resource.
- args VerificationTemplateArgs
- The arguments to resource properties.
- options CustomResourceOptions
- Bag of options to control resource's behavior.
Constructor example
The following reference example uses placeholder values for all input properties.
var verificationTemplateResource = new SpotInst.Oceancd.VerificationTemplate("verificationTemplateResource", new()
Args = new[]
new SpotInst.Oceancd.Inputs.VerificationTemplateArgArgs
ArgName = "string",
Value = "string",
ValueFrom = new SpotInst.Oceancd.Inputs.VerificationTemplateArgValueFromArgs
SecretKeyRef = new SpotInst.Oceancd.Inputs.VerificationTemplateArgValueFromSecretKeyRefArgs
Key = "string",
Name = "string",
Metrics = new[]
new SpotInst.Oceancd.Inputs.VerificationTemplateMetricArgs
MetricsName = "string",
Providers = new[]
new SpotInst.Oceancd.Inputs.VerificationTemplateMetricProviderArgs
CloudWatch = new SpotInst.Oceancd.Inputs.VerificationTemplateMetricProviderCloudWatchArgs
MetricDataQueries = new[]
new SpotInst.Oceancd.Inputs.VerificationTemplateMetricProviderCloudWatchMetricDataQueryArgs
Id = "string",
Expression = "string",
Label = "string",
MetricStat = new SpotInst.Oceancd.Inputs.VerificationTemplateMetricProviderCloudWatchMetricDataQueryMetricStatArgs
Metric = new SpotInst.Oceancd.Inputs.VerificationTemplateMetricProviderCloudWatchMetricDataQueryMetricStatMetricArgs
MetricName = "string",
Dimensions = new[]
new SpotInst.Oceancd.Inputs.VerificationTemplateMetricProviderCloudWatchMetricDataQueryMetricStatMetricDimensionArgs
DimensionName = "string",
DimensionValue = "string",
Namespace = "string",
MetricPeriod = 0,
Stat = "string",
Unit = "string",
Period = 0,
ReturnData = false,
Duration = "string",
Datadog = new SpotInst.Oceancd.Inputs.VerificationTemplateMetricProviderDatadogArgs
DatadogQuery = "string",
Duration = "string",
Jenkins = new SpotInst.Oceancd.Inputs.VerificationTemplateMetricProviderJenkinsArgs
JenkinsInterval = "string",
PipelineName = "string",
Timeout = "string",
JenkinsParameters = new SpotInst.Oceancd.Inputs.VerificationTemplateMetricProviderJenkinsJenkinsParametersArgs
ParameterKey = "string",
ParameterValue = "string",
TlsVerification = false,
Job = new SpotInst.Oceancd.Inputs.VerificationTemplateMetricProviderJobArgs
Specs = new[]
new SpotInst.Oceancd.Inputs.VerificationTemplateMetricProviderJobSpecArgs
JobTemplates = new[]
new SpotInst.Oceancd.Inputs.VerificationTemplateMetricProviderJobSpecJobTemplateArgs
TemplateSpecs = new[]
new SpotInst.Oceancd.Inputs.VerificationTemplateMetricProviderJobSpecJobTemplateTemplateSpecArgs
Containers = new[]
new SpotInst.Oceancd.Inputs.VerificationTemplateMetricProviderJobSpecJobTemplateTemplateSpecContainerArgs
Commands = new[]
ContainerName = "string",
Image = "string",
RestartPolicy = "string",
BackoffLimit = 0,
NewRelic = new SpotInst.Oceancd.Inputs.VerificationTemplateMetricProviderNewRelicArgs
NewRelicQuery = "string",
Profile = "string",
Prometheus = new SpotInst.Oceancd.Inputs.VerificationTemplateMetricProviderPrometheusArgs
PrometheusQuery = "string",
Web = new SpotInst.Oceancd.Inputs.VerificationTemplateMetricProviderWebArgs
Url = "string",
Body = "string",
Insecure = false,
JsonPath = "string",
Method = "string",
TimeoutSeconds = 0,
WebHeaders = new[]
new SpotInst.Oceancd.Inputs.VerificationTemplateMetricProviderWebWebHeaderArgs
WebHeaderKey = "string",
WebHeaderValue = "string",
Baseline = new SpotInst.Oceancd.Inputs.VerificationTemplateMetricBaselineArgs
BaselineProviders = new[]
new SpotInst.Oceancd.Inputs.VerificationTemplateMetricBaselineBaselineProviderArgs
Datadog = new SpotInst.Oceancd.Inputs.VerificationTemplateMetricBaselineBaselineProviderDatadogArgs
DatadogQuery = "string",
Duration = "string",
NewRelic = new SpotInst.Oceancd.Inputs.VerificationTemplateMetricBaselineBaselineProviderNewRelicArgs
NewRelicQuery = "string",
Profile = "string",
Prometheus = new SpotInst.Oceancd.Inputs.VerificationTemplateMetricBaselineBaselineProviderPrometheusArgs
PrometheusQuery = "string",
Threshold = "string",
MaxRange = 0,
MinRange = 0,
ConsecutiveErrorLimit = 0,
Count = 0,
DryRun = false,
FailureCondition = "string",
FailureLimit = 0,
InitialDelay = "string",
Interval = "string",
SuccessCondition = "string",
Name = "string",
example, err := oceancd.NewVerificationTemplate(ctx, "verificationTemplateResource", &oceancd.VerificationTemplateArgs{
Args: oceancd.VerificationTemplateArgArray{
ArgName: pulumi.String("string"),
Value: pulumi.String("string"),
ValueFrom: &oceancd.VerificationTemplateArgValueFromArgs{
SecretKeyRef: &oceancd.VerificationTemplateArgValueFromSecretKeyRefArgs{
Key: pulumi.String("string"),
Name: pulumi.String("string"),
Metrics: oceancd.VerificationTemplateMetricArray{
MetricsName: pulumi.String("string"),
Providers: oceancd.VerificationTemplateMetricProviderArray{
CloudWatch: &oceancd.VerificationTemplateMetricProviderCloudWatchArgs{
MetricDataQueries: oceancd.VerificationTemplateMetricProviderCloudWatchMetricDataQueryArray{
Id: pulumi.String("string"),
Expression: pulumi.String("string"),
Label: pulumi.String("string"),
MetricStat: &oceancd.VerificationTemplateMetricProviderCloudWatchMetricDataQueryMetricStatArgs{
Metric: &oceancd.VerificationTemplateMetricProviderCloudWatchMetricDataQueryMetricStatMetricArgs{
MetricName: pulumi.String("string"),
Dimensions: oceancd.VerificationTemplateMetricProviderCloudWatchMetricDataQueryMetricStatMetricDimensionArray{
DimensionName: pulumi.String("string"),
DimensionValue: pulumi.String("string"),
Namespace: pulumi.String("string"),
MetricPeriod: pulumi.Int(0),
Stat: pulumi.String("string"),
Unit: pulumi.String("string"),
Period: pulumi.Int(0),
ReturnData: pulumi.Bool(false),
Duration: pulumi.String("string"),
Datadog: &oceancd.VerificationTemplateMetricProviderDatadogArgs{
DatadogQuery: pulumi.String("string"),
Duration: pulumi.String("string"),
Jenkins: &oceancd.VerificationTemplateMetricProviderJenkinsArgs{
JenkinsInterval: pulumi.String("string"),
PipelineName: pulumi.String("string"),
Timeout: pulumi.String("string"),
JenkinsParameters: &oceancd.VerificationTemplateMetricProviderJenkinsJenkinsParametersArgs{
ParameterKey: pulumi.String("string"),
ParameterValue: pulumi.String("string"),
TlsVerification: pulumi.Bool(false),
Job: &oceancd.VerificationTemplateMetricProviderJobArgs{
Specs: oceancd.VerificationTemplateMetricProviderJobSpecArray{
JobTemplates: oceancd.VerificationTemplateMetricProviderJobSpecJobTemplateArray{
TemplateSpecs: oceancd.VerificationTemplateMetricProviderJobSpecJobTemplateTemplateSpecArray{
Containers: oceancd.VerificationTemplateMetricProviderJobSpecJobTemplateTemplateSpecContainerArray{
Commands: pulumi.StringArray{
ContainerName: pulumi.String("string"),
Image: pulumi.String("string"),
RestartPolicy: pulumi.String("string"),
BackoffLimit: pulumi.Int(0),
NewRelic: &oceancd.VerificationTemplateMetricProviderNewRelicArgs{
NewRelicQuery: pulumi.String("string"),
Profile: pulumi.String("string"),
Prometheus: &oceancd.VerificationTemplateMetricProviderPrometheusArgs{
PrometheusQuery: pulumi.String("string"),
Web: &oceancd.VerificationTemplateMetricProviderWebArgs{
Url: pulumi.String("string"),
Body: pulumi.String("string"),
Insecure: pulumi.Bool(false),
JsonPath: pulumi.String("string"),
Method: pulumi.String("string"),
TimeoutSeconds: pulumi.Int(0),
WebHeaders: oceancd.VerificationTemplateMetricProviderWebWebHeaderArray{
WebHeaderKey: pulumi.String("string"),
WebHeaderValue: pulumi.String("string"),
Baseline: &oceancd.VerificationTemplateMetricBaselineArgs{
BaselineProviders: oceancd.VerificationTemplateMetricBaselineBaselineProviderArray{
Datadog: &oceancd.VerificationTemplateMetricBaselineBaselineProviderDatadogArgs{
DatadogQuery: pulumi.String("string"),
Duration: pulumi.String("string"),
NewRelic: &oceancd.VerificationTemplateMetricBaselineBaselineProviderNewRelicArgs{
NewRelicQuery: pulumi.String("string"),
Profile: pulumi.String("string"),
Prometheus: &oceancd.VerificationTemplateMetricBaselineBaselineProviderPrometheusArgs{
PrometheusQuery: pulumi.String("string"),
Threshold: pulumi.String("string"),
MaxRange: pulumi.Int(0),
MinRange: pulumi.Int(0),
ConsecutiveErrorLimit: pulumi.Int(0),
Count: pulumi.Int(0),
DryRun: pulumi.Bool(false),
FailureCondition: pulumi.String("string"),
FailureLimit: pulumi.Int(0),
InitialDelay: pulumi.String("string"),
Interval: pulumi.String("string"),
SuccessCondition: pulumi.String("string"),
Name: pulumi.String("string"),
var verificationTemplateResource = new VerificationTemplate("verificationTemplateResource", VerificationTemplateArgs.builder()
verification_template_resource = spotinst.oceancd.VerificationTemplate("verificationTemplateResource",
"arg_name": "string",
"value": "string",
"value_from": {
"secret_key_ref": {
"key": "string",
"name": "string",
"metrics_name": "string",
"providers": [{
"cloud_watch": {
"metric_data_queries": [{
"id": "string",
"expression": "string",
"label": "string",
"metric_stat": {
"metric": {
"metric_name": "string",
"dimensions": [{
"dimension_name": "string",
"dimension_value": "string",
"namespace": "string",
"metric_period": 0,
"stat": "string",
"unit": "string",
"period": 0,
"return_data": False,
"duration": "string",
"datadog": {
"datadog_query": "string",
"duration": "string",
"jenkins": {
"jenkins_interval": "string",
"pipeline_name": "string",
"timeout": "string",
"jenkins_parameters": {
"parameter_key": "string",
"parameter_value": "string",
"tls_verification": False,
"job": {
"specs": [{
"job_templates": [{
"template_specs": [{
"containers": [{
"commands": ["string"],
"container_name": "string",
"image": "string",
"restart_policy": "string",
"backoff_limit": 0,
"new_relic": {
"new_relic_query": "string",
"profile": "string",
"prometheus": {
"prometheus_query": "string",
"web": {
"url": "string",
"body": "string",
"insecure": False,
"json_path": "string",
"method": "string",
"timeout_seconds": 0,
"web_headers": [{
"web_header_key": "string",
"web_header_value": "string",
"baseline": {
"baseline_providers": [{
"datadog": {
"datadog_query": "string",
"duration": "string",
"new_relic": {
"new_relic_query": "string",
"profile": "string",
"prometheus": {
"prometheus_query": "string",
"threshold": "string",
"max_range": 0,
"min_range": 0,
"consecutive_error_limit": 0,
"count": 0,
"dry_run": False,
"failure_condition": "string",
"failure_limit": 0,
"initial_delay": "string",
"interval": "string",
"success_condition": "string",
const verificationTemplateResource = new spotinst.oceancd.VerificationTemplate("verificationTemplateResource", {
args: [{
argName: "string",
value: "string",
valueFrom: {
secretKeyRef: {
key: "string",
name: "string",
metrics: [{
metricsName: "string",
providers: [{
cloudWatch: {
metricDataQueries: [{
id: "string",
expression: "string",
label: "string",
metricStat: {
metric: {
metricName: "string",
dimensions: [{
dimensionName: "string",
dimensionValue: "string",
namespace: "string",
metricPeriod: 0,
stat: "string",
unit: "string",
period: 0,
returnData: false,
duration: "string",
datadog: {
datadogQuery: "string",
duration: "string",
jenkins: {
jenkinsInterval: "string",
pipelineName: "string",
timeout: "string",
jenkinsParameters: {
parameterKey: "string",
parameterValue: "string",
tlsVerification: false,
job: {
specs: [{
jobTemplates: [{
templateSpecs: [{
containers: [{
commands: ["string"],
containerName: "string",
image: "string",
restartPolicy: "string",
backoffLimit: 0,
newRelic: {
newRelicQuery: "string",
profile: "string",
prometheus: {
prometheusQuery: "string",
web: {
url: "string",
body: "string",
insecure: false,
jsonPath: "string",
method: "string",
timeoutSeconds: 0,
webHeaders: [{
webHeaderKey: "string",
webHeaderValue: "string",
baseline: {
baselineProviders: [{
datadog: {
datadogQuery: "string",
duration: "string",
newRelic: {
newRelicQuery: "string",
profile: "string",
prometheus: {
prometheusQuery: "string",
threshold: "string",
maxRange: 0,
minRange: 0,
consecutiveErrorLimit: 0,
count: 0,
dryRun: false,
failureCondition: "string",
failureLimit: 0,
initialDelay: "string",
interval: "string",
successCondition: "string",
name: "string",
type: spotinst:oceancd:VerificationTemplate
- argName: string
value: string
key: string
name: string
- baseline:
- datadog:
datadogQuery: string
duration: string
newRelicQuery: string
profile: string
prometheusQuery: string
maxRange: 0
minRange: 0
threshold: string
consecutiveErrorLimit: 0
count: 0
dryRun: false
failureCondition: string
failureLimit: 0
initialDelay: string
interval: string
metricsName: string
- cloudWatch:
duration: string
- expression: string
id: string
label: string
- dimensionName: string
dimensionValue: string
metricName: string
namespace: string
metricPeriod: 0
stat: string
unit: string
period: 0
returnData: false
datadogQuery: string
duration: string
jenkinsInterval: string
parameterKey: string
parameterValue: string
pipelineName: string
timeout: string
tlsVerification: false
- backoffLimit: 0
- templateSpecs:
- containers:
- commands:
- string
containerName: string
image: string
restartPolicy: string
newRelicQuery: string
profile: string
prometheusQuery: string
body: string
insecure: false
jsonPath: string
method: string
timeoutSeconds: 0
url: string
- webHeaderKey: string
webHeaderValue: string
successCondition: string
name: string
VerificationTemplate Resource Properties
To learn more about resource properties and how to use them, see Inputs and Outputs in the Architecture and Concepts docs.
In Python, inputs that are objects can be passed either as argument classes or as dictionary literals.
The VerificationTemplate resource accepts the following input properties:
- Args
Spot Inst. Oceancd. Inputs. Verification Template Arg> - List of verification arguments. You may specify either
but not both.In caseargs
is already defined in the RolloutSpec entity, there is no need to also specify it in the VerificationTemplate entity. - Metrics
Spot Inst. Oceancd. Inputs. Verification Template Metric> - List of verification metrics.
- Name string
- Identifier name for Ocean CD Verification Template. Must be unique.
- Args
Template Arg Args - List of verification arguments. You may specify either
but not both.In caseargs
is already defined in the RolloutSpec entity, there is no need to also specify it in the VerificationTemplate entity. - Metrics
Template Metric Args - List of verification metrics.
- Name string
- Identifier name for Ocean CD Verification Template. Must be unique.
- args
Template Arg> - List of verification arguments. You may specify either
but not both.In caseargs
is already defined in the RolloutSpec entity, there is no need to also specify it in the VerificationTemplate entity. - metrics
Template Metric> - List of verification metrics.
- name String
- Identifier name for Ocean CD Verification Template. Must be unique.
- args
Template Arg[] - List of verification arguments. You may specify either
but not both.In caseargs
is already defined in the RolloutSpec entity, there is no need to also specify it in the VerificationTemplate entity. - metrics
Template Metric[] - List of verification metrics.
- name string
- Identifier name for Ocean CD Verification Template. Must be unique.
- args
Template Arg Args] - List of verification arguments. You may specify either
but not both.In caseargs
is already defined in the RolloutSpec entity, there is no need to also specify it in the VerificationTemplate entity. - metrics
Template Metric Args] - List of verification metrics.
- name str
- Identifier name for Ocean CD Verification Template. Must be unique.
- args List<Property Map>
- List of verification arguments. You may specify either
but not both.In caseargs
is already defined in the RolloutSpec entity, there is no need to also specify it in the VerificationTemplate entity. - metrics List<Property Map>
- List of verification metrics.
- name String
- Identifier name for Ocean CD Verification Template. Must be unique.
All input properties are implicitly available as output properties. Additionally, the VerificationTemplate resource produces the following output properties:
- Id string
- The provider-assigned unique ID for this managed resource.
- Id string
- The provider-assigned unique ID for this managed resource.
- id String
- The provider-assigned unique ID for this managed resource.
- id string
- The provider-assigned unique ID for this managed resource.
- id str
- The provider-assigned unique ID for this managed resource.
- id String
- The provider-assigned unique ID for this managed resource.
Look up Existing VerificationTemplate Resource
Get an existing VerificationTemplate resource’s state with the given name, ID, and optional extra properties used to qualify the lookup.
public static get(name: string, id: Input<ID>, state?: VerificationTemplateState, opts?: CustomResourceOptions): VerificationTemplate
def get(resource_name: str,
id: str,
opts: Optional[ResourceOptions] = None,
args: Optional[Sequence[VerificationTemplateArgArgs]] = None,
metrics: Optional[Sequence[VerificationTemplateMetricArgs]] = None,
name: Optional[str] = None) -> VerificationTemplate
func GetVerificationTemplate(ctx *Context, name string, id IDInput, state *VerificationTemplateState, opts ...ResourceOption) (*VerificationTemplate, error)
public static VerificationTemplate Get(string name, Input<string> id, VerificationTemplateState? state, CustomResourceOptions? opts = null)
public static VerificationTemplate get(String name, Output<String> id, VerificationTemplateState state, CustomResourceOptions options)
Resource lookup is not supported in YAML
- name
- The unique name of the resulting resource.
- id
- The unique provider ID of the resource to lookup.
- state
- Any extra arguments used during the lookup.
- opts
- A bag of options that control this resource's behavior.
- resource_name
- The unique name of the resulting resource.
- id
- The unique provider ID of the resource to lookup.
- name
- The unique name of the resulting resource.
- id
- The unique provider ID of the resource to lookup.
- state
- Any extra arguments used during the lookup.
- opts
- A bag of options that control this resource's behavior.
- name
- The unique name of the resulting resource.
- id
- The unique provider ID of the resource to lookup.
- state
- Any extra arguments used during the lookup.
- opts
- A bag of options that control this resource's behavior.
- name
- The unique name of the resulting resource.
- id
- The unique provider ID of the resource to lookup.
- state
- Any extra arguments used during the lookup.
- opts
- A bag of options that control this resource's behavior.
- Args
Spot Inst. Oceancd. Inputs. Verification Template Arg> - List of verification arguments. You may specify either
but not both.In caseargs
is already defined in the RolloutSpec entity, there is no need to also specify it in the VerificationTemplate entity. - Metrics
Spot Inst. Oceancd. Inputs. Verification Template Metric> - List of verification metrics.
- Name string
- Identifier name for Ocean CD Verification Template. Must be unique.
- Args
Template Arg Args - List of verification arguments. You may specify either
but not both.In caseargs
is already defined in the RolloutSpec entity, there is no need to also specify it in the VerificationTemplate entity. - Metrics
Template Metric Args - List of verification metrics.
- Name string
- Identifier name for Ocean CD Verification Template. Must be unique.
- args
Template Arg> - List of verification arguments. You may specify either
but not both.In caseargs
is already defined in the RolloutSpec entity, there is no need to also specify it in the VerificationTemplate entity. - metrics
Template Metric> - List of verification metrics.
- name String
- Identifier name for Ocean CD Verification Template. Must be unique.
- args
Template Arg[] - List of verification arguments. You may specify either
but not both.In caseargs
is already defined in the RolloutSpec entity, there is no need to also specify it in the VerificationTemplate entity. - metrics
Template Metric[] - List of verification metrics.
- name string
- Identifier name for Ocean CD Verification Template. Must be unique.
- args
Template Arg Args] - List of verification arguments. You may specify either
but not both.In caseargs
is already defined in the RolloutSpec entity, there is no need to also specify it in the VerificationTemplate entity. - metrics
Template Metric Args] - List of verification metrics.
- name str
- Identifier name for Ocean CD Verification Template. Must be unique.
- args List<Property Map>
- List of verification arguments. You may specify either
but not both.In caseargs
is already defined in the RolloutSpec entity, there is no need to also specify it in the VerificationTemplate entity. - metrics List<Property Map>
- List of verification metrics.
- name String
- Identifier name for Ocean CD Verification Template. Must be unique.
Supporting Types
VerificationTemplateArg, VerificationTemplateArgArgs
- Arg
Name string - Name of an argument.
- Value string
- String representation of data.
- Value
From Pulumi.Spot Inst. Oceancd. Inputs. Verification Template Arg Value From - ValueFrom object.
- Arg
Name string - Name of an argument.
- Value string
- String representation of data.
- Value
From VerificationTemplate Arg Value From - ValueFrom object.
- arg
Name String - Name of an argument.
- value String
- String representation of data.
- value
From VerificationTemplate Arg Value From - ValueFrom object.
- arg
Name string - Name of an argument.
- value string
- String representation of data.
- value
From VerificationTemplate Arg Value From - ValueFrom object.
- arg_
name str - Name of an argument.
- value str
- String representation of data.
- value_
from VerificationTemplate Arg Value From - ValueFrom object.
- arg
Name String - Name of an argument.
- value String
- String representation of data.
- value
From Property Map - ValueFrom object.
VerificationTemplateArgValueFrom, VerificationTemplateArgValueFromArgs
- Secret
Key VerificationRef Template Arg Value From Secret Key Ref - Secret key to use.
- secret
Key VerificationRef Template Arg Value From Secret Key Ref - Secret key to use.
- secret
Key VerificationRef Template Arg Value From Secret Key Ref - Secret key to use.
- secret_
key_ Verificationref Template Arg Value From Secret Key Ref - Secret key to use.
- secret
Key Property MapRef - Secret key to use.
VerificationTemplateArgValueFromSecretKeyRef, VerificationTemplateArgValueFromSecretKeyRefArgs
VerificationTemplateMetric, VerificationTemplateMetricArgs
- Metrics
Name string - The name of the verification metric.
- Providers
Spot Inst. Oceancd. Inputs. Verification Template Metric Provider> - The name of the monitoring tool chosen for the metric.
- Baseline
Spot Inst. Oceancd. Inputs. Verification Template Metric Baseline - Baseline Object.
- Consecutive
Error intLimit - The maximum number of times the measurement is allowed to error in succession, before the metric is considered error.Default is 4.When choosing
as the provider, there is no need to send this variable. - Count int
- The number of times to run the measurement. If both interval and count are omitted, the effective count is 1. If only interval is specified, metric runs indefinitely. If count > 1, interval must be specified. When choosing
as the provider, there is no need to send this variable. - Dry
Run bool - Defines whether the metric should have an impact on the result of the rollout.
- Failure
Condition string - An expression which determines if a measurement is considered failed.If failureCondition is set, then successCondition is not allowed. When choosing Jenkins as the provider, there is no need to send this variable.
- Failure
Limit int - The maximum number of times the measurement is allowed to fail, before the entire metric is considered failed.Default is 0. When choosing
as the provider, there is no need to send this variable. - Initial
Delay string - How long to wait before starting this metric measurements. When choosing Jenkins as the provider, there is no need to send this variable.
- Interval string
- Defines an interval string (30s, 5m, 1h) between each verification measurements. If omitted, will perform a single measurement.When choosing Jenkins as the provider, there is no need to send this variable.
- Success
Condition string - An expression which determines if a measurement is considered successful. The keyword
is a variable reference to the value of measurement. Results can be both structured data or primitive. If successCondition is set, then failureCondition is not allowed. When choosingJenkins
as the provider, there is no need to send this variable.
- Metrics
Name string - The name of the verification metric.
- Providers
Template Metric Provider - The name of the monitoring tool chosen for the metric.
- Baseline
Template Metric Baseline - Baseline Object.
- Consecutive
Error intLimit - The maximum number of times the measurement is allowed to error in succession, before the metric is considered error.Default is 4.When choosing
as the provider, there is no need to send this variable. - Count int
- The number of times to run the measurement. If both interval and count are omitted, the effective count is 1. If only interval is specified, metric runs indefinitely. If count > 1, interval must be specified. When choosing
as the provider, there is no need to send this variable. - Dry
Run bool - Defines whether the metric should have an impact on the result of the rollout.
- Failure
Condition string - An expression which determines if a measurement is considered failed.If failureCondition is set, then successCondition is not allowed. When choosing Jenkins as the provider, there is no need to send this variable.
- Failure
Limit int - The maximum number of times the measurement is allowed to fail, before the entire metric is considered failed.Default is 0. When choosing
as the provider, there is no need to send this variable. - Initial
Delay string - How long to wait before starting this metric measurements. When choosing Jenkins as the provider, there is no need to send this variable.
- Interval string
- Defines an interval string (30s, 5m, 1h) between each verification measurements. If omitted, will perform a single measurement.When choosing Jenkins as the provider, there is no need to send this variable.
- Success
Condition string - An expression which determines if a measurement is considered successful. The keyword
is a variable reference to the value of measurement. Results can be both structured data or primitive. If successCondition is set, then failureCondition is not allowed. When choosingJenkins
as the provider, there is no need to send this variable.
- metrics
Name String - The name of the verification metric.
- providers
Template Metric Provider> - The name of the monitoring tool chosen for the metric.
- baseline
Template Metric Baseline - Baseline Object.
- consecutive
Error IntegerLimit - The maximum number of times the measurement is allowed to error in succession, before the metric is considered error.Default is 4.When choosing
as the provider, there is no need to send this variable. - count Integer
- The number of times to run the measurement. If both interval and count are omitted, the effective count is 1. If only interval is specified, metric runs indefinitely. If count > 1, interval must be specified. When choosing
as the provider, there is no need to send this variable. - dry
Run Boolean - Defines whether the metric should have an impact on the result of the rollout.
- failure
Condition String - An expression which determines if a measurement is considered failed.If failureCondition is set, then successCondition is not allowed. When choosing Jenkins as the provider, there is no need to send this variable.
- failure
Limit Integer - The maximum number of times the measurement is allowed to fail, before the entire metric is considered failed.Default is 0. When choosing
as the provider, there is no need to send this variable. - initial
Delay String - How long to wait before starting this metric measurements. When choosing Jenkins as the provider, there is no need to send this variable.
- interval String
- Defines an interval string (30s, 5m, 1h) between each verification measurements. If omitted, will perform a single measurement.When choosing Jenkins as the provider, there is no need to send this variable.
- success
Condition String - An expression which determines if a measurement is considered successful. The keyword
is a variable reference to the value of measurement. Results can be both structured data or primitive. If successCondition is set, then failureCondition is not allowed. When choosingJenkins
as the provider, there is no need to send this variable.
- metrics
Name string - The name of the verification metric.
- providers
Template Metric Provider[] - The name of the monitoring tool chosen for the metric.
- baseline
Template Metric Baseline - Baseline Object.
- consecutive
Error numberLimit - The maximum number of times the measurement is allowed to error in succession, before the metric is considered error.Default is 4.When choosing
as the provider, there is no need to send this variable. - count number
- The number of times to run the measurement. If both interval and count are omitted, the effective count is 1. If only interval is specified, metric runs indefinitely. If count > 1, interval must be specified. When choosing
as the provider, there is no need to send this variable. - dry
Run boolean - Defines whether the metric should have an impact on the result of the rollout.
- failure
Condition string - An expression which determines if a measurement is considered failed.If failureCondition is set, then successCondition is not allowed. When choosing Jenkins as the provider, there is no need to send this variable.
- failure
Limit number - The maximum number of times the measurement is allowed to fail, before the entire metric is considered failed.Default is 0. When choosing
as the provider, there is no need to send this variable. - initial
Delay string - How long to wait before starting this metric measurements. When choosing Jenkins as the provider, there is no need to send this variable.
- interval string
- Defines an interval string (30s, 5m, 1h) between each verification measurements. If omitted, will perform a single measurement.When choosing Jenkins as the provider, there is no need to send this variable.
- success
Condition string - An expression which determines if a measurement is considered successful. The keyword
is a variable reference to the value of measurement. Results can be both structured data or primitive. If successCondition is set, then failureCondition is not allowed. When choosingJenkins
as the provider, there is no need to send this variable.
- metrics_
name str - The name of the verification metric.
- providers
Template Metric Provider] - The name of the monitoring tool chosen for the metric.
- baseline
Template Metric Baseline - Baseline Object.
- consecutive_
error_ intlimit - The maximum number of times the measurement is allowed to error in succession, before the metric is considered error.Default is 4.When choosing
as the provider, there is no need to send this variable. - count int
- The number of times to run the measurement. If both interval and count are omitted, the effective count is 1. If only interval is specified, metric runs indefinitely. If count > 1, interval must be specified. When choosing
as the provider, there is no need to send this variable. - dry_
run bool - Defines whether the metric should have an impact on the result of the rollout.
- failure_
condition str - An expression which determines if a measurement is considered failed.If failureCondition is set, then successCondition is not allowed. When choosing Jenkins as the provider, there is no need to send this variable.
- failure_
limit int - The maximum number of times the measurement is allowed to fail, before the entire metric is considered failed.Default is 0. When choosing
as the provider, there is no need to send this variable. - initial_
delay str - How long to wait before starting this metric measurements. When choosing Jenkins as the provider, there is no need to send this variable.
- interval str
- Defines an interval string (30s, 5m, 1h) between each verification measurements. If omitted, will perform a single measurement.When choosing Jenkins as the provider, there is no need to send this variable.
- success_
condition str - An expression which determines if a measurement is considered successful. The keyword
is a variable reference to the value of measurement. Results can be both structured data or primitive. If successCondition is set, then failureCondition is not allowed. When choosingJenkins
as the provider, there is no need to send this variable.
- metrics
Name String - The name of the verification metric.
- providers List<Property Map>
- The name of the monitoring tool chosen for the metric.
- baseline Property Map
- Baseline Object.
- consecutive
Error NumberLimit - The maximum number of times the measurement is allowed to error in succession, before the metric is considered error.Default is 4.When choosing
as the provider, there is no need to send this variable. - count Number
- The number of times to run the measurement. If both interval and count are omitted, the effective count is 1. If only interval is specified, metric runs indefinitely. If count > 1, interval must be specified. When choosing
as the provider, there is no need to send this variable. - dry
Run Boolean - Defines whether the metric should have an impact on the result of the rollout.
- failure
Condition String - An expression which determines if a measurement is considered failed.If failureCondition is set, then successCondition is not allowed. When choosing Jenkins as the provider, there is no need to send this variable.
- failure
Limit Number - The maximum number of times the measurement is allowed to fail, before the entire metric is considered failed.Default is 0. When choosing
as the provider, there is no need to send this variable. - initial
Delay String - How long to wait before starting this metric measurements. When choosing Jenkins as the provider, there is no need to send this variable.
- interval String
- Defines an interval string (30s, 5m, 1h) between each verification measurements. If omitted, will perform a single measurement.When choosing Jenkins as the provider, there is no need to send this variable.
- success
Condition String - An expression which determines if a measurement is considered successful. The keyword
is a variable reference to the value of measurement. Results can be both structured data or primitive. If successCondition is set, then failureCondition is not allowed. When choosingJenkins
as the provider, there is no need to send this variable.
VerificationTemplateMetricBaseline, VerificationTemplateMetricBaselineArgs
- Baseline
Providers List<Pulumi.Spot Inst. Oceancd. Inputs. Verification Template Metric Baseline Baseline Provider> - The name of the monitoring tool chosen for the metric.
- Threshold string
- A mathematical expression needed for the comparison. Enum: "<" ">" "<=" ">=" "=" "range"
- Max
Range int - Number in percent we allow the new version’s data result to be under baseline data result.
- Min
Range int - Number in percent we allow the new version’s data result to be under baseline data result.*
- Baseline
Providers []VerificationTemplate Metric Baseline Baseline Provider - The name of the monitoring tool chosen for the metric.
- Threshold string
- A mathematical expression needed for the comparison. Enum: "<" ">" "<=" ">=" "=" "range"
- Max
Range int - Number in percent we allow the new version’s data result to be under baseline data result.
- Min
Range int - Number in percent we allow the new version’s data result to be under baseline data result.*
- baseline
Providers List<VerificationTemplate Metric Baseline Baseline Provider> - The name of the monitoring tool chosen for the metric.
- threshold String
- A mathematical expression needed for the comparison. Enum: "<" ">" "<=" ">=" "=" "range"
- max
Range Integer - Number in percent we allow the new version’s data result to be under baseline data result.
- min
Range Integer - Number in percent we allow the new version’s data result to be under baseline data result.*
- baseline
Providers VerificationTemplate Metric Baseline Baseline Provider[] - The name of the monitoring tool chosen for the metric.
- threshold string
- A mathematical expression needed for the comparison. Enum: "<" ">" "<=" ">=" "=" "range"
- max
Range number - Number in percent we allow the new version’s data result to be under baseline data result.
- min
Range number - Number in percent we allow the new version’s data result to be under baseline data result.*
- baseline_
providers Sequence[VerificationTemplate Metric Baseline Baseline Provider] - The name of the monitoring tool chosen for the metric.
- threshold str
- A mathematical expression needed for the comparison. Enum: "<" ">" "<=" ">=" "=" "range"
- max_
range int - Number in percent we allow the new version’s data result to be under baseline data result.
- min_
range int - Number in percent we allow the new version’s data result to be under baseline data result.*
- baseline
Providers List<Property Map> - The name of the monitoring tool chosen for the metric.
- threshold String
- A mathematical expression needed for the comparison. Enum: "<" ">" "<=" ">=" "=" "range"
- max
Range Number - Number in percent we allow the new version’s data result to be under baseline data result.
- min
Range Number - Number in percent we allow the new version’s data result to be under baseline data result.*
VerificationTemplateMetricBaselineBaselineProvider, VerificationTemplateMetricBaselineBaselineProviderArgs
- Datadog
Spot Inst. Oceancd. Inputs. Verification Template Metric Baseline Baseline Provider Datadog - The datadog provider.
- New
Relic Pulumi.Spot Inst. Oceancd. Inputs. Verification Template Metric Baseline Baseline Provider New Relic - The New Relic provider.
- Prometheus
Spot Inst. Oceancd. Inputs. Verification Template Metric Baseline Baseline Provider Prometheus - The Prometheus provider.
- Datadog
Template Metric Baseline Baseline Provider Datadog - The datadog provider.
- New
Relic VerificationTemplate Metric Baseline Baseline Provider New Relic - The New Relic provider.
- Prometheus
Template Metric Baseline Baseline Provider Prometheus - The Prometheus provider.
- datadog
Template Metric Baseline Baseline Provider Datadog - The datadog provider.
- new
Relic VerificationTemplate Metric Baseline Baseline Provider New Relic - The New Relic provider.
- prometheus
Template Metric Baseline Baseline Provider Prometheus - The Prometheus provider.
- datadog
Template Metric Baseline Baseline Provider Datadog - The datadog provider.
- new
Relic VerificationTemplate Metric Baseline Baseline Provider New Relic - The New Relic provider.
- prometheus
Template Metric Baseline Baseline Provider Prometheus - The Prometheus provider.
- datadog
Template Metric Baseline Baseline Provider Datadog - The datadog provider.
- new_
relic VerificationTemplate Metric Baseline Baseline Provider New Relic - The New Relic provider.
- prometheus
Template Metric Baseline Baseline Provider Prometheus - The Prometheus provider.
- datadog Property Map
- The datadog provider.
- new
Relic Property Map - The New Relic provider.
- prometheus Property Map
- The Prometheus provider.
VerificationTemplateMetricBaselineBaselineProviderDatadog, VerificationTemplateMetricBaselineBaselineProviderDatadogArgs
- Datadog
Query string - A request for information retrieved from Datadog.
- Duration string
- The window of time we are looking at in DataDog.
- Datadog
Query string - A request for information retrieved from Datadog.
- Duration string
- The window of time we are looking at in DataDog.
- datadog
Query String - A request for information retrieved from Datadog.
- duration String
- The window of time we are looking at in DataDog.
- datadog
Query string - A request for information retrieved from Datadog.
- duration string
- The window of time we are looking at in DataDog.
- datadog_
query str - A request for information retrieved from Datadog.
- duration str
- The window of time we are looking at in DataDog.
- datadog
Query String - A request for information retrieved from Datadog.
- duration String
- The window of time we are looking at in DataDog.
VerificationTemplateMetricBaselineBaselineProviderNewRelic, VerificationTemplateMetricBaselineBaselineProviderNewRelicArgs
- New
Relic stringQuery - A raw newrelic NRQL query to perform.
- Profile string
- The name of the secret holding NR account configuration.
- New
Relic stringQuery - A raw newrelic NRQL query to perform.
- Profile string
- The name of the secret holding NR account configuration.
- new
Relic StringQuery - A raw newrelic NRQL query to perform.
- profile String
- The name of the secret holding NR account configuration.
- new
Relic stringQuery - A raw newrelic NRQL query to perform.
- profile string
- The name of the secret holding NR account configuration.
- new_
relic_ strquery - A raw newrelic NRQL query to perform.
- profile str
- The name of the secret holding NR account configuration.
- new
Relic StringQuery - A raw newrelic NRQL query to perform.
- profile String
- The name of the secret holding NR account configuration.
VerificationTemplateMetricBaselineBaselineProviderPrometheus, VerificationTemplateMetricBaselineBaselineProviderPrometheusArgs
- Prometheus
Query string - A request for information retrieved from Prometheus.
- Prometheus
Query string - A request for information retrieved from Prometheus.
- prometheus
Query String - A request for information retrieved from Prometheus.
- prometheus
Query string - A request for information retrieved from Prometheus.
- prometheus_
query str - A request for information retrieved from Prometheus.
- prometheus
Query String - A request for information retrieved from Prometheus.
VerificationTemplateMetricProvider, VerificationTemplateMetricProviderArgs
- Cloud
Watch Pulumi.Spot Inst. Oceancd. Inputs. Verification Template Metric Provider Cloud Watch - The CloudWatch provider.
- Datadog
Spot Inst. Oceancd. Inputs. Verification Template Metric Provider Datadog - The datadog provider.
- Jenkins
Spot Inst. Oceancd. Inputs. Verification Template Metric Provider Jenkins - The Jenkins provider. Default is "{$}"
- Job
Spot Inst. Oceancd. Inputs. Verification Template Metric Provider Job - The Job provider.
- New
Relic Pulumi.Spot Inst. Oceancd. Inputs. Verification Template Metric Provider New Relic - The New Relic provider.
- Prometheus
Spot Inst. Oceancd. Inputs. Verification Template Metric Provider Prometheus - The Prometheus provider.
- Web
Spot Inst. Oceancd. Inputs. Verification Template Metric Provider Web - The Web provider.
- Cloud
Watch VerificationTemplate Metric Provider Cloud Watch - The CloudWatch provider.
- Datadog
Template Metric Provider Datadog - The datadog provider.
- Jenkins
Template Metric Provider Jenkins - The Jenkins provider. Default is "{$}"
- Job
Template Metric Provider Job - The Job provider.
- New
Relic VerificationTemplate Metric Provider New Relic - The New Relic provider.
- Prometheus
Template Metric Provider Prometheus - The Prometheus provider.
- Web
Template Metric Provider Web - The Web provider.
- cloud
Watch VerificationTemplate Metric Provider Cloud Watch - The CloudWatch provider.
- datadog
Template Metric Provider Datadog - The datadog provider.
- jenkins
Template Metric Provider Jenkins - The Jenkins provider. Default is "{$}"
- job
Template Metric Provider Job - The Job provider.
- new
Relic VerificationTemplate Metric Provider New Relic - The New Relic provider.
- prometheus
Template Metric Provider Prometheus - The Prometheus provider.
- web
Template Metric Provider Web - The Web provider.
- cloud
Watch VerificationTemplate Metric Provider Cloud Watch - The CloudWatch provider.
- datadog
Template Metric Provider Datadog - The datadog provider.
- jenkins
Template Metric Provider Jenkins - The Jenkins provider. Default is "{$}"
- job
Template Metric Provider Job - The Job provider.
- new
Relic VerificationTemplate Metric Provider New Relic - The New Relic provider.
- prometheus
Template Metric Provider Prometheus - The Prometheus provider.
- web
Template Metric Provider Web - The Web provider.
- cloud_
watch VerificationTemplate Metric Provider Cloud Watch - The CloudWatch provider.
- datadog
Template Metric Provider Datadog - The datadog provider.
- jenkins
Template Metric Provider Jenkins - The Jenkins provider. Default is "{$}"
- job
Template Metric Provider Job - The Job provider.
- new_
relic VerificationTemplate Metric Provider New Relic - The New Relic provider.
- prometheus
Template Metric Provider Prometheus - The Prometheus provider.
- web
Template Metric Provider Web - The Web provider.
- cloud
Watch Property Map - The CloudWatch provider.
- datadog Property Map
- The datadog provider.
- jenkins Property Map
- The Jenkins provider. Default is "{$}"
- job Property Map
- The Job provider.
- new
Relic Property Map - The New Relic provider.
- prometheus Property Map
- The Prometheus provider.
- web Property Map
- The Web provider.
VerificationTemplateMetricProviderCloudWatch, VerificationTemplateMetricProviderCloudWatchArgs
- Metric
Data List<Pulumi.Queries Spot Inst. Oceancd. Inputs. Verification Template Metric Provider Cloud Watch Metric Data Query> - The metric queries to be returned. A single MetricData call can include as many as 500 MetricDataQuery structures. Each of these structures can specify either a metric to retrieve, a Metrics Insights query, or a math expression to perform on retrieved data.
- Duration string
- The window of time we are looking at in CloudWatch.
- Metric
Data []VerificationQueries Template Metric Provider Cloud Watch Metric Data Query - The metric queries to be returned. A single MetricData call can include as many as 500 MetricDataQuery structures. Each of these structures can specify either a metric to retrieve, a Metrics Insights query, or a math expression to perform on retrieved data.
- Duration string
- The window of time we are looking at in CloudWatch.
- metric
Data List<VerificationQueries Template Metric Provider Cloud Watch Metric Data Query> - The metric queries to be returned. A single MetricData call can include as many as 500 MetricDataQuery structures. Each of these structures can specify either a metric to retrieve, a Metrics Insights query, or a math expression to perform on retrieved data.
- duration String
- The window of time we are looking at in CloudWatch.
- metric
Data VerificationQueries Template Metric Provider Cloud Watch Metric Data Query[] - The metric queries to be returned. A single MetricData call can include as many as 500 MetricDataQuery structures. Each of these structures can specify either a metric to retrieve, a Metrics Insights query, or a math expression to perform on retrieved data.
- duration string
- The window of time we are looking at in CloudWatch.
- metric_
data_ Sequence[Verificationqueries Template Metric Provider Cloud Watch Metric Data Query] - The metric queries to be returned. A single MetricData call can include as many as 500 MetricDataQuery structures. Each of these structures can specify either a metric to retrieve, a Metrics Insights query, or a math expression to perform on retrieved data.
- duration str
- The window of time we are looking at in CloudWatch.
- metric
Data List<Property Map>Queries - The metric queries to be returned. A single MetricData call can include as many as 500 MetricDataQuery structures. Each of these structures can specify either a metric to retrieve, a Metrics Insights query, or a math expression to perform on retrieved data.
- duration String
- The window of time we are looking at in CloudWatch.
VerificationTemplateMetricProviderCloudWatchMetricDataQuery, VerificationTemplateMetricProviderCloudWatchMetricDataQueryArgs
- Id string
- The response ID. Must be unique and not null. This object can contain characters, letters, numbers and underscore. The first letter must be a lowercase letter.
- Expression string
- This field can contain either a Metrics Insights query, or a metric math expression to be performed on the returned data. Within one metricdataquery object, you must specify either expression or metricstat but not both.
- Label string
- A human-readable label for this metric or expression. If the metric or expression is shown in a CloudWatch dashboard widget, the label is shown
- Metric
Stat Pulumi.Spot Inst. Oceancd. Inputs. Verification Template Metric Provider Cloud Watch Metric Data Query Metric Stat - The metric to be returned, along with statistics, period, and units. Use this parameter only if this object is retrieving a metric and not performing a math expression on returned data.Within one metricdataquery object, you must specify either expression or metricstat but not both.
- Period int
- The granularity, in seconds, of the returned data points.
- Return
Data bool - This option indicates whether to return the timestamps and raw data values of this metric. If you are performing this call just to do math expressions and do not also need the raw data returned, you can specify
. If you omit this, the default oftrue
is used.
- Id string
- The response ID. Must be unique and not null. This object can contain characters, letters, numbers and underscore. The first letter must be a lowercase letter.
- Expression string
- This field can contain either a Metrics Insights query, or a metric math expression to be performed on the returned data. Within one metricdataquery object, you must specify either expression or metricstat but not both.
- Label string
- A human-readable label for this metric or expression. If the metric or expression is shown in a CloudWatch dashboard widget, the label is shown
- Metric
Stat VerificationTemplate Metric Provider Cloud Watch Metric Data Query Metric Stat - The metric to be returned, along with statistics, period, and units. Use this parameter only if this object is retrieving a metric and not performing a math expression on returned data.Within one metricdataquery object, you must specify either expression or metricstat but not both.
- Period int
- The granularity, in seconds, of the returned data points.
- Return
Data bool - This option indicates whether to return the timestamps and raw data values of this metric. If you are performing this call just to do math expressions and do not also need the raw data returned, you can specify
. If you omit this, the default oftrue
is used.
- id String
- The response ID. Must be unique and not null. This object can contain characters, letters, numbers and underscore. The first letter must be a lowercase letter.
- expression String
- This field can contain either a Metrics Insights query, or a metric math expression to be performed on the returned data. Within one metricdataquery object, you must specify either expression or metricstat but not both.
- label String
- A human-readable label for this metric or expression. If the metric or expression is shown in a CloudWatch dashboard widget, the label is shown
- metric
Stat VerificationTemplate Metric Provider Cloud Watch Metric Data Query Metric Stat - The metric to be returned, along with statistics, period, and units. Use this parameter only if this object is retrieving a metric and not performing a math expression on returned data.Within one metricdataquery object, you must specify either expression or metricstat but not both.
- period Integer
- The granularity, in seconds, of the returned data points.
- return
Data Boolean - This option indicates whether to return the timestamps and raw data values of this metric. If you are performing this call just to do math expressions and do not also need the raw data returned, you can specify
. If you omit this, the default oftrue
is used.
- id string
- The response ID. Must be unique and not null. This object can contain characters, letters, numbers and underscore. The first letter must be a lowercase letter.
- expression string
- This field can contain either a Metrics Insights query, or a metric math expression to be performed on the returned data. Within one metricdataquery object, you must specify either expression or metricstat but not both.
- label string
- A human-readable label for this metric or expression. If the metric or expression is shown in a CloudWatch dashboard widget, the label is shown
- metric
Stat VerificationTemplate Metric Provider Cloud Watch Metric Data Query Metric Stat - The metric to be returned, along with statistics, period, and units. Use this parameter only if this object is retrieving a metric and not performing a math expression on returned data.Within one metricdataquery object, you must specify either expression or metricstat but not both.
- period number
- The granularity, in seconds, of the returned data points.
- return
Data boolean - This option indicates whether to return the timestamps and raw data values of this metric. If you are performing this call just to do math expressions and do not also need the raw data returned, you can specify
. If you omit this, the default oftrue
is used.
- id str
- The response ID. Must be unique and not null. This object can contain characters, letters, numbers and underscore. The first letter must be a lowercase letter.
- expression str
- This field can contain either a Metrics Insights query, or a metric math expression to be performed on the returned data. Within one metricdataquery object, you must specify either expression or metricstat but not both.
- label str
- A human-readable label for this metric or expression. If the metric or expression is shown in a CloudWatch dashboard widget, the label is shown
- metric_
stat VerificationTemplate Metric Provider Cloud Watch Metric Data Query Metric Stat - The metric to be returned, along with statistics, period, and units. Use this parameter only if this object is retrieving a metric and not performing a math expression on returned data.Within one metricdataquery object, you must specify either expression or metricstat but not both.
- period int
- The granularity, in seconds, of the returned data points.
- return_
data bool - This option indicates whether to return the timestamps and raw data values of this metric. If you are performing this call just to do math expressions and do not also need the raw data returned, you can specify
. If you omit this, the default oftrue
is used.
- id String
- The response ID. Must be unique and not null. This object can contain characters, letters, numbers and underscore. The first letter must be a lowercase letter.
- expression String
- This field can contain either a Metrics Insights query, or a metric math expression to be performed on the returned data. Within one metricdataquery object, you must specify either expression or metricstat but not both.
- label String
- A human-readable label for this metric or expression. If the metric or expression is shown in a CloudWatch dashboard widget, the label is shown
- metric
Stat Property Map - The metric to be returned, along with statistics, period, and units. Use this parameter only if this object is retrieving a metric and not performing a math expression on returned data.Within one metricdataquery object, you must specify either expression or metricstat but not both.
- period Number
- The granularity, in seconds, of the returned data points.
- return
Data Boolean - This option indicates whether to return the timestamps and raw data values of this metric. If you are performing this call just to do math expressions and do not also need the raw data returned, you can specify
. If you omit this, the default oftrue
is used.
VerificationTemplateMetricProviderCloudWatchMetricDataQueryMetricStat, VerificationTemplateMetricProviderCloudWatchMetricDataQueryMetricStatArgs
- Metric
Spot Inst. Oceancd. Inputs. Verification Template Metric Provider Cloud Watch Metric Data Query Metric Stat Metric - The metric to return, including the metric name, namespace, and dimensions.
- Metric
Period int - The granularity, in seconds, of the returned data points.
- Stat string
- The statistic to return. It can include any CloudWatch statistic or extended statistic.
- Unit string
- This defines what unit you want to use when storing the metric. Enum:
"Seconds" "Microseconds" "Milliseconds" "Bytes" "Kilobytes" "Megabytes" "Gigabytes" "Terabytes" "Bits" "Kilobits" "Megabits" "Gigabits" "Terabits" "Percent" "Count" "Bytes/Second" "Kilobytes/Second" "Megabytes/Second" "Gigabytes/Second" "Terabytes/Second" "Bits/Second" "Kilobits/Second" "Megabits/Second" "Gigabits/Second" "Terabits/Second" "Count/Second" "None"
- Metric
Template Metric Provider Cloud Watch Metric Data Query Metric Stat Metric - The metric to return, including the metric name, namespace, and dimensions.
- Metric
Period int - The granularity, in seconds, of the returned data points.
- Stat string
- The statistic to return. It can include any CloudWatch statistic or extended statistic.
- Unit string
- This defines what unit you want to use when storing the metric. Enum:
"Seconds" "Microseconds" "Milliseconds" "Bytes" "Kilobytes" "Megabytes" "Gigabytes" "Terabytes" "Bits" "Kilobits" "Megabits" "Gigabits" "Terabits" "Percent" "Count" "Bytes/Second" "Kilobytes/Second" "Megabytes/Second" "Gigabytes/Second" "Terabytes/Second" "Bits/Second" "Kilobits/Second" "Megabits/Second" "Gigabits/Second" "Terabits/Second" "Count/Second" "None"
- metric
Template Metric Provider Cloud Watch Metric Data Query Metric Stat Metric - The metric to return, including the metric name, namespace, and dimensions.
- metric
Period Integer - The granularity, in seconds, of the returned data points.
- stat String
- The statistic to return. It can include any CloudWatch statistic or extended statistic.
- unit String
- This defines what unit you want to use when storing the metric. Enum:
"Seconds" "Microseconds" "Milliseconds" "Bytes" "Kilobytes" "Megabytes" "Gigabytes" "Terabytes" "Bits" "Kilobits" "Megabits" "Gigabits" "Terabits" "Percent" "Count" "Bytes/Second" "Kilobytes/Second" "Megabytes/Second" "Gigabytes/Second" "Terabytes/Second" "Bits/Second" "Kilobits/Second" "Megabits/Second" "Gigabits/Second" "Terabits/Second" "Count/Second" "None"
- metric
Template Metric Provider Cloud Watch Metric Data Query Metric Stat Metric - The metric to return, including the metric name, namespace, and dimensions.
- metric
Period number - The granularity, in seconds, of the returned data points.
- stat string
- The statistic to return. It can include any CloudWatch statistic or extended statistic.
- unit string
- This defines what unit you want to use when storing the metric. Enum:
"Seconds" "Microseconds" "Milliseconds" "Bytes" "Kilobytes" "Megabytes" "Gigabytes" "Terabytes" "Bits" "Kilobits" "Megabits" "Gigabits" "Terabits" "Percent" "Count" "Bytes/Second" "Kilobytes/Second" "Megabytes/Second" "Gigabytes/Second" "Terabytes/Second" "Bits/Second" "Kilobits/Second" "Megabits/Second" "Gigabits/Second" "Terabits/Second" "Count/Second" "None"
- metric
Template Metric Provider Cloud Watch Metric Data Query Metric Stat Metric - The metric to return, including the metric name, namespace, and dimensions.
- metric_
period int - The granularity, in seconds, of the returned data points.
- stat str
- The statistic to return. It can include any CloudWatch statistic or extended statistic.
- unit str
- This defines what unit you want to use when storing the metric. Enum:
"Seconds" "Microseconds" "Milliseconds" "Bytes" "Kilobytes" "Megabytes" "Gigabytes" "Terabytes" "Bits" "Kilobits" "Megabits" "Gigabits" "Terabits" "Percent" "Count" "Bytes/Second" "Kilobytes/Second" "Megabytes/Second" "Gigabytes/Second" "Terabytes/Second" "Bits/Second" "Kilobits/Second" "Megabits/Second" "Gigabits/Second" "Terabits/Second" "Count/Second" "None"
- metric Property Map
- The metric to return, including the metric name, namespace, and dimensions.
- metric
Period Number - The granularity, in seconds, of the returned data points.
- stat String
- The statistic to return. It can include any CloudWatch statistic or extended statistic.
- unit String
- This defines what unit you want to use when storing the metric. Enum:
"Seconds" "Microseconds" "Milliseconds" "Bytes" "Kilobytes" "Megabytes" "Gigabytes" "Terabytes" "Bits" "Kilobits" "Megabits" "Gigabits" "Terabits" "Percent" "Count" "Bytes/Second" "Kilobytes/Second" "Megabytes/Second" "Gigabytes/Second" "Terabytes/Second" "Bits/Second" "Kilobits/Second" "Megabits/Second" "Gigabits/Second" "Terabits/Second" "Count/Second" "None"
VerificationTemplateMetricProviderCloudWatchMetricDataQueryMetricStatMetric, VerificationTemplateMetricProviderCloudWatchMetricDataQueryMetricStatMetricArgs
- Metric
Name string - The name of the metric.
- Dimensions
Spot Inst. Oceancd. Inputs. Verification Template Metric Provider Cloud Watch Metric Data Query Metric Stat Metric Dimension> - A dimension is a name/value pair that is part of the identity of a metric.You can assign upto 30 dimensions to a metric
- Namespace string
- The namespace of the metric.
- Metric
Name string - The name of the metric.
- Dimensions
Template Metric Provider Cloud Watch Metric Data Query Metric Stat Metric Dimension - A dimension is a name/value pair that is part of the identity of a metric.You can assign upto 30 dimensions to a metric
- Namespace string
- The namespace of the metric.
- metric
Name String - The name of the metric.
- dimensions
Template Metric Provider Cloud Watch Metric Data Query Metric Stat Metric Dimension> - A dimension is a name/value pair that is part of the identity of a metric.You can assign upto 30 dimensions to a metric
- namespace String
- The namespace of the metric.
- metric
Name string - The name of the metric.
- dimensions
Template Metric Provider Cloud Watch Metric Data Query Metric Stat Metric Dimension[] - A dimension is a name/value pair that is part of the identity of a metric.You can assign upto 30 dimensions to a metric
- namespace string
- The namespace of the metric.
- metric_
name str - The name of the metric.
- dimensions
Template Metric Provider Cloud Watch Metric Data Query Metric Stat Metric Dimension] - A dimension is a name/value pair that is part of the identity of a metric.You can assign upto 30 dimensions to a metric
- namespace str
- The namespace of the metric.
- metric
Name String - The name of the metric.
- dimensions List<Property Map>
- A dimension is a name/value pair that is part of the identity of a metric.You can assign upto 30 dimensions to a metric
- namespace String
- The namespace of the metric.
VerificationTemplateMetricProviderCloudWatchMetricDataQueryMetricStatMetricDimension, VerificationTemplateMetricProviderCloudWatchMetricDataQueryMetricStatMetricDimensionArgs
- Dimension
Name string - The name of the dimensions. These values must contain only ASCII characters and must include at least one non-whitespace characte
- Dimension
Value string - The value of the dimensions.These values must contain only ASCII characters and must include at least one non-whitespace characte
- Dimension
Name string - The name of the dimensions. These values must contain only ASCII characters and must include at least one non-whitespace characte
- Dimension
Value string - The value of the dimensions.These values must contain only ASCII characters and must include at least one non-whitespace characte
- dimension
Name String - The name of the dimensions. These values must contain only ASCII characters and must include at least one non-whitespace characte
- dimension
Value String - The value of the dimensions.These values must contain only ASCII characters and must include at least one non-whitespace characte
- dimension
Name string - The name of the dimensions. These values must contain only ASCII characters and must include at least one non-whitespace characte
- dimension
Value string - The value of the dimensions.These values must contain only ASCII characters and must include at least one non-whitespace characte
- dimension_
name str - The name of the dimensions. These values must contain only ASCII characters and must include at least one non-whitespace characte
- dimension_
value str - The value of the dimensions.These values must contain only ASCII characters and must include at least one non-whitespace characte
- dimension
Name String - The name of the dimensions. These values must contain only ASCII characters and must include at least one non-whitespace characte
- dimension
Value String - The value of the dimensions.These values must contain only ASCII characters and must include at least one non-whitespace characte
VerificationTemplateMetricProviderDatadog, VerificationTemplateMetricProviderDatadogArgs
- Datadog
Query string - A request for information retrieved from Datadog.
- Duration string
- The window of time we are looking at in DataDog.
- Datadog
Query string - A request for information retrieved from Datadog.
- Duration string
- The window of time we are looking at in DataDog.
- datadog
Query String - A request for information retrieved from Datadog.
- duration String
- The window of time we are looking at in DataDog.
- datadog
Query string - A request for information retrieved from Datadog.
- duration string
- The window of time we are looking at in DataDog.
- datadog_
query str - A request for information retrieved from Datadog.
- duration str
- The window of time we are looking at in DataDog.
- datadog
Query String - A request for information retrieved from Datadog.
- duration String
- The window of time we are looking at in DataDog.
VerificationTemplateMetricProviderJenkins, VerificationTemplateMetricProviderJenkinsArgs
- Jenkins
Interval string - The interval time to poll status.
- Pipeline
Name string - The Jenkins pipeline name.
- Timeout string
- The total jenkins timeout.
- Jenkins
Parameters Pulumi.Spot Inst. Oceancd. Inputs. Verification Template Metric Provider Jenkins Jenkins Parameters - List of parameters.
- Tls
Verification bool - Host TLS verification.
- Jenkins
Interval string - The interval time to poll status.
- Pipeline
Name string - The Jenkins pipeline name.
- Timeout string
- The total jenkins timeout.
- Jenkins
Parameters VerificationTemplate Metric Provider Jenkins Jenkins Parameters - List of parameters.
- Tls
Verification bool - Host TLS verification.
- jenkins
Interval String - The interval time to poll status.
- pipeline
Name String - The Jenkins pipeline name.
- timeout String
- The total jenkins timeout.
- jenkins
Parameters VerificationTemplate Metric Provider Jenkins Jenkins Parameters - List of parameters.
- tls
Verification Boolean - Host TLS verification.
- jenkins
Interval string - The interval time to poll status.
- pipeline
Name string - The Jenkins pipeline name.
- timeout string
- The total jenkins timeout.
- jenkins
Parameters VerificationTemplate Metric Provider Jenkins Jenkins Parameters - List of parameters.
- tls
Verification boolean - Host TLS verification.
- jenkins_
interval str - The interval time to poll status.
- pipeline_
name str - The Jenkins pipeline name.
- timeout str
- The total jenkins timeout.
- jenkins_
parameters VerificationTemplate Metric Provider Jenkins Jenkins Parameters - List of parameters.
- tls_
verification bool - Host TLS verification.
- jenkins
Interval String - The interval time to poll status.
- pipeline
Name String - The Jenkins pipeline name.
- timeout String
- The total jenkins timeout.
- jenkins
Parameters Property Map - List of parameters.
- tls
Verification Boolean - Host TLS verification.
VerificationTemplateMetricProviderJenkinsJenkinsParameters, VerificationTemplateMetricProviderJenkinsJenkinsParametersArgs
- Parameter
Key string - Key of an argument.
- Parameter
Value string - Value of an argument.
- Parameter
Key string - Key of an argument.
- Parameter
Value string - Value of an argument.
- parameter
Key String - Key of an argument.
- parameter
Value String - Value of an argument.
- parameter
Key string - Key of an argument.
- parameter
Value string - Value of an argument.
- parameter_
key str - Key of an argument.
- parameter_
value str - Value of an argument.
- parameter
Key String - Key of an argument.
- parameter
Value String - Value of an argument.
VerificationTemplateMetricProviderJob, VerificationTemplateMetricProviderJobArgs
- Specs
Spot Inst. Oceancd. Inputs. Verification Template Metric Provider Job Spec> - The job spec require to run the metric.
- Specs
Template Metric Provider Job Spec - The job spec require to run the metric.
- specs
Template Metric Provider Job Spec> - The job spec require to run the metric.
- specs
Template Metric Provider Job Spec[] - The job spec require to run the metric.
- specs
Template Metric Provider Job Spec] - The job spec require to run the metric.
- specs List<Property Map>
- The job spec require to run the metric.
VerificationTemplateMetricProviderJobSpec, VerificationTemplateMetricProviderJobSpecArgs
- Job
Templates List<Pulumi.Spot Inst. Oceancd. Inputs. Verification Template Metric Provider Job Spec Job Template> - Describes the pod that will be created when executing a job.
- Backoff
Limit int - Specifies the number of retries before marking this job failed.
- Job
Templates []VerificationTemplate Metric Provider Job Spec Job Template - Describes the pod that will be created when executing a job.
- Backoff
Limit int - Specifies the number of retries before marking this job failed.
- job
Templates List<VerificationTemplate Metric Provider Job Spec Job Template> - Describes the pod that will be created when executing a job.
- backoff
Limit Integer - Specifies the number of retries before marking this job failed.
- job
Templates VerificationTemplate Metric Provider Job Spec Job Template[] - Describes the pod that will be created when executing a job.
- backoff
Limit number - Specifies the number of retries before marking this job failed.
- job_
templates Sequence[VerificationTemplate Metric Provider Job Spec Job Template] - Describes the pod that will be created when executing a job.
- backoff_
limit int - Specifies the number of retries before marking this job failed.
- job
Templates List<Property Map> - Describes the pod that will be created when executing a job.
- backoff
Limit Number - Specifies the number of retries before marking this job failed.
VerificationTemplateMetricProviderJobSpecJobTemplate, VerificationTemplateMetricProviderJobSpecJobTemplateArgs
- Template
Specs List<Pulumi.Spot Inst. Oceancd. Inputs. Verification Template Metric Provider Job Spec Job Template Template Spec> - Specification of the desired behavior of the pod.
- Template
Specs []VerificationTemplate Metric Provider Job Spec Job Template Template Spec - Specification of the desired behavior of the pod.
- template
Specs List<VerificationTemplate Metric Provider Job Spec Job Template Template Spec> - Specification of the desired behavior of the pod.
- template
Specs VerificationTemplate Metric Provider Job Spec Job Template Template Spec[] - Specification of the desired behavior of the pod.
- template_
specs Sequence[VerificationTemplate Metric Provider Job Spec Job Template Template Spec] - Specification of the desired behavior of the pod.
- template
Specs List<Property Map> - Specification of the desired behavior of the pod.
VerificationTemplateMetricProviderJobSpecJobTemplateTemplateSpec, VerificationTemplateMetricProviderJobSpecJobTemplateTemplateSpecArgs
- Containers
Spot Inst. Oceancd. Inputs. Verification Template Metric Provider Job Spec Job Template Template Spec Container> - A list of containers belonging to the pod.
- Restart
Policy string - Restart policy for all containers within the pod. Enum:
"Never" "OnFailure"
- Containers
Template Metric Provider Job Spec Job Template Template Spec Container - A list of containers belonging to the pod.
- Restart
Policy string - Restart policy for all containers within the pod. Enum:
"Never" "OnFailure"
- containers
Template Metric Provider Job Spec Job Template Template Spec Container> - A list of containers belonging to the pod.
- restart
Policy String - Restart policy for all containers within the pod. Enum:
"Never" "OnFailure"
- containers
Template Metric Provider Job Spec Job Template Template Spec Container[] - A list of containers belonging to the pod.
- restart
Policy string - Restart policy for all containers within the pod. Enum:
"Never" "OnFailure"
- containers
Template Metric Provider Job Spec Job Template Template Spec Container] - A list of containers belonging to the pod.
- restart_
policy str - Restart policy for all containers within the pod. Enum:
"Never" "OnFailure"
- containers List<Property Map>
- A list of containers belonging to the pod.
- restart
Policy String - Restart policy for all containers within the pod. Enum:
"Never" "OnFailure"
VerificationTemplateMetricProviderJobSpecJobTemplateTemplateSpecContainer, VerificationTemplateMetricProviderJobSpecJobTemplateTemplateSpecContainerArgs
- Commands List<string>
- The entry point of a container.
- Container
Name string - The name of a container.
- Image string
- The image name of a container.
- Commands []string
- The entry point of a container.
- Container
Name string - The name of a container.
- Image string
- The image name of a container.
- commands List<String>
- The entry point of a container.
- container
Name String - The name of a container.
- image String
- The image name of a container.
- commands string[]
- The entry point of a container.
- container
Name string - The name of a container.
- image string
- The image name of a container.
- commands Sequence[str]
- The entry point of a container.
- container_
name str - The name of a container.
- image str
- The image name of a container.
- commands List<String>
- The entry point of a container.
- container
Name String - The name of a container.
- image String
- The image name of a container.
VerificationTemplateMetricProviderNewRelic, VerificationTemplateMetricProviderNewRelicArgs
- New
Relic stringQuery - A raw newrelic NRQL query to perform.
- Profile string
- The name of the secret holding NR account configuration.
- New
Relic stringQuery - A raw newrelic NRQL query to perform.
- Profile string
- The name of the secret holding NR account configuration.
- new
Relic StringQuery - A raw newrelic NRQL query to perform.
- profile String
- The name of the secret holding NR account configuration.
- new
Relic stringQuery - A raw newrelic NRQL query to perform.
- profile string
- The name of the secret holding NR account configuration.
- new_
relic_ strquery - A raw newrelic NRQL query to perform.
- profile str
- The name of the secret holding NR account configuration.
- new
Relic StringQuery - A raw newrelic NRQL query to perform.
- profile String
- The name of the secret holding NR account configuration.
VerificationTemplateMetricProviderPrometheus, VerificationTemplateMetricProviderPrometheusArgs
- Prometheus
Query string - A request for information retrieved from Prometheus.
- Prometheus
Query string - A request for information retrieved from Prometheus.
- prometheus
Query String - A request for information retrieved from Prometheus.
- prometheus
Query string - A request for information retrieved from Prometheus.
- prometheus_
query str - A request for information retrieved from Prometheus.
- prometheus
Query String - A request for information retrieved from Prometheus.
VerificationTemplateMetricProviderWeb, VerificationTemplateMetricProviderWebArgs
- Url string
- The address of the web metric.
- Body string
- The body of the web metric.
- Insecure bool
- Skips host TLS verification.
- Json
Path string - A JSON Path to use as the result variable. Default is "{$}"
- Method string
- The method of the web metric. Enum: "GET" "POST" "PUT"
- Timeout
Seconds int - The timeout for the request in seconds. Default is 10.
- Web
Headers List<Pulumi.Spot Inst. Oceancd. Inputs. Verification Template Metric Provider Web Web Header> - Optional HTTP headers to use in the request.
- Url string
- The address of the web metric.
- Body string
- The body of the web metric.
- Insecure bool
- Skips host TLS verification.
- Json
Path string - A JSON Path to use as the result variable. Default is "{$}"
- Method string
- The method of the web metric. Enum: "GET" "POST" "PUT"
- Timeout
Seconds int - The timeout for the request in seconds. Default is 10.
- Web
Headers []VerificationTemplate Metric Provider Web Web Header - Optional HTTP headers to use in the request.
- url String
- The address of the web metric.
- body String
- The body of the web metric.
- insecure Boolean
- Skips host TLS verification.
- json
Path String - A JSON Path to use as the result variable. Default is "{$}"
- method String
- The method of the web metric. Enum: "GET" "POST" "PUT"
- timeout
Seconds Integer - The timeout for the request in seconds. Default is 10.
- web
Headers List<VerificationTemplate Metric Provider Web Web Header> - Optional HTTP headers to use in the request.
- url string
- The address of the web metric.
- body string
- The body of the web metric.
- insecure boolean
- Skips host TLS verification.
- json
Path string - A JSON Path to use as the result variable. Default is "{$}"
- method string
- The method of the web metric. Enum: "GET" "POST" "PUT"
- timeout
Seconds number - The timeout for the request in seconds. Default is 10.
- web
Headers VerificationTemplate Metric Provider Web Web Header[] - Optional HTTP headers to use in the request.
- url str
- The address of the web metric.
- body str
- The body of the web metric.
- insecure bool
- Skips host TLS verification.
- json_
path str - A JSON Path to use as the result variable. Default is "{$}"
- method str
- The method of the web metric. Enum: "GET" "POST" "PUT"
- timeout_
seconds int - The timeout for the request in seconds. Default is 10.
- web_
headers Sequence[VerificationTemplate Metric Provider Web Web Header] - Optional HTTP headers to use in the request.
- url String
- The address of the web metric.
- body String
- The body of the web metric.
- insecure Boolean
- Skips host TLS verification.
- json
Path String - A JSON Path to use as the result variable. Default is "{$}"
- method String
- The method of the web metric. Enum: "GET" "POST" "PUT"
- timeout
Seconds Number - The timeout for the request in seconds. Default is 10.
- web
Headers List<Property Map> - Optional HTTP headers to use in the request.
VerificationTemplateMetricProviderWebWebHeader, VerificationTemplateMetricProviderWebWebHeaderArgs
- Web
Header stringKey - The name of a header
- Web
Header stringValue - The value of a header
- Web
Header stringKey - The name of a header
- Web
Header stringValue - The value of a header
- web
Header StringKey - The name of a header
- web
Header StringValue - The value of a header
- web
Header stringKey - The name of a header
- web
Header stringValue - The value of a header
- web_
header_ strkey - The name of a header
- web_
header_ strvalue - The value of a header
- web
Header StringKey - The name of a header
- web
Header StringValue - The value of a header
Package Details
- Repository
- Spotinst pulumi/pulumi-spotinst
- License
- Apache-2.0
- Notes
- This Pulumi package is based on the
Terraform Provider.