Explore with Pulumi AI
Provides a Datadog synthetics test resource. This can be used to create and manage Datadog synthetics test.
Starting from version 3.1.0+, the direct usage of global variables in the configuration is deprecated, in favor of
local variables of type global
. As an example, if you were previously using {{ GLOBAL_VAR }}
directly in your
configuration, add a config_variable
of type global
with the id
matching the id
of the global variable GLOBAL_VAR
, which can be found in the Synthetics UI or from the output of the datadog.SyntheticsGlobalVariable
resource. The name can be chosen freely.
In practice, it means going from (simplified configuration):
url = https://{{ GLOBAL_VAR }}
config_variable {
name = "LOCAL_VAR"
id = [your_global_variable_id]
type = "global"
which you can now use in your request definition:
url = https://{{ LOCAL_VAR }}
Example Usage
import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi";
import * as datadog from "@pulumi/datadog";
// Example Usage (Synthetics API test)
// Create a new Datadog Synthetics API/HTTP test on
const testUptime = new datadog.SyntheticsTest("test_uptime", {
name: "An Uptime test on",
type: "api",
subtype: "http",
status: "live",
message: "Notify @pagerduty",
locations: ["aws:eu-central-1"],
tags: [
requestDefinition: {
method: "GET",
url: "",
requestHeaders: {
"Content-Type": "application/json",
assertions: [{
type: "statusCode",
operator: "is",
target: "200",
optionsList: {
tickEvery: 900,
retry: {
count: 2,
interval: 300,
monitorOptions: {
renotifyInterval: 120,
// Example Usage (Authenticated API test)
// Create a new Datadog Synthetics API/HTTP test on
const testApi = new datadog.SyntheticsTest("test_api", {
name: "An API test on",
type: "api",
subtype: "http",
status: "live",
message: "Notify @pagerduty",
locations: ["aws:eu-central-1"],
tags: [
requestDefinition: {
method: "GET",
url: "",
requestHeaders: {
"Content-Type": "application/json",
Authentication: "Token: 1234566789",
assertions: [{
type: "statusCode",
operator: "is",
target: "200",
optionsList: {
tickEvery: 900,
retry: {
count: 2,
interval: 300,
monitorOptions: {
renotifyInterval: 120,
// Example Usage (Synthetics SSL test)
// Create a new Datadog Synthetics API/SSL test on
const testSsl = new datadog.SyntheticsTest("test_ssl", {
name: "An API test on",
type: "api",
subtype: "ssl",
status: "live",
message: "Notify @pagerduty",
locations: ["aws:eu-central-1"],
tags: [
requestDefinition: {
host: "",
port: "443",
assertions: [{
type: "certificate",
operator: "isInMoreThan",
target: "30",
optionsList: {
tickEvery: 900,
acceptSelfSigned: true,
// Example Usage (Synthetics TCP test)
// Create a new Datadog Synthetics API/TCP test on
const testTcp = new datadog.SyntheticsTest("test_tcp", {
name: "An API test on",
type: "api",
subtype: "tcp",
status: "live",
message: "Notify @pagerduty",
locations: ["aws:eu-central-1"],
tags: [
requestDefinition: {
host: "",
port: "443",
assertions: [{
type: "responseTime",
operator: "lessThan",
target: "2000",
configVariables: [{
type: "global",
name: "MY_GLOBAL_VAR",
id: "76636cd1-82e2-4aeb-9cfe-51366a8198a2",
optionsList: {
tickEvery: 900,
// Example Usage (Synthetics DNS test)
// Create a new Datadog Synthetics API/DNS test on
const testDns = new datadog.SyntheticsTest("test_dns", {
name: "An API test on",
type: "api",
subtype: "dns",
status: "live",
message: "Notify @pagerduty",
locations: ["aws:eu-central-1"],
tags: [
requestDefinition: {
host: "",
assertions: [{
type: "recordSome",
operator: "is",
property: "A",
target: "",
optionsList: {
tickEvery: 900,
// Example Usage (Synthetics Multistep API test)
// Create a new Datadog Synthetics Multistep API test
const testMultiStep = new datadog.SyntheticsTest("test_multi_step", {
name: "Multistep API test",
type: "api",
subtype: "multi",
status: "live",
locations: ["aws:eu-central-1"],
tags: [
apiSteps: [
name: "An API test on",
subtype: "http",
assertions: [{
type: "statusCode",
operator: "is",
target: "200",
requestDefinition: {
method: "GET",
url: "",
requestHeaders: {
"Content-Type": "application/json",
Authentication: "Token: 1234566789",
name: "An API test on",
subtype: "http",
assertions: [{
type: "statusCode",
operator: "is",
target: "200",
requestDefinition: {
method: "GET",
url: "",
name: "A gRPC health check on",
subtype: "grpc",
assertions: [{
type: "statusCode",
operator: "is",
target: "200",
requestDefinition: {
host: "",
port: "443",
callType: "healthcheck",
service: "greeter.Greeter",
name: "A gRPC behavior check on",
subtype: "grpc",
assertions: [{
type: "statusCode",
operator: "is",
target: "200",
requestDefinition: {
host: "",
port: "443",
callType: "unary",
service: "greeter.Greeter",
method: "SayHello",
message: "{\"name\": \"John\"}",
plainProtoFile: `syntax = "proto3";
package greeter;
// The greeting service definition.
service Greeter {
// Sends a greeting
rpc SayHello (HelloRequest) returns (HelloReply) {}
// The request message containing the user's name.
message HelloRequest {
string name = 1;
// The response message containing the greetings
message HelloReply {
string message = 1;
optionsList: {
tickEvery: 900,
acceptSelfSigned: true,
// Example Usage (Synthetics Browser test)
// Create a new Datadog Synthetics Browser test starting on
const testBrowser = new datadog.SyntheticsTest("test_browser", {
name: "A Browser test on",
type: "browser",
status: "paused",
message: "Notify @qa",
deviceIds: ["laptop_large"],
locations: ["aws:eu-central-1"],
tags: [],
requestDefinition: {
method: "GET",
url: "",
browserSteps: [
name: "Check current url",
type: "assertCurrentUrl",
params: {
check: "contains",
value: "datadoghq",
name: "Test a downloaded file",
type: "assertFileDownload",
params: {
file: JSON.stringify({
md5: "abcdef1234567890",
sizeCheck: {
type: "equals",
value: 1,
nameCheck: {
type: "contains",
value: ".xls",
browserVariables: [
type: "text",
pattern: "{{numeric(3)}}",
example: "597",
type: "email",
name: "MY_EMAIL_VAR",
pattern: "jd8-afe-ydv.{{ numeric(10) }}",
example: "",
type: "global",
name: "MY_GLOBAL_VAR",
id: "76636cd1-82e2-4aeb-9cfe-51366a8198a2",
optionsList: {
tickEvery: 3600,
// Example Usage (GRPC API behavior check test)
// Create a new Datadog GRPC API test calling host on port 443
// targeting service `greeter.Greeter` with the method `SayHello`
// and the message {"name": "John"}
const testGrpcUnary = new datadog.SyntheticsTest("test_grpc_unary", {
name: "GRPC API behavior check test",
type: "api",
subtype: "grpc",
status: "live",
locations: ["aws:eu-central-1"],
tags: [
requestDefinition: {
host: "",
port: "443",
callType: "unary",
service: "greeter.Greeter",
method: "SayHello",
message: "{\"name\": \"John\"}",
plainProtoFile: `syntax = "proto3";
package greeter;
// The greeting service definition.
service Greeter {
// Sends a greeting
rpc SayHello (HelloRequest) returns (HelloReply) {}
// The request message containing the user's name.
message HelloRequest {
string name = 1;
// The response message containing the greetings
message HelloReply {
string message = 1;
requestMetadata: {
header: "value",
assertions: [
type: "responseTime",
operator: "lessThan",
target: "2000",
operator: "is",
type: "grpcHealthcheckStatus",
target: "1",
operator: "is",
type: "grpcProto",
target: "proto target",
operator: "is",
property: "property",
type: "grpcMetadata",
target: "123",
optionsList: {
tickEvery: 900,
// Example Usage (GRPC API health check test)
// Create a new Datadog GRPC API test calling host on port 443
// testing the overall health of the service
const testGrpcHealth = new datadog.SyntheticsTest("test_grpc_health", {
name: "GRPC API health check test",
type: "api",
subtype: "grpc",
status: "live",
locations: ["aws:eu-central-1"],
tags: [
requestDefinition: {
host: "",
port: "443",
callType: "healthcheck",
service: "greeter.Greeter",
assertions: [
type: "responseTime",
operator: "lessThan",
target: "2000",
operator: "is",
type: "grpcHealthcheckStatus",
target: "1",
optionsList: {
tickEvery: 900,
import pulumi
import json
import pulumi_datadog as datadog
# Example Usage (Synthetics API test)
# Create a new Datadog Synthetics API/HTTP test on
test_uptime = datadog.SyntheticsTest("test_uptime",
name="An Uptime test on",
message="Notify @pagerduty",
"method": "GET",
"url": "",
"Content-Type": "application/json",
"type": "statusCode",
"operator": "is",
"target": "200",
"tick_every": 900,
"retry": {
"count": 2,
"interval": 300,
"monitor_options": {
"renotify_interval": 120,
# Example Usage (Authenticated API test)
# Create a new Datadog Synthetics API/HTTP test on
test_api = datadog.SyntheticsTest("test_api",
name="An API test on",
message="Notify @pagerduty",
"method": "GET",
"url": "",
"Content-Type": "application/json",
"Authentication": "Token: 1234566789",
"type": "statusCode",
"operator": "is",
"target": "200",
"tick_every": 900,
"retry": {
"count": 2,
"interval": 300,
"monitor_options": {
"renotify_interval": 120,
# Example Usage (Synthetics SSL test)
# Create a new Datadog Synthetics API/SSL test on
test_ssl = datadog.SyntheticsTest("test_ssl",
name="An API test on",
message="Notify @pagerduty",
"host": "",
"port": "443",
"type": "certificate",
"operator": "isInMoreThan",
"target": "30",
"tick_every": 900,
"accept_self_signed": True,
# Example Usage (Synthetics TCP test)
# Create a new Datadog Synthetics API/TCP test on
test_tcp = datadog.SyntheticsTest("test_tcp",
name="An API test on",
message="Notify @pagerduty",
"host": "",
"port": "443",
"type": "responseTime",
"operator": "lessThan",
"target": "2000",
"type": "global",
"name": "MY_GLOBAL_VAR",
"id": "76636cd1-82e2-4aeb-9cfe-51366a8198a2",
"tick_every": 900,
# Example Usage (Synthetics DNS test)
# Create a new Datadog Synthetics API/DNS test on
test_dns = datadog.SyntheticsTest("test_dns",
name="An API test on",
message="Notify @pagerduty",
"host": "",
"type": "recordSome",
"operator": "is",
"property": "A",
"target": "",
"tick_every": 900,
# Example Usage (Synthetics Multistep API test)
# Create a new Datadog Synthetics Multistep API test
test_multi_step = datadog.SyntheticsTest("test_multi_step",
name="Multistep API test",
"name": "An API test on",
"subtype": "http",
"assertions": [{
"type": "statusCode",
"operator": "is",
"target": "200",
"request_definition": {
"method": "GET",
"url": "",
"request_headers": {
"Content-Type": "application/json",
"Authentication": "Token: 1234566789",
"name": "An API test on",
"subtype": "http",
"assertions": [{
"type": "statusCode",
"operator": "is",
"target": "200",
"request_definition": {
"method": "GET",
"url": "",
"name": "A gRPC health check on",
"subtype": "grpc",
"assertions": [{
"type": "statusCode",
"operator": "is",
"target": "200",
"request_definition": {
"host": "",
"port": "443",
"call_type": "healthcheck",
"service": "greeter.Greeter",
"name": "A gRPC behavior check on",
"subtype": "grpc",
"assertions": [{
"type": "statusCode",
"operator": "is",
"target": "200",
"request_definition": {
"host": "",
"port": "443",
"call_type": "unary",
"service": "greeter.Greeter",
"method": "SayHello",
"message": "{\"name\": \"John\"}",
"plain_proto_file": """syntax = "proto3";
package greeter;
// The greeting service definition.
service Greeter {
// Sends a greeting
rpc SayHello (HelloRequest) returns (HelloReply) {}
// The request message containing the user's name.
message HelloRequest {
string name = 1;
// The response message containing the greetings
message HelloReply {
string message = 1;
"tick_every": 900,
"accept_self_signed": True,
# Example Usage (Synthetics Browser test)
# Create a new Datadog Synthetics Browser test starting on
test_browser = datadog.SyntheticsTest("test_browser",
name="A Browser test on",
message="Notify @qa",
"method": "GET",
"url": "",
"name": "Check current url",
"type": "assertCurrentUrl",
"params": {
"check": "contains",
"value": "datadoghq",
"name": "Test a downloaded file",
"type": "assertFileDownload",
"params": {
"file": json.dumps({
"md5": "abcdef1234567890",
"sizeCheck": {
"type": "equals",
"value": 1,
"nameCheck": {
"type": "contains",
"value": ".xls",
"type": "text",
"name": "MY_PATTERN_VAR",
"pattern": "{{numeric(3)}}",
"example": "597",
"type": "email",
"name": "MY_EMAIL_VAR",
"pattern": "jd8-afe-ydv.{{ numeric(10) }}",
"example": "",
"type": "global",
"name": "MY_GLOBAL_VAR",
"id": "76636cd1-82e2-4aeb-9cfe-51366a8198a2",
"tick_every": 3600,
# Example Usage (GRPC API behavior check test)
# Create a new Datadog GRPC API test calling host on port 443
# targeting service `greeter.Greeter` with the method `SayHello`
# and the message {"name": "John"}
test_grpc_unary = datadog.SyntheticsTest("test_grpc_unary",
name="GRPC API behavior check test",
"host": "",
"port": "443",
"call_type": "unary",
"service": "greeter.Greeter",
"method": "SayHello",
"message": "{\"name\": \"John\"}",
"plain_proto_file": """syntax = "proto3";
package greeter;
// The greeting service definition.
service Greeter {
// Sends a greeting
rpc SayHello (HelloRequest) returns (HelloReply) {}
// The request message containing the user's name.
message HelloRequest {
string name = 1;
// The response message containing the greetings
message HelloReply {
string message = 1;
"header": "value",
"type": "responseTime",
"operator": "lessThan",
"target": "2000",
"operator": "is",
"type": "grpcHealthcheckStatus",
"target": "1",
"operator": "is",
"type": "grpcProto",
"target": "proto target",
"operator": "is",
"property": "property",
"type": "grpcMetadata",
"target": "123",
"tick_every": 900,
# Example Usage (GRPC API health check test)
# Create a new Datadog GRPC API test calling host on port 443
# testing the overall health of the service
test_grpc_health = datadog.SyntheticsTest("test_grpc_health",
name="GRPC API health check test",
"host": "",
"port": "443",
"call_type": "healthcheck",
"service": "greeter.Greeter",
"type": "responseTime",
"operator": "lessThan",
"target": "2000",
"operator": "is",
"type": "grpcHealthcheckStatus",
"target": "1",
"tick_every": 900,
package main
import (
func main() {
pulumi.Run(func(ctx *pulumi.Context) error {
// Example Usage (Synthetics API test)
// Create a new Datadog Synthetics API/HTTP test on
_, err := datadog.NewSyntheticsTest(ctx, "test_uptime", &datadog.SyntheticsTestArgs{
Name: pulumi.String("An Uptime test on"),
Type: pulumi.String("api"),
Subtype: pulumi.String("http"),
Status: pulumi.String("live"),
Message: pulumi.String("Notify @pagerduty"),
Locations: pulumi.StringArray{
Tags: pulumi.StringArray{
RequestDefinition: &datadog.SyntheticsTestRequestDefinitionArgs{
Method: pulumi.String("GET"),
Url: pulumi.String(""),
RequestHeaders: pulumi.StringMap{
"Content-Type": pulumi.String("application/json"),
Assertions: datadog.SyntheticsTestAssertionArray{
Type: pulumi.String("statusCode"),
Operator: pulumi.String("is"),
Target: pulumi.String("200"),
OptionsList: &datadog.SyntheticsTestOptionsListArgs{
TickEvery: pulumi.Int(900),
Retry: &datadog.SyntheticsTestOptionsListRetryArgs{
Count: pulumi.Int(2),
Interval: pulumi.Int(300),
MonitorOptions: &datadog.SyntheticsTestOptionsListMonitorOptionsArgs{
RenotifyInterval: pulumi.Int(120),
if err != nil {
return err
// Example Usage (Authenticated API test)
// Create a new Datadog Synthetics API/HTTP test on
_, err = datadog.NewSyntheticsTest(ctx, "test_api", &datadog.SyntheticsTestArgs{
Name: pulumi.String("An API test on"),
Type: pulumi.String("api"),
Subtype: pulumi.String("http"),
Status: pulumi.String("live"),
Message: pulumi.String("Notify @pagerduty"),
Locations: pulumi.StringArray{
Tags: pulumi.StringArray{
RequestDefinition: &datadog.SyntheticsTestRequestDefinitionArgs{
Method: pulumi.String("GET"),
Url: pulumi.String(""),
RequestHeaders: pulumi.StringMap{
"Content-Type": pulumi.String("application/json"),
"Authentication": pulumi.String("Token: 1234566789"),
Assertions: datadog.SyntheticsTestAssertionArray{
Type: pulumi.String("statusCode"),
Operator: pulumi.String("is"),
Target: pulumi.String("200"),
OptionsList: &datadog.SyntheticsTestOptionsListArgs{
TickEvery: pulumi.Int(900),
Retry: &datadog.SyntheticsTestOptionsListRetryArgs{
Count: pulumi.Int(2),
Interval: pulumi.Int(300),
MonitorOptions: &datadog.SyntheticsTestOptionsListMonitorOptionsArgs{
RenotifyInterval: pulumi.Int(120),
if err != nil {
return err
// Example Usage (Synthetics SSL test)
// Create a new Datadog Synthetics API/SSL test on
_, err = datadog.NewSyntheticsTest(ctx, "test_ssl", &datadog.SyntheticsTestArgs{
Name: pulumi.String("An API test on"),
Type: pulumi.String("api"),
Subtype: pulumi.String("ssl"),
Status: pulumi.String("live"),
Message: pulumi.String("Notify @pagerduty"),
Locations: pulumi.StringArray{
Tags: pulumi.StringArray{
RequestDefinition: &datadog.SyntheticsTestRequestDefinitionArgs{
Host: pulumi.String(""),
Port: pulumi.String("443"),
Assertions: datadog.SyntheticsTestAssertionArray{
Type: pulumi.String("certificate"),
Operator: pulumi.String("isInMoreThan"),
Target: pulumi.String("30"),
OptionsList: &datadog.SyntheticsTestOptionsListArgs{
TickEvery: pulumi.Int(900),
AcceptSelfSigned: pulumi.Bool(true),
if err != nil {
return err
// Example Usage (Synthetics TCP test)
// Create a new Datadog Synthetics API/TCP test on
_, err = datadog.NewSyntheticsTest(ctx, "test_tcp", &datadog.SyntheticsTestArgs{
Name: pulumi.String("An API test on"),
Type: pulumi.String("api"),
Subtype: pulumi.String("tcp"),
Status: pulumi.String("live"),
Message: pulumi.String("Notify @pagerduty"),
Locations: pulumi.StringArray{
Tags: pulumi.StringArray{
RequestDefinition: &datadog.SyntheticsTestRequestDefinitionArgs{
Host: pulumi.String(""),
Port: pulumi.String("443"),
Assertions: datadog.SyntheticsTestAssertionArray{
Type: pulumi.String("responseTime"),
Operator: pulumi.String("lessThan"),
Target: pulumi.String("2000"),
ConfigVariables: datadog.SyntheticsTestConfigVariableArray{
Type: pulumi.String("global"),
Name: pulumi.String("MY_GLOBAL_VAR"),
Id: pulumi.String("76636cd1-82e2-4aeb-9cfe-51366a8198a2"),
OptionsList: &datadog.SyntheticsTestOptionsListArgs{
TickEvery: pulumi.Int(900),
if err != nil {
return err
// Example Usage (Synthetics DNS test)
// Create a new Datadog Synthetics API/DNS test on
_, err = datadog.NewSyntheticsTest(ctx, "test_dns", &datadog.SyntheticsTestArgs{
Name: pulumi.String("An API test on"),
Type: pulumi.String("api"),
Subtype: pulumi.String("dns"),
Status: pulumi.String("live"),
Message: pulumi.String("Notify @pagerduty"),
Locations: pulumi.StringArray{
Tags: pulumi.StringArray{
RequestDefinition: &datadog.SyntheticsTestRequestDefinitionArgs{
Host: pulumi.String(""),
Assertions: datadog.SyntheticsTestAssertionArray{
Type: pulumi.String("recordSome"),
Operator: pulumi.String("is"),
Property: pulumi.String("A"),
Target: pulumi.String(""),
OptionsList: &datadog.SyntheticsTestOptionsListArgs{
TickEvery: pulumi.Int(900),
if err != nil {
return err
// Example Usage (Synthetics Multistep API test)
// Create a new Datadog Synthetics Multistep API test
_, err = datadog.NewSyntheticsTest(ctx, "test_multi_step", &datadog.SyntheticsTestArgs{
Name: pulumi.String("Multistep API test"),
Type: pulumi.String("api"),
Subtype: pulumi.String("multi"),
Status: pulumi.String("live"),
Locations: pulumi.StringArray{
Tags: pulumi.StringArray{
ApiSteps: datadog.SyntheticsTestApiStepArray{
Name: pulumi.String("An API test on"),
Subtype: pulumi.String("http"),
Assertions: datadog.SyntheticsTestApiStepAssertionArray{
Type: pulumi.String("statusCode"),
Operator: pulumi.String("is"),
Target: pulumi.String("200"),
RequestDefinition: &datadog.SyntheticsTestApiStepRequestDefinitionArgs{
Method: pulumi.String("GET"),
Url: pulumi.String(""),
RequestHeaders: pulumi.StringMap{
"Content-Type": pulumi.String("application/json"),
"Authentication": pulumi.String("Token: 1234566789"),
Name: pulumi.String("An API test on"),
Subtype: pulumi.String("http"),
Assertions: datadog.SyntheticsTestApiStepAssertionArray{
Type: pulumi.String("statusCode"),
Operator: pulumi.String("is"),
Target: pulumi.String("200"),
RequestDefinition: &datadog.SyntheticsTestApiStepRequestDefinitionArgs{
Method: pulumi.String("GET"),
Url: pulumi.String(""),
Name: pulumi.String("A gRPC health check on"),
Subtype: pulumi.String("grpc"),
Assertions: datadog.SyntheticsTestApiStepAssertionArray{
Type: pulumi.String("statusCode"),
Operator: pulumi.String("is"),
Target: pulumi.String("200"),
RequestDefinition: &datadog.SyntheticsTestApiStepRequestDefinitionArgs{
Host: pulumi.String(""),
Port: pulumi.String("443"),
CallType: pulumi.String("healthcheck"),
Service: pulumi.String("greeter.Greeter"),
Name: pulumi.String("A gRPC behavior check on"),
Subtype: pulumi.String("grpc"),
Assertions: datadog.SyntheticsTestApiStepAssertionArray{
Type: pulumi.String("statusCode"),
Operator: pulumi.String("is"),
Target: pulumi.String("200"),
RequestDefinition: &datadog.SyntheticsTestApiStepRequestDefinitionArgs{
Host: pulumi.String(""),
Port: pulumi.String("443"),
CallType: pulumi.String("unary"),
Service: pulumi.String("greeter.Greeter"),
Method: pulumi.String("SayHello"),
Message: pulumi.String("{\"name\": \"John\"}"),
PlainProtoFile: pulumi.String(`syntax = "proto3";
package greeter;
// The greeting service definition.
service Greeter {
// Sends a greeting
rpc SayHello (HelloRequest) returns (HelloReply) {}
// The request message containing the user's name.
message HelloRequest {
string name = 1;
// The response message containing the greetings
message HelloReply {
string message = 1;
OptionsList: &datadog.SyntheticsTestOptionsListArgs{
TickEvery: pulumi.Int(900),
AcceptSelfSigned: pulumi.Bool(true),
if err != nil {
return err
tmpJSON0, err := json.Marshal(map[string]interface{}{
"md5": "abcdef1234567890",
"sizeCheck": map[string]interface{}{
"type": "equals",
"value": 1,
"nameCheck": map[string]interface{}{
"type": "contains",
"value": ".xls",
if err != nil {
return err
json0 := string(tmpJSON0)
// Example Usage (Synthetics Browser test)
// Create a new Datadog Synthetics Browser test starting on
_, err = datadog.NewSyntheticsTest(ctx, "test_browser", &datadog.SyntheticsTestArgs{
Name: pulumi.String("A Browser test on"),
Type: pulumi.String("browser"),
Status: pulumi.String("paused"),
Message: pulumi.String("Notify @qa"),
DeviceIds: pulumi.StringArray{
Locations: pulumi.StringArray{
Tags: pulumi.StringArray{},
RequestDefinition: &datadog.SyntheticsTestRequestDefinitionArgs{
Method: pulumi.String("GET"),
Url: pulumi.String(""),
BrowserSteps: datadog.SyntheticsTestBrowserStepArray{
Name: pulumi.String("Check current url"),
Type: pulumi.String("assertCurrentUrl"),
Params: &datadog.SyntheticsTestBrowserStepParamsArgs{
Check: pulumi.String("contains"),
Value: pulumi.String("datadoghq"),
Name: pulumi.String("Test a downloaded file"),
Type: pulumi.String("assertFileDownload"),
Params: &datadog.SyntheticsTestBrowserStepParamsArgs{
File: pulumi.String(json0),
BrowserVariables: datadog.SyntheticsTestBrowserVariableArray{
Type: pulumi.String("text"),
Name: pulumi.String("MY_PATTERN_VAR"),
Pattern: pulumi.String("{{numeric(3)}}"),
Example: pulumi.String("597"),
Type: pulumi.String("email"),
Name: pulumi.String("MY_EMAIL_VAR"),
Pattern: pulumi.String("jd8-afe-ydv.{{ numeric(10) }}"),
Example: pulumi.String(""),
Type: pulumi.String("global"),
Name: pulumi.String("MY_GLOBAL_VAR"),
Id: pulumi.String("76636cd1-82e2-4aeb-9cfe-51366a8198a2"),
OptionsList: &datadog.SyntheticsTestOptionsListArgs{
TickEvery: pulumi.Int(3600),
if err != nil {
return err
// Example Usage (GRPC API behavior check test)
// Create a new Datadog GRPC API test calling host on port 443
// targeting service `greeter.Greeter` with the method `SayHello`
// and the message {"name": "John"}
_, err = datadog.NewSyntheticsTest(ctx, "test_grpc_unary", &datadog.SyntheticsTestArgs{
Name: pulumi.String("GRPC API behavior check test"),
Type: pulumi.String("api"),
Subtype: pulumi.String("grpc"),
Status: pulumi.String("live"),
Locations: pulumi.StringArray{
Tags: pulumi.StringArray{
RequestDefinition: &datadog.SyntheticsTestRequestDefinitionArgs{
Host: pulumi.String(""),
Port: pulumi.String("443"),
CallType: pulumi.String("unary"),
Service: pulumi.String("greeter.Greeter"),
Method: pulumi.String("SayHello"),
Message: pulumi.String("{\"name\": \"John\"}"),
PlainProtoFile: pulumi.String(`syntax = "proto3";
package greeter;
// The greeting service definition.
service Greeter {
// Sends a greeting
rpc SayHello (HelloRequest) returns (HelloReply) {}
// The request message containing the user's name.
message HelloRequest {
string name = 1;
// The response message containing the greetings
message HelloReply {
string message = 1;
RequestMetadata: pulumi.StringMap{
"header": pulumi.String("value"),
Assertions: datadog.SyntheticsTestAssertionArray{
Type: pulumi.String("responseTime"),
Operator: pulumi.String("lessThan"),
Target: pulumi.String("2000"),
Operator: pulumi.String("is"),
Type: pulumi.String("grpcHealthcheckStatus"),
Target: pulumi.String("1"),
Operator: pulumi.String("is"),
Type: pulumi.String("grpcProto"),
Target: pulumi.String("proto target"),
Operator: pulumi.String("is"),
Property: pulumi.String("property"),
Type: pulumi.String("grpcMetadata"),
Target: pulumi.String("123"),
OptionsList: &datadog.SyntheticsTestOptionsListArgs{
TickEvery: pulumi.Int(900),
if err != nil {
return err
// Example Usage (GRPC API health check test)
// Create a new Datadog GRPC API test calling host on port 443
// testing the overall health of the service
_, err = datadog.NewSyntheticsTest(ctx, "test_grpc_health", &datadog.SyntheticsTestArgs{
Name: pulumi.String("GRPC API health check test"),
Type: pulumi.String("api"),
Subtype: pulumi.String("grpc"),
Status: pulumi.String("live"),
Locations: pulumi.StringArray{
Tags: pulumi.StringArray{
RequestDefinition: &datadog.SyntheticsTestRequestDefinitionArgs{
Host: pulumi.String(""),
Port: pulumi.String("443"),
CallType: pulumi.String("healthcheck"),
Service: pulumi.String("greeter.Greeter"),
Assertions: datadog.SyntheticsTestAssertionArray{
Type: pulumi.String("responseTime"),
Operator: pulumi.String("lessThan"),
Target: pulumi.String("2000"),
Operator: pulumi.String("is"),
Type: pulumi.String("grpcHealthcheckStatus"),
Target: pulumi.String("1"),
OptionsList: &datadog.SyntheticsTestOptionsListArgs{
TickEvery: pulumi.Int(900),
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text.Json;
using Pulumi;
using Datadog = Pulumi.Datadog;
return await Deployment.RunAsync(() =>
// Example Usage (Synthetics API test)
// Create a new Datadog Synthetics API/HTTP test on
var testUptime = new Datadog.SyntheticsTest("test_uptime", new()
Name = "An Uptime test on",
Type = "api",
Subtype = "http",
Status = "live",
Message = "Notify @pagerduty",
Locations = new[]
Tags = new[]
RequestDefinition = new Datadog.Inputs.SyntheticsTestRequestDefinitionArgs
Method = "GET",
Url = "",
RequestHeaders =
{ "Content-Type", "application/json" },
Assertions = new[]
new Datadog.Inputs.SyntheticsTestAssertionArgs
Type = "statusCode",
Operator = "is",
Target = "200",
OptionsList = new Datadog.Inputs.SyntheticsTestOptionsListArgs
TickEvery = 900,
Retry = new Datadog.Inputs.SyntheticsTestOptionsListRetryArgs
Count = 2,
Interval = 300,
MonitorOptions = new Datadog.Inputs.SyntheticsTestOptionsListMonitorOptionsArgs
RenotifyInterval = 120,
// Example Usage (Authenticated API test)
// Create a new Datadog Synthetics API/HTTP test on
var testApi = new Datadog.SyntheticsTest("test_api", new()
Name = "An API test on",
Type = "api",
Subtype = "http",
Status = "live",
Message = "Notify @pagerduty",
Locations = new[]
Tags = new[]
RequestDefinition = new Datadog.Inputs.SyntheticsTestRequestDefinitionArgs
Method = "GET",
Url = "",
RequestHeaders =
{ "Content-Type", "application/json" },
{ "Authentication", "Token: 1234566789" },
Assertions = new[]
new Datadog.Inputs.SyntheticsTestAssertionArgs
Type = "statusCode",
Operator = "is",
Target = "200",
OptionsList = new Datadog.Inputs.SyntheticsTestOptionsListArgs
TickEvery = 900,
Retry = new Datadog.Inputs.SyntheticsTestOptionsListRetryArgs
Count = 2,
Interval = 300,
MonitorOptions = new Datadog.Inputs.SyntheticsTestOptionsListMonitorOptionsArgs
RenotifyInterval = 120,
// Example Usage (Synthetics SSL test)
// Create a new Datadog Synthetics API/SSL test on
var testSsl = new Datadog.SyntheticsTest("test_ssl", new()
Name = "An API test on",
Type = "api",
Subtype = "ssl",
Status = "live",
Message = "Notify @pagerduty",
Locations = new[]
Tags = new[]
RequestDefinition = new Datadog.Inputs.SyntheticsTestRequestDefinitionArgs
Host = "",
Port = "443",
Assertions = new[]
new Datadog.Inputs.SyntheticsTestAssertionArgs
Type = "certificate",
Operator = "isInMoreThan",
Target = "30",
OptionsList = new Datadog.Inputs.SyntheticsTestOptionsListArgs
TickEvery = 900,
AcceptSelfSigned = true,
// Example Usage (Synthetics TCP test)
// Create a new Datadog Synthetics API/TCP test on
var testTcp = new Datadog.SyntheticsTest("test_tcp", new()
Name = "An API test on",
Type = "api",
Subtype = "tcp",
Status = "live",
Message = "Notify @pagerduty",
Locations = new[]
Tags = new[]
RequestDefinition = new Datadog.Inputs.SyntheticsTestRequestDefinitionArgs
Host = "",
Port = "443",
Assertions = new[]
new Datadog.Inputs.SyntheticsTestAssertionArgs
Type = "responseTime",
Operator = "lessThan",
Target = "2000",
ConfigVariables = new[]
new Datadog.Inputs.SyntheticsTestConfigVariableArgs
Type = "global",
Id = "76636cd1-82e2-4aeb-9cfe-51366a8198a2",
OptionsList = new Datadog.Inputs.SyntheticsTestOptionsListArgs
TickEvery = 900,
// Example Usage (Synthetics DNS test)
// Create a new Datadog Synthetics API/DNS test on
var testDns = new Datadog.SyntheticsTest("test_dns", new()
Name = "An API test on",
Type = "api",
Subtype = "dns",
Status = "live",
Message = "Notify @pagerduty",
Locations = new[]
Tags = new[]
RequestDefinition = new Datadog.Inputs.SyntheticsTestRequestDefinitionArgs
Host = "",
Assertions = new[]
new Datadog.Inputs.SyntheticsTestAssertionArgs
Type = "recordSome",
Operator = "is",
Property = "A",
Target = "",
OptionsList = new Datadog.Inputs.SyntheticsTestOptionsListArgs
TickEvery = 900,
// Example Usage (Synthetics Multistep API test)
// Create a new Datadog Synthetics Multistep API test
var testMultiStep = new Datadog.SyntheticsTest("test_multi_step", new()
Name = "Multistep API test",
Type = "api",
Subtype = "multi",
Status = "live",
Locations = new[]
Tags = new[]
ApiSteps = new[]
new Datadog.Inputs.SyntheticsTestApiStepArgs
Name = "An API test on",
Subtype = "http",
Assertions = new[]
new Datadog.Inputs.SyntheticsTestApiStepAssertionArgs
Type = "statusCode",
Operator = "is",
Target = "200",
RequestDefinition = new Datadog.Inputs.SyntheticsTestApiStepRequestDefinitionArgs
Method = "GET",
Url = "",
RequestHeaders =
{ "Content-Type", "application/json" },
{ "Authentication", "Token: 1234566789" },
new Datadog.Inputs.SyntheticsTestApiStepArgs
Name = "An API test on",
Subtype = "http",
Assertions = new[]
new Datadog.Inputs.SyntheticsTestApiStepAssertionArgs
Type = "statusCode",
Operator = "is",
Target = "200",
RequestDefinition = new Datadog.Inputs.SyntheticsTestApiStepRequestDefinitionArgs
Method = "GET",
Url = "",
new Datadog.Inputs.SyntheticsTestApiStepArgs
Name = "A gRPC health check on",
Subtype = "grpc",
Assertions = new[]
new Datadog.Inputs.SyntheticsTestApiStepAssertionArgs
Type = "statusCode",
Operator = "is",
Target = "200",
RequestDefinition = new Datadog.Inputs.SyntheticsTestApiStepRequestDefinitionArgs
Host = "",
Port = "443",
CallType = "healthcheck",
Service = "greeter.Greeter",
new Datadog.Inputs.SyntheticsTestApiStepArgs
Name = "A gRPC behavior check on",
Subtype = "grpc",
Assertions = new[]
new Datadog.Inputs.SyntheticsTestApiStepAssertionArgs
Type = "statusCode",
Operator = "is",
Target = "200",
RequestDefinition = new Datadog.Inputs.SyntheticsTestApiStepRequestDefinitionArgs
Host = "",
Port = "443",
CallType = "unary",
Service = "greeter.Greeter",
Method = "SayHello",
Message = "{\"name\": \"John\"}",
PlainProtoFile = @"syntax = ""proto3"";
package greeter;
// The greeting service definition.
service Greeter {
// Sends a greeting
rpc SayHello (HelloRequest) returns (HelloReply) {}
// The request message containing the user's name.
message HelloRequest {
string name = 1;
// The response message containing the greetings
message HelloReply {
string message = 1;
OptionsList = new Datadog.Inputs.SyntheticsTestOptionsListArgs
TickEvery = 900,
AcceptSelfSigned = true,
// Example Usage (Synthetics Browser test)
// Create a new Datadog Synthetics Browser test starting on
var testBrowser = new Datadog.SyntheticsTest("test_browser", new()
Name = "A Browser test on",
Type = "browser",
Status = "paused",
Message = "Notify @qa",
DeviceIds = new[]
Locations = new[]
Tags = new[] {},
RequestDefinition = new Datadog.Inputs.SyntheticsTestRequestDefinitionArgs
Method = "GET",
Url = "",
BrowserSteps = new[]
new Datadog.Inputs.SyntheticsTestBrowserStepArgs
Name = "Check current url",
Type = "assertCurrentUrl",
Params = new Datadog.Inputs.SyntheticsTestBrowserStepParamsArgs
Check = "contains",
Value = "datadoghq",
new Datadog.Inputs.SyntheticsTestBrowserStepArgs
Name = "Test a downloaded file",
Type = "assertFileDownload",
Params = new Datadog.Inputs.SyntheticsTestBrowserStepParamsArgs
File = JsonSerializer.Serialize(new Dictionary<string, object?>
["md5"] = "abcdef1234567890",
["sizeCheck"] = new Dictionary<string, object?>
["type"] = "equals",
["value"] = 1,
["nameCheck"] = new Dictionary<string, object?>
["type"] = "contains",
["value"] = ".xls",
BrowserVariables = new[]
new Datadog.Inputs.SyntheticsTestBrowserVariableArgs
Type = "text",
Pattern = "{{numeric(3)}}",
Example = "597",
new Datadog.Inputs.SyntheticsTestBrowserVariableArgs
Type = "email",
Name = "MY_EMAIL_VAR",
Pattern = "jd8-afe-ydv.{{ numeric(10) }}",
Example = "",
new Datadog.Inputs.SyntheticsTestBrowserVariableArgs
Type = "global",
Id = "76636cd1-82e2-4aeb-9cfe-51366a8198a2",
OptionsList = new Datadog.Inputs.SyntheticsTestOptionsListArgs
TickEvery = 3600,
// Example Usage (GRPC API behavior check test)
// Create a new Datadog GRPC API test calling host on port 443
// targeting service `greeter.Greeter` with the method `SayHello`
// and the message {"name": "John"}
var testGrpcUnary = new Datadog.SyntheticsTest("test_grpc_unary", new()
Name = "GRPC API behavior check test",
Type = "api",
Subtype = "grpc",
Status = "live",
Locations = new[]
Tags = new[]
RequestDefinition = new Datadog.Inputs.SyntheticsTestRequestDefinitionArgs
Host = "",
Port = "443",
CallType = "unary",
Service = "greeter.Greeter",
Method = "SayHello",
Message = "{\"name\": \"John\"}",
PlainProtoFile = @"syntax = ""proto3"";
package greeter;
// The greeting service definition.
service Greeter {
// Sends a greeting
rpc SayHello (HelloRequest) returns (HelloReply) {}
// The request message containing the user's name.
message HelloRequest {
string name = 1;
// The response message containing the greetings
message HelloReply {
string message = 1;
RequestMetadata =
{ "header", "value" },
Assertions = new[]
new Datadog.Inputs.SyntheticsTestAssertionArgs
Type = "responseTime",
Operator = "lessThan",
Target = "2000",
new Datadog.Inputs.SyntheticsTestAssertionArgs
Operator = "is",
Type = "grpcHealthcheckStatus",
Target = "1",
new Datadog.Inputs.SyntheticsTestAssertionArgs
Operator = "is",
Type = "grpcProto",
Target = "proto target",
new Datadog.Inputs.SyntheticsTestAssertionArgs
Operator = "is",
Property = "property",
Type = "grpcMetadata",
Target = "123",
OptionsList = new Datadog.Inputs.SyntheticsTestOptionsListArgs
TickEvery = 900,
// Example Usage (GRPC API health check test)
// Create a new Datadog GRPC API test calling host on port 443
// testing the overall health of the service
var testGrpcHealth = new Datadog.SyntheticsTest("test_grpc_health", new()
Name = "GRPC API health check test",
Type = "api",
Subtype = "grpc",
Status = "live",
Locations = new[]
Tags = new[]
RequestDefinition = new Datadog.Inputs.SyntheticsTestRequestDefinitionArgs
Host = "",
Port = "443",
CallType = "healthcheck",
Service = "greeter.Greeter",
Assertions = new[]
new Datadog.Inputs.SyntheticsTestAssertionArgs
Type = "responseTime",
Operator = "lessThan",
Target = "2000",
new Datadog.Inputs.SyntheticsTestAssertionArgs
Operator = "is",
Type = "grpcHealthcheckStatus",
Target = "1",
OptionsList = new Datadog.Inputs.SyntheticsTestOptionsListArgs
TickEvery = 900,
package generated_program;
import com.pulumi.Context;
import com.pulumi.Pulumi;
import com.pulumi.core.Output;
import com.pulumi.datadog.SyntheticsTest;
import com.pulumi.datadog.SyntheticsTestArgs;
import com.pulumi.datadog.inputs.SyntheticsTestRequestDefinitionArgs;
import com.pulumi.datadog.inputs.SyntheticsTestAssertionArgs;
import com.pulumi.datadog.inputs.SyntheticsTestOptionsListArgs;
import com.pulumi.datadog.inputs.SyntheticsTestOptionsListRetryArgs;
import com.pulumi.datadog.inputs.SyntheticsTestOptionsListMonitorOptionsArgs;
import com.pulumi.datadog.inputs.SyntheticsTestConfigVariableArgs;
import com.pulumi.datadog.inputs.SyntheticsTestApiStepArgs;
import com.pulumi.datadog.inputs.SyntheticsTestApiStepRequestDefinitionArgs;
import com.pulumi.datadog.inputs.SyntheticsTestBrowserStepArgs;
import com.pulumi.datadog.inputs.SyntheticsTestBrowserStepParamsArgs;
import com.pulumi.datadog.inputs.SyntheticsTestBrowserVariableArgs;
import static com.pulumi.codegen.internal.Serialization.*;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Map;
import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.nio.file.Paths;
public class App {
public static void main(String[] args) {;
public static void stack(Context ctx) {
// Example Usage (Synthetics API test)
// Create a new Datadog Synthetics API/HTTP test on
var testUptime = new SyntheticsTest("testUptime", SyntheticsTestArgs.builder()
.name("An Uptime test on")
.message("Notify @pagerduty")
.requestHeaders(Map.of("Content-Type", "application/json"))
// Example Usage (Authenticated API test)
// Create a new Datadog Synthetics API/HTTP test on
var testApi = new SyntheticsTest("testApi", SyntheticsTestArgs.builder()
.name("An API test on")
.message("Notify @pagerduty")
Map.entry("Content-Type", "application/json"),
Map.entry("Authentication", "Token: 1234566789")
// Example Usage (Synthetics SSL test)
// Create a new Datadog Synthetics API/SSL test on
var testSsl = new SyntheticsTest("testSsl", SyntheticsTestArgs.builder()
.name("An API test on")
.message("Notify @pagerduty")
// Example Usage (Synthetics TCP test)
// Create a new Datadog Synthetics API/TCP test on
var testTcp = new SyntheticsTest("testTcp", SyntheticsTestArgs.builder()
.name("An API test on")
.message("Notify @pagerduty")
// Example Usage (Synthetics DNS test)
// Create a new Datadog Synthetics API/DNS test on
var testDns = new SyntheticsTest("testDns", SyntheticsTestArgs.builder()
.name("An API test on")
.message("Notify @pagerduty")
// Example Usage (Synthetics Multistep API test)
// Create a new Datadog Synthetics Multistep API test
var testMultiStep = new SyntheticsTest("testMultiStep", SyntheticsTestArgs.builder()
.name("Multistep API test")
.name("An API test on")
Map.entry("Content-Type", "application/json"),
Map.entry("Authentication", "Token: 1234566789")
.name("An API test on")
.name("A gRPC health check on")
.name("A gRPC behavior check on")
.message("{\"name\": \"John\"}")
syntax = "proto3";
package greeter;
// The greeting service definition.
service Greeter {
// Sends a greeting
rpc SayHello (HelloRequest) returns (HelloReply) {}
// The request message containing the user's name.
message HelloRequest {
string name = 1;
// The response message containing the greetings
message HelloReply {
string message = 1;
// Example Usage (Synthetics Browser test)
// Create a new Datadog Synthetics Browser test starting on
var testBrowser = new SyntheticsTest("testBrowser", SyntheticsTestArgs.builder()
.name("A Browser test on")
.message("Notify @qa")
.name("Check current url")
.name("Test a downloaded file")
jsonProperty("md5", "abcdef1234567890"),
jsonProperty("sizeCheck", jsonObject(
jsonProperty("type", "equals"),
jsonProperty("value", 1)
jsonProperty("nameCheck", jsonObject(
jsonProperty("type", "contains"),
jsonProperty("value", ".xls")
.pattern("jd8-afe-ydv.{{ numeric(10) }}")
// Example Usage (GRPC API behavior check test)
// Create a new Datadog GRPC API test calling host on port 443
// targeting service `greeter.Greeter` with the method `SayHello`
// and the message {"name": "John"}
var testGrpcUnary = new SyntheticsTest("testGrpcUnary", SyntheticsTestArgs.builder()
.name("GRPC API behavior check test")
.message("{\"name\": \"John\"}")
syntax = "proto3";
package greeter;
// The greeting service definition.
service Greeter {
// Sends a greeting
rpc SayHello (HelloRequest) returns (HelloReply) {}
// The request message containing the user's name.
message HelloRequest {
string name = 1;
// The response message containing the greetings
message HelloReply {
string message = 1;
.requestMetadata(Map.of("header", "value"))
.target("proto target")
// Example Usage (GRPC API health check test)
// Create a new Datadog GRPC API test calling host on port 443
// testing the overall health of the service
var testGrpcHealth = new SyntheticsTest("testGrpcHealth", SyntheticsTestArgs.builder()
.name("GRPC API health check test")
# Example Usage (Synthetics API test)
# Create a new Datadog Synthetics API/HTTP test on
type: datadog:SyntheticsTest
name: test_uptime
name: An Uptime test on
type: api
subtype: http
status: live
message: Notify @pagerduty
- aws:eu-central-1
- foo:bar
- foo
- env:test
method: GET
Content-Type: application/json
- type: statusCode
operator: is
target: '200'
tickEvery: 900
count: 2
interval: 300
renotifyInterval: 120
# Example Usage (Authenticated API test)
# Create a new Datadog Synthetics API/HTTP test on
type: datadog:SyntheticsTest
name: test_api
name: An API test on
type: api
subtype: http
status: live
message: Notify @pagerduty
- aws:eu-central-1
- foo:bar
- foo
- env:test
method: GET
Content-Type: application/json
Authentication: 'Token: 1234566789'
- type: statusCode
operator: is
target: '200'
tickEvery: 900
count: 2
interval: 300
renotifyInterval: 120
# Example Usage (Synthetics SSL test)
# Create a new Datadog Synthetics API/SSL test on
type: datadog:SyntheticsTest
name: test_ssl
name: An API test on
type: api
subtype: ssl
status: live
message: Notify @pagerduty
- aws:eu-central-1
- foo:bar
- foo
- env:test
port: '443'
- type: certificate
operator: isInMoreThan
target: 30
tickEvery: 900
acceptSelfSigned: true
# Example Usage (Synthetics TCP test)
# Create a new Datadog Synthetics API/TCP test on
type: datadog:SyntheticsTest
name: test_tcp
name: An API test on
type: api
subtype: tcp
status: live
message: Notify @pagerduty
- aws:eu-central-1
- foo:bar
- foo
- env:test
port: '443'
- type: responseTime
operator: lessThan
target: 2000
- type: global
id: 76636cd1-82e2-4aeb-9cfe-51366a8198a2
tickEvery: 900
# Example Usage (Synthetics DNS test)
# Create a new Datadog Synthetics API/DNS test on
type: datadog:SyntheticsTest
name: test_dns
name: An API test on
type: api
subtype: dns
status: live
message: Notify @pagerduty
- aws:eu-central-1
- foo:bar
- foo
- env:test
- type: recordSome
operator: is
property: A
tickEvery: 900
# Example Usage (Synthetics Multistep API test)
# Create a new Datadog Synthetics Multistep API test
type: datadog:SyntheticsTest
name: test_multi_step
name: Multistep API test
type: api
subtype: multi
status: live
- aws:eu-central-1
- foo:bar
- foo
- env:test
- name: An API test on
subtype: http
- type: statusCode
operator: is
target: '200'
method: GET
Content-Type: application/json
Authentication: 'Token: 1234566789'
- name: An API test on
subtype: http
- type: statusCode
operator: is
target: '200'
method: GET
- name: A gRPC health check on
subtype: grpc
- type: statusCode
operator: is
target: '200'
port: '443'
callType: healthcheck
service: greeter.Greeter
- name: A gRPC behavior check on
subtype: grpc
- type: statusCode
operator: is
target: '200'
port: '443'
callType: unary
service: greeter.Greeter
method: SayHello
message: '{"name": "John"}'
plainProtoFile: |
syntax = "proto3";
package greeter;
// The greeting service definition.
service Greeter {
// Sends a greeting
rpc SayHello (HelloRequest) returns (HelloReply) {}
// The request message containing the user's name.
message HelloRequest {
string name = 1;
// The response message containing the greetings
message HelloReply {
string message = 1;
tickEvery: 900
acceptSelfSigned: true
# Example Usage (Synthetics Browser test)
# Create a new Datadog Synthetics Browser test starting on
type: datadog:SyntheticsTest
name: test_browser
name: A Browser test on
type: browser
status: paused
message: Notify @qa
- laptop_large
- aws:eu-central-1
tags: []
method: GET
- name: Check current url
type: assertCurrentUrl
check: contains
value: datadoghq
- name: Test a downloaded file
type: assertFileDownload
md5: abcdef1234567890
type: equals
value: 1
type: contains
value: .xls
- type: text
pattern: '{{numeric(3)}}'
example: '597'
- type: email
pattern: jd8-afe-ydv.{{ numeric(10) }}
- type: global
id: 76636cd1-82e2-4aeb-9cfe-51366a8198a2
tickEvery: 3600
# Example Usage (GRPC API behavior check test)
# Create a new Datadog GRPC API test calling host on port 443
# targeting service `greeter.Greeter` with the method `SayHello`
# and the message {"name": "John"}
type: datadog:SyntheticsTest
name: test_grpc_unary
name: GRPC API behavior check test
type: api
subtype: grpc
status: live
- aws:eu-central-1
- foo:bar
- foo
- env:test
port: '443'
callType: unary
service: greeter.Greeter
method: SayHello
message: '{"name": "John"}'
plainProtoFile: |
syntax = "proto3";
package greeter;
// The greeting service definition.
service Greeter {
// Sends a greeting
rpc SayHello (HelloRequest) returns (HelloReply) {}
// The request message containing the user's name.
message HelloRequest {
string name = 1;
// The response message containing the greetings
message HelloReply {
string message = 1;
header: value
- type: responseTime
operator: lessThan
target: '2000'
- operator: is
type: grpcHealthcheckStatus
target: 1
- operator: is
type: grpcProto
target: proto target
- operator: is
property: property
type: grpcMetadata
target: '123'
tickEvery: 900
# Example Usage (GRPC API health check test)
# Create a new Datadog GRPC API test calling host on port 443
# testing the overall health of the service
type: datadog:SyntheticsTest
name: test_grpc_health
name: GRPC API health check test
type: api
subtype: grpc
status: live
- aws:eu-central-1
- foo:bar
- foo
- env:test
port: '443'
callType: healthcheck
service: greeter.Greeter
- type: responseTime
operator: lessThan
target: '2000'
- operator: is
type: grpcHealthcheckStatus
target: 1
tickEvery: 900
Create SyntheticsTest Resource
Resources are created with functions called constructors. To learn more about declaring and configuring resources, see Resources.
Constructor syntax
new SyntheticsTest(name: string, args: SyntheticsTestArgs, opts?: CustomResourceOptions);
def SyntheticsTest(resource_name: str,
args: SyntheticsTestArgs,
opts: Optional[ResourceOptions] = None)
def SyntheticsTest(resource_name: str,
opts: Optional[ResourceOptions] = None,
locations: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None,
type: Optional[str] = None,
status: Optional[str] = None,
name: Optional[str] = None,
request_client_certificate: Optional[SyntheticsTestRequestClientCertificateArgs] = None,
request_headers: Optional[Mapping[str, str]] = None,
force_delete_dependencies: Optional[bool] = None,
config_variables: Optional[Sequence[SyntheticsTestConfigVariableArgs]] = None,
message: Optional[str] = None,
browser_variables: Optional[Sequence[SyntheticsTestBrowserVariableArgs]] = None,
options_list: Optional[SyntheticsTestOptionsListArgs] = None,
request_basicauth: Optional[SyntheticsTestRequestBasicauthArgs] = None,
api_steps: Optional[Sequence[SyntheticsTestApiStepArgs]] = None,
request_definition: Optional[SyntheticsTestRequestDefinitionArgs] = None,
request_files: Optional[Sequence[SyntheticsTestRequestFileArgs]] = None,
device_ids: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None,
request_metadata: Optional[Mapping[str, str]] = None,
request_proxy: Optional[SyntheticsTestRequestProxyArgs] = None,
request_query: Optional[Mapping[str, str]] = None,
set_cookie: Optional[str] = None,
browser_steps: Optional[Sequence[SyntheticsTestBrowserStepArgs]] = None,
subtype: Optional[str] = None,
tags: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None,
assertions: Optional[Sequence[SyntheticsTestAssertionArgs]] = None,
variables_from_script: Optional[str] = None)
func NewSyntheticsTest(ctx *Context, name string, args SyntheticsTestArgs, opts ...ResourceOption) (*SyntheticsTest, error)
public SyntheticsTest(string name, SyntheticsTestArgs args, CustomResourceOptions? opts = null)
public SyntheticsTest(String name, SyntheticsTestArgs args)
public SyntheticsTest(String name, SyntheticsTestArgs args, CustomResourceOptions options)
type: datadog:SyntheticsTest
properties: # The arguments to resource properties.
options: # Bag of options to control resource's behavior.
- name string
- The unique name of the resource.
- args SyntheticsTestArgs
- The arguments to resource properties.
- opts CustomResourceOptions
- Bag of options to control resource's behavior.
- resource_name str
- The unique name of the resource.
- args SyntheticsTestArgs
- The arguments to resource properties.
- opts ResourceOptions
- Bag of options to control resource's behavior.
- ctx Context
- Context object for the current deployment.
- name string
- The unique name of the resource.
- args SyntheticsTestArgs
- The arguments to resource properties.
- opts ResourceOption
- Bag of options to control resource's behavior.
- name string
- The unique name of the resource.
- args SyntheticsTestArgs
- The arguments to resource properties.
- opts CustomResourceOptions
- Bag of options to control resource's behavior.
- name String
- The unique name of the resource.
- args SyntheticsTestArgs
- The arguments to resource properties.
- options CustomResourceOptions
- Bag of options to control resource's behavior.
Constructor example
The following reference example uses placeholder values for all input properties.
var syntheticsTestResource = new Datadog.SyntheticsTest("syntheticsTestResource", new()
Locations = new[]
Type = "string",
Status = "string",
Name = "string",
RequestClientCertificate = new Datadog.Inputs.SyntheticsTestRequestClientCertificateArgs
Cert = new Datadog.Inputs.SyntheticsTestRequestClientCertificateCertArgs
Content = "string",
Filename = "string",
Key = new Datadog.Inputs.SyntheticsTestRequestClientCertificateKeyArgs
Content = "string",
Filename = "string",
RequestHeaders =
{ "string", "string" },
ForceDeleteDependencies = false,
ConfigVariables = new[]
new Datadog.Inputs.SyntheticsTestConfigVariableArgs
Name = "string",
Type = "string",
Example = "string",
Id = "string",
Pattern = "string",
Secure = false,
Message = "string",
BrowserVariables = new[]
new Datadog.Inputs.SyntheticsTestBrowserVariableArgs
Name = "string",
Type = "string",
Example = "string",
Id = "string",
Pattern = "string",
Secure = false,
OptionsList = new Datadog.Inputs.SyntheticsTestOptionsListArgs
TickEvery = 0,
MinFailureDuration = 0,
RumSettings = new Datadog.Inputs.SyntheticsTestOptionsListRumSettingsArgs
IsEnabled = false,
ApplicationId = "string",
ClientTokenId = 0,
Ci = new Datadog.Inputs.SyntheticsTestOptionsListCiArgs
ExecutionRule = "string",
DisableCors = false,
DisableCsp = false,
FollowRedirects = false,
HttpVersion = "string",
MinLocationFailed = 0,
AllowInsecure = false,
CheckCertificateRevocation = false,
IgnoreServerCertificateError = false,
MonitorName = "string",
MonitorOptions = new Datadog.Inputs.SyntheticsTestOptionsListMonitorOptionsArgs
RenotifyInterval = 0,
MonitorPriority = 0,
NoScreenshot = false,
RestrictedRoles = new[]
Retry = new Datadog.Inputs.SyntheticsTestOptionsListRetryArgs
Count = 0,
Interval = 0,
AcceptSelfSigned = false,
Scheduling = new Datadog.Inputs.SyntheticsTestOptionsListSchedulingArgs
Timeframes = new[]
new Datadog.Inputs.SyntheticsTestOptionsListSchedulingTimeframeArgs
Day = 0,
From = "string",
To = "string",
Timezone = "string",
InitialNavigationTimeout = 0,
RequestBasicauth = new Datadog.Inputs.SyntheticsTestRequestBasicauthArgs
AccessKey = "string",
AccessTokenUrl = "string",
Audience = "string",
ClientId = "string",
ClientSecret = "string",
Domain = "string",
Password = "string",
Region = "string",
Resource = "string",
Scope = "string",
SecretKey = "string",
ServiceName = "string",
SessionToken = "string",
TokenApiAuthentication = "string",
Type = "string",
Username = "string",
Workstation = "string",
ApiSteps = new[]
new Datadog.Inputs.SyntheticsTestApiStepArgs
Name = "string",
RequestFiles = new[]
new Datadog.Inputs.SyntheticsTestApiStepRequestFileArgs
Name = "string",
Size = 0,
Type = "string",
BucketKey = "string",
Content = "string",
OriginalFileName = "string",
RequestHeaders =
{ "string", "string" },
IsCritical = false,
Assertions = new[]
new Datadog.Inputs.SyntheticsTestApiStepAssertionArgs
Type = "string",
Code = "string",
Operator = "string",
Property = "string",
Target = "string",
Targetjsonpath = new Datadog.Inputs.SyntheticsTestApiStepAssertionTargetjsonpathArgs
Jsonpath = "string",
Operator = "string",
Elementsoperator = "string",
Targetvalue = "string",
Targetjsonschema = new Datadog.Inputs.SyntheticsTestApiStepAssertionTargetjsonschemaArgs
Jsonschema = "string",
Metaschema = "string",
Targetxpath = new Datadog.Inputs.SyntheticsTestApiStepAssertionTargetxpathArgs
Operator = "string",
Xpath = "string",
Targetvalue = "string",
TimingsScope = "string",
RequestBasicauth = new Datadog.Inputs.SyntheticsTestApiStepRequestBasicauthArgs
AccessKey = "string",
AccessTokenUrl = "string",
Audience = "string",
ClientId = "string",
ClientSecret = "string",
Domain = "string",
Password = "string",
Region = "string",
Resource = "string",
Scope = "string",
SecretKey = "string",
ServiceName = "string",
SessionToken = "string",
TokenApiAuthentication = "string",
Type = "string",
Username = "string",
Workstation = "string",
RequestClientCertificate = new Datadog.Inputs.SyntheticsTestApiStepRequestClientCertificateArgs
Cert = new Datadog.Inputs.SyntheticsTestApiStepRequestClientCertificateCertArgs
Content = "string",
Filename = "string",
Key = new Datadog.Inputs.SyntheticsTestApiStepRequestClientCertificateKeyArgs
Content = "string",
Filename = "string",
ExtractedValues = new[]
new Datadog.Inputs.SyntheticsTestApiStepExtractedValueArgs
Name = "string",
Parser = new Datadog.Inputs.SyntheticsTestApiStepExtractedValueParserArgs
Type = "string",
Value = "string",
Type = "string",
Field = "string",
Secure = false,
AllowFailure = false,
RequestDefinition = new Datadog.Inputs.SyntheticsTestApiStepRequestDefinitionArgs
AllowInsecure = false,
Body = "string",
BodyType = "string",
CallType = "string",
CertificateDomains = new[]
DnsServer = "string",
DnsServerPort = "string",
FollowRedirects = false,
Host = "string",
HttpVersion = "string",
Message = "string",
Method = "string",
NoSavingResponseBody = false,
NumberOfPackets = 0,
PersistCookies = false,
PlainProtoFile = "string",
Port = "string",
Servername = "string",
Service = "string",
ShouldTrackHops = false,
Timeout = 0,
Url = "string",
RequestMetadata =
{ "string", "string" },
RequestProxy = new Datadog.Inputs.SyntheticsTestApiStepRequestProxyArgs
Url = "string",
Headers =
{ "string", "string" },
RequestQuery =
{ "string", "string" },
Retry = new Datadog.Inputs.SyntheticsTestApiStepRetryArgs
Count = 0,
Interval = 0,
Subtype = "string",
Value = 0,
RequestDefinition = new Datadog.Inputs.SyntheticsTestRequestDefinitionArgs
Body = "string",
BodyType = "string",
CallType = "string",
CertificateDomains = new[]
DnsServer = "string",
DnsServerPort = "string",
Host = "string",
Message = "string",
Method = "string",
NoSavingResponseBody = false,
NumberOfPackets = 0,
PersistCookies = false,
PlainProtoFile = "string",
Port = "string",
Servername = "string",
Service = "string",
ShouldTrackHops = false,
Timeout = 0,
Url = "string",
RequestFiles = new[]
new Datadog.Inputs.SyntheticsTestRequestFileArgs
Name = "string",
Size = 0,
Type = "string",
BucketKey = "string",
Content = "string",
OriginalFileName = "string",
DeviceIds = new[]
RequestMetadata =
{ "string", "string" },
RequestProxy = new Datadog.Inputs.SyntheticsTestRequestProxyArgs
Url = "string",
Headers =
{ "string", "string" },
RequestQuery =
{ "string", "string" },
SetCookie = "string",
BrowserSteps = new[]
new Datadog.Inputs.SyntheticsTestBrowserStepArgs
Name = "string",
Params = new Datadog.Inputs.SyntheticsTestBrowserStepParamsArgs
Attribute = "string",
Check = "string",
ClickType = "string",
Code = "string",
Delay = 0,
Element = "string",
ElementUserLocator = new Datadog.Inputs.SyntheticsTestBrowserStepParamsElementUserLocatorArgs
Value = new Datadog.Inputs.SyntheticsTestBrowserStepParamsElementUserLocatorValueArgs
Value = "string",
Type = "string",
FailTestOnCannotLocate = false,
Email = "string",
File = "string",
Files = "string",
Modifiers = new[]
PlayingTabId = "string",
Request = "string",
SubtestPublicId = "string",
Value = "string",
Variable = new Datadog.Inputs.SyntheticsTestBrowserStepParamsVariableArgs
Example = "string",
Name = "string",
WithClick = false,
X = 0,
Y = 0,
Type = "string",
AllowFailure = false,
ForceElementUpdate = false,
IsCritical = false,
NoScreenshot = false,
Timeout = 0,
Subtype = "string",
Tags = new[]
Assertions = new[]
new Datadog.Inputs.SyntheticsTestAssertionArgs
Type = "string",
Code = "string",
Operator = "string",
Property = "string",
Target = "string",
Targetjsonpath = new Datadog.Inputs.SyntheticsTestAssertionTargetjsonpathArgs
Jsonpath = "string",
Operator = "string",
Elementsoperator = "string",
Targetvalue = "string",
Targetjsonschema = new Datadog.Inputs.SyntheticsTestAssertionTargetjsonschemaArgs
Jsonschema = "string",
Metaschema = "string",
Targetxpath = new Datadog.Inputs.SyntheticsTestAssertionTargetxpathArgs
Operator = "string",
Xpath = "string",
Targetvalue = "string",
TimingsScope = "string",
VariablesFromScript = "string",
example, err := datadog.NewSyntheticsTest(ctx, "syntheticsTestResource", &datadog.SyntheticsTestArgs{
Locations: pulumi.StringArray{
Type: pulumi.String("string"),
Status: pulumi.String("string"),
Name: pulumi.String("string"),
RequestClientCertificate: &datadog.SyntheticsTestRequestClientCertificateArgs{
Cert: &datadog.SyntheticsTestRequestClientCertificateCertArgs{
Content: pulumi.String("string"),
Filename: pulumi.String("string"),
Key: &datadog.SyntheticsTestRequestClientCertificateKeyArgs{
Content: pulumi.String("string"),
Filename: pulumi.String("string"),
RequestHeaders: pulumi.StringMap{
"string": pulumi.String("string"),
ForceDeleteDependencies: pulumi.Bool(false),
ConfigVariables: datadog.SyntheticsTestConfigVariableArray{
Name: pulumi.String("string"),
Type: pulumi.String("string"),
Example: pulumi.String("string"),
Id: pulumi.String("string"),
Pattern: pulumi.String("string"),
Secure: pulumi.Bool(false),
Message: pulumi.String("string"),
BrowserVariables: datadog.SyntheticsTestBrowserVariableArray{
Name: pulumi.String("string"),
Type: pulumi.String("string"),
Example: pulumi.String("string"),
Id: pulumi.String("string"),
Pattern: pulumi.String("string"),
Secure: pulumi.Bool(false),
OptionsList: &datadog.SyntheticsTestOptionsListArgs{
TickEvery: pulumi.Int(0),
MinFailureDuration: pulumi.Int(0),
RumSettings: &datadog.SyntheticsTestOptionsListRumSettingsArgs{
IsEnabled: pulumi.Bool(false),
ApplicationId: pulumi.String("string"),
ClientTokenId: pulumi.Int(0),
Ci: &datadog.SyntheticsTestOptionsListCiArgs{
ExecutionRule: pulumi.String("string"),
DisableCors: pulumi.Bool(false),
DisableCsp: pulumi.Bool(false),
FollowRedirects: pulumi.Bool(false),
HttpVersion: pulumi.String("string"),
MinLocationFailed: pulumi.Int(0),
AllowInsecure: pulumi.Bool(false),
CheckCertificateRevocation: pulumi.Bool(false),
IgnoreServerCertificateError: pulumi.Bool(false),
MonitorName: pulumi.String("string"),
MonitorOptions: &datadog.SyntheticsTestOptionsListMonitorOptionsArgs{
RenotifyInterval: pulumi.Int(0),
MonitorPriority: pulumi.Int(0),
NoScreenshot: pulumi.Bool(false),
RestrictedRoles: pulumi.StringArray{
Retry: &datadog.SyntheticsTestOptionsListRetryArgs{
Count: pulumi.Int(0),
Interval: pulumi.Int(0),
AcceptSelfSigned: pulumi.Bool(false),
Scheduling: &datadog.SyntheticsTestOptionsListSchedulingArgs{
Timeframes: datadog.SyntheticsTestOptionsListSchedulingTimeframeArray{
Day: pulumi.Int(0),
From: pulumi.String("string"),
To: pulumi.String("string"),
Timezone: pulumi.String("string"),
InitialNavigationTimeout: pulumi.Int(0),
RequestBasicauth: &datadog.SyntheticsTestRequestBasicauthArgs{
AccessKey: pulumi.String("string"),
AccessTokenUrl: pulumi.String("string"),
Audience: pulumi.String("string"),
ClientId: pulumi.String("string"),
ClientSecret: pulumi.String("string"),
Domain: pulumi.String("string"),
Password: pulumi.String("string"),
Region: pulumi.String("string"),
Resource: pulumi.String("string"),
Scope: pulumi.String("string"),
SecretKey: pulumi.String("string"),
ServiceName: pulumi.String("string"),
SessionToken: pulumi.String("string"),
TokenApiAuthentication: pulumi.String("string"),
Type: pulumi.String("string"),
Username: pulumi.String("string"),
Workstation: pulumi.String("string"),
ApiSteps: datadog.SyntheticsTestApiStepArray{
Name: pulumi.String("string"),
RequestFiles: datadog.SyntheticsTestApiStepRequestFileArray{
Name: pulumi.String("string"),
Size: pulumi.Int(0),
Type: pulumi.String("string"),
BucketKey: pulumi.String("string"),
Content: pulumi.String("string"),
OriginalFileName: pulumi.String("string"),
RequestHeaders: pulumi.StringMap{
"string": pulumi.String("string"),
IsCritical: pulumi.Bool(false),
Assertions: datadog.SyntheticsTestApiStepAssertionArray{
Type: pulumi.String("string"),
Code: pulumi.String("string"),
Operator: pulumi.String("string"),
Property: pulumi.String("string"),
Target: pulumi.String("string"),
Targetjsonpath: &datadog.SyntheticsTestApiStepAssertionTargetjsonpathArgs{
Jsonpath: pulumi.String("string"),
Operator: pulumi.String("string"),
Elementsoperator: pulumi.String("string"),
Targetvalue: pulumi.String("string"),
Targetjsonschema: &datadog.SyntheticsTestApiStepAssertionTargetjsonschemaArgs{
Jsonschema: pulumi.String("string"),
Metaschema: pulumi.String("string"),
Targetxpath: &datadog.SyntheticsTestApiStepAssertionTargetxpathArgs{
Operator: pulumi.String("string"),
Xpath: pulumi.String("string"),
Targetvalue: pulumi.String("string"),
TimingsScope: pulumi.String("string"),
RequestBasicauth: &datadog.SyntheticsTestApiStepRequestBasicauthArgs{
AccessKey: pulumi.String("string"),
AccessTokenUrl: pulumi.String("string"),
Audience: pulumi.String("string"),
ClientId: pulumi.String("string"),
ClientSecret: pulumi.String("string"),
Domain: pulumi.String("string"),
Password: pulumi.String("string"),
Region: pulumi.String("string"),
Resource: pulumi.String("string"),
Scope: pulumi.String("string"),
SecretKey: pulumi.String("string"),
ServiceName: pulumi.String("string"),
SessionToken: pulumi.String("string"),
TokenApiAuthentication: pulumi.String("string"),
Type: pulumi.String("string"),
Username: pulumi.String("string"),
Workstation: pulumi.String("string"),
RequestClientCertificate: &datadog.SyntheticsTestApiStepRequestClientCertificateArgs{
Cert: &datadog.SyntheticsTestApiStepRequestClientCertificateCertArgs{
Content: pulumi.String("string"),
Filename: pulumi.String("string"),
Key: &datadog.SyntheticsTestApiStepRequestClientCertificateKeyArgs{
Content: pulumi.String("string"),
Filename: pulumi.String("string"),
ExtractedValues: datadog.SyntheticsTestApiStepExtractedValueArray{
Name: pulumi.String("string"),
Parser: &datadog.SyntheticsTestApiStepExtractedValueParserArgs{
Type: pulumi.String("string"),
Value: pulumi.String("string"),
Type: pulumi.String("string"),
Field: pulumi.String("string"),
Secure: pulumi.Bool(false),
AllowFailure: pulumi.Bool(false),
RequestDefinition: &datadog.SyntheticsTestApiStepRequestDefinitionArgs{
AllowInsecure: pulumi.Bool(false),
Body: pulumi.String("string"),
BodyType: pulumi.String("string"),
CallType: pulumi.String("string"),
CertificateDomains: pulumi.StringArray{
DnsServer: pulumi.String("string"),
DnsServerPort: pulumi.String("string"),
FollowRedirects: pulumi.Bool(false),
Host: pulumi.String("string"),
HttpVersion: pulumi.String("string"),
Message: pulumi.String("string"),
Method: pulumi.String("string"),
NoSavingResponseBody: pulumi.Bool(false),
NumberOfPackets: pulumi.Int(0),
PersistCookies: pulumi.Bool(false),
PlainProtoFile: pulumi.String("string"),
Port: pulumi.String("string"),
Servername: pulumi.String("string"),
Service: pulumi.String("string"),
ShouldTrackHops: pulumi.Bool(false),
Timeout: pulumi.Int(0),
Url: pulumi.String("string"),
RequestMetadata: pulumi.StringMap{
"string": pulumi.String("string"),
RequestProxy: &datadog.SyntheticsTestApiStepRequestProxyArgs{
Url: pulumi.String("string"),
Headers: pulumi.StringMap{
"string": pulumi.String("string"),
RequestQuery: pulumi.StringMap{
"string": pulumi.String("string"),
Retry: &datadog.SyntheticsTestApiStepRetryArgs{
Count: pulumi.Int(0),
Interval: pulumi.Int(0),
Subtype: pulumi.String("string"),
Value: pulumi.Int(0),
RequestDefinition: &datadog.SyntheticsTestRequestDefinitionArgs{
Body: pulumi.String("string"),
BodyType: pulumi.String("string"),
CallType: pulumi.String("string"),
CertificateDomains: pulumi.StringArray{
DnsServer: pulumi.String("string"),
DnsServerPort: pulumi.String("string"),
Host: pulumi.String("string"),
Message: pulumi.String("string"),
Method: pulumi.String("string"),
NoSavingResponseBody: pulumi.Bool(false),
NumberOfPackets: pulumi.Int(0),
PersistCookies: pulumi.Bool(false),
PlainProtoFile: pulumi.String("string"),
Port: pulumi.String("string"),
Servername: pulumi.String("string"),
Service: pulumi.String("string"),
ShouldTrackHops: pulumi.Bool(false),
Timeout: pulumi.Int(0),
Url: pulumi.String("string"),
RequestFiles: datadog.SyntheticsTestRequestFileArray{
Name: pulumi.String("string"),
Size: pulumi.Int(0),
Type: pulumi.String("string"),
BucketKey: pulumi.String("string"),
Content: pulumi.String("string"),
OriginalFileName: pulumi.String("string"),
DeviceIds: pulumi.StringArray{
RequestMetadata: pulumi.StringMap{
"string": pulumi.String("string"),
RequestProxy: &datadog.SyntheticsTestRequestProxyArgs{
Url: pulumi.String("string"),
Headers: pulumi.StringMap{
"string": pulumi.String("string"),
RequestQuery: pulumi.StringMap{
"string": pulumi.String("string"),
SetCookie: pulumi.String("string"),
BrowserSteps: datadog.SyntheticsTestBrowserStepArray{
Name: pulumi.String("string"),
Params: &datadog.SyntheticsTestBrowserStepParamsArgs{
Attribute: pulumi.String("string"),
Check: pulumi.String("string"),
ClickType: pulumi.String("string"),
Code: pulumi.String("string"),
Delay: pulumi.Int(0),
Element: pulumi.String("string"),
ElementUserLocator: &datadog.SyntheticsTestBrowserStepParamsElementUserLocatorArgs{
Value: &datadog.SyntheticsTestBrowserStepParamsElementUserLocatorValueArgs{
Value: pulumi.String("string"),
Type: pulumi.String("string"),
FailTestOnCannotLocate: pulumi.Bool(false),
Email: pulumi.String("string"),
File: pulumi.String("string"),
Files: pulumi.String("string"),
Modifiers: pulumi.StringArray{
PlayingTabId: pulumi.String("string"),
Request: pulumi.String("string"),
SubtestPublicId: pulumi.String("string"),
Value: pulumi.String("string"),
Variable: &datadog.SyntheticsTestBrowserStepParamsVariableArgs{
Example: pulumi.String("string"),
Name: pulumi.String("string"),
WithClick: pulumi.Bool(false),
X: pulumi.Int(0),
Y: pulumi.Int(0),
Type: pulumi.String("string"),
AllowFailure: pulumi.Bool(false),
ForceElementUpdate: pulumi.Bool(false),
IsCritical: pulumi.Bool(false),
NoScreenshot: pulumi.Bool(false),
Timeout: pulumi.Int(0),
Subtype: pulumi.String("string"),
Tags: pulumi.StringArray{
Assertions: datadog.SyntheticsTestAssertionArray{
Type: pulumi.String("string"),
Code: pulumi.String("string"),
Operator: pulumi.String("string"),
Property: pulumi.String("string"),
Target: pulumi.String("string"),
Targetjsonpath: &datadog.SyntheticsTestAssertionTargetjsonpathArgs{
Jsonpath: pulumi.String("string"),
Operator: pulumi.String("string"),
Elementsoperator: pulumi.String("string"),
Targetvalue: pulumi.String("string"),
Targetjsonschema: &datadog.SyntheticsTestAssertionTargetjsonschemaArgs{
Jsonschema: pulumi.String("string"),
Metaschema: pulumi.String("string"),
Targetxpath: &datadog.SyntheticsTestAssertionTargetxpathArgs{
Operator: pulumi.String("string"),
Xpath: pulumi.String("string"),
Targetvalue: pulumi.String("string"),
TimingsScope: pulumi.String("string"),
VariablesFromScript: pulumi.String("string"),
var syntheticsTestResource = new SyntheticsTest("syntheticsTestResource", SyntheticsTestArgs.builder()
.requestHeaders(Map.of("string", "string"))
.requestHeaders(Map.of("string", "string"))
.requestMetadata(Map.of("string", "string"))
.headers(Map.of("string", "string"))
.requestQuery(Map.of("string", "string"))
.requestMetadata(Map.of("string", "string"))
.headers(Map.of("string", "string"))
.requestQuery(Map.of("string", "string"))
synthetics_test_resource = datadog.SyntheticsTest("syntheticsTestResource",
"cert": {
"content": "string",
"filename": "string",
"key": {
"content": "string",
"filename": "string",
"string": "string",
"name": "string",
"type": "string",
"example": "string",
"id": "string",
"pattern": "string",
"secure": False,
"name": "string",
"type": "string",
"example": "string",
"id": "string",
"pattern": "string",
"secure": False,
"tick_every": 0,
"min_failure_duration": 0,
"rum_settings": {
"is_enabled": False,
"application_id": "string",
"client_token_id": 0,
"ci": {
"execution_rule": "string",
"disable_cors": False,
"disable_csp": False,
"follow_redirects": False,
"http_version": "string",
"min_location_failed": 0,
"allow_insecure": False,
"check_certificate_revocation": False,
"ignore_server_certificate_error": False,
"monitor_name": "string",
"monitor_options": {
"renotify_interval": 0,
"monitor_priority": 0,
"no_screenshot": False,
"restricted_roles": ["string"],
"retry": {
"count": 0,
"interval": 0,
"accept_self_signed": False,
"scheduling": {
"timeframes": [{
"day": 0,
"from_": "string",
"to": "string",
"timezone": "string",
"initial_navigation_timeout": 0,
"access_key": "string",
"access_token_url": "string",
"audience": "string",
"client_id": "string",
"client_secret": "string",
"domain": "string",
"password": "string",
"region": "string",
"resource": "string",
"scope": "string",
"secret_key": "string",
"service_name": "string",
"session_token": "string",
"token_api_authentication": "string",
"type": "string",
"username": "string",
"workstation": "string",
"name": "string",
"request_files": [{
"name": "string",
"size": 0,
"type": "string",
"bucket_key": "string",
"content": "string",
"original_file_name": "string",
"request_headers": {
"string": "string",
"is_critical": False,
"assertions": [{
"type": "string",
"code": "string",
"operator": "string",
"property": "string",
"target": "string",
"targetjsonpath": {
"jsonpath": "string",
"operator": "string",
"elementsoperator": "string",
"targetvalue": "string",
"targetjsonschema": {
"jsonschema": "string",
"metaschema": "string",
"targetxpath": {
"operator": "string",
"xpath": "string",
"targetvalue": "string",
"timings_scope": "string",
"request_basicauth": {
"access_key": "string",
"access_token_url": "string",
"audience": "string",
"client_id": "string",
"client_secret": "string",
"domain": "string",
"password": "string",
"region": "string",
"resource": "string",
"scope": "string",
"secret_key": "string",
"service_name": "string",
"session_token": "string",
"token_api_authentication": "string",
"type": "string",
"username": "string",
"workstation": "string",
"request_client_certificate": {
"cert": {
"content": "string",
"filename": "string",
"key": {
"content": "string",
"filename": "string",
"extracted_values": [{
"name": "string",
"parser": {
"type": "string",
"value": "string",
"type": "string",
"field": "string",
"secure": False,
"allow_failure": False,
"request_definition": {
"allow_insecure": False,
"body": "string",
"body_type": "string",
"call_type": "string",
"certificate_domains": ["string"],
"dns_server": "string",
"dns_server_port": "string",
"follow_redirects": False,
"host": "string",
"http_version": "string",
"message": "string",
"method": "string",
"no_saving_response_body": False,
"number_of_packets": 0,
"persist_cookies": False,
"plain_proto_file": "string",
"port": "string",
"servername": "string",
"service": "string",
"should_track_hops": False,
"timeout": 0,
"url": "string",
"request_metadata": {
"string": "string",
"request_proxy": {
"url": "string",
"headers": {
"string": "string",
"request_query": {
"string": "string",
"retry": {
"count": 0,
"interval": 0,
"subtype": "string",
"value": 0,
"body": "string",
"body_type": "string",
"call_type": "string",
"certificate_domains": ["string"],
"dns_server": "string",
"dns_server_port": "string",
"host": "string",
"message": "string",
"method": "string",
"no_saving_response_body": False,
"number_of_packets": 0,
"persist_cookies": False,
"plain_proto_file": "string",
"port": "string",
"servername": "string",
"service": "string",
"should_track_hops": False,
"timeout": 0,
"url": "string",
"name": "string",
"size": 0,
"type": "string",
"bucket_key": "string",
"content": "string",
"original_file_name": "string",
"string": "string",
"url": "string",
"headers": {
"string": "string",
"string": "string",
"name": "string",
"params": {
"attribute": "string",
"check": "string",
"click_type": "string",
"code": "string",
"delay": 0,
"element": "string",
"element_user_locator": {
"value": {
"value": "string",
"type": "string",
"fail_test_on_cannot_locate": False,
"email": "string",
"file": "string",
"files": "string",
"modifiers": ["string"],
"playing_tab_id": "string",
"request": "string",
"subtest_public_id": "string",
"value": "string",
"variable": {
"example": "string",
"name": "string",
"with_click": False,
"x": 0,
"y": 0,
"type": "string",
"allow_failure": False,
"force_element_update": False,
"is_critical": False,
"no_screenshot": False,
"timeout": 0,
"type": "string",
"code": "string",
"operator": "string",
"property": "string",
"target": "string",
"targetjsonpath": {
"jsonpath": "string",
"operator": "string",
"elementsoperator": "string",
"targetvalue": "string",
"targetjsonschema": {
"jsonschema": "string",
"metaschema": "string",
"targetxpath": {
"operator": "string",
"xpath": "string",
"targetvalue": "string",
"timings_scope": "string",
const syntheticsTestResource = new datadog.SyntheticsTest("syntheticsTestResource", {
locations: ["string"],
type: "string",
status: "string",
name: "string",
requestClientCertificate: {
cert: {
content: "string",
filename: "string",
key: {
content: "string",
filename: "string",
requestHeaders: {
string: "string",
forceDeleteDependencies: false,
configVariables: [{
name: "string",
type: "string",
example: "string",
id: "string",
pattern: "string",
secure: false,
message: "string",
browserVariables: [{
name: "string",
type: "string",
example: "string",
id: "string",
pattern: "string",
secure: false,
optionsList: {
tickEvery: 0,
minFailureDuration: 0,
rumSettings: {
isEnabled: false,
applicationId: "string",
clientTokenId: 0,
ci: {
executionRule: "string",
disableCors: false,
disableCsp: false,
followRedirects: false,
httpVersion: "string",
minLocationFailed: 0,
allowInsecure: false,
checkCertificateRevocation: false,
ignoreServerCertificateError: false,
monitorName: "string",
monitorOptions: {
renotifyInterval: 0,
monitorPriority: 0,
noScreenshot: false,
restrictedRoles: ["string"],
retry: {
count: 0,
interval: 0,
acceptSelfSigned: false,
scheduling: {
timeframes: [{
day: 0,
from: "string",
to: "string",
timezone: "string",
initialNavigationTimeout: 0,
requestBasicauth: {
accessKey: "string",
accessTokenUrl: "string",
audience: "string",
clientId: "string",
clientSecret: "string",
domain: "string",
password: "string",
region: "string",
resource: "string",
scope: "string",
secretKey: "string",
serviceName: "string",
sessionToken: "string",
tokenApiAuthentication: "string",
type: "string",
username: "string",
workstation: "string",
apiSteps: [{
name: "string",
requestFiles: [{
name: "string",
size: 0,
type: "string",
bucketKey: "string",
content: "string",
originalFileName: "string",
requestHeaders: {
string: "string",
isCritical: false,
assertions: [{
type: "string",
code: "string",
operator: "string",
property: "string",
target: "string",
targetjsonpath: {
jsonpath: "string",
operator: "string",
elementsoperator: "string",
targetvalue: "string",
targetjsonschema: {
jsonschema: "string",
metaschema: "string",
targetxpath: {
operator: "string",
xpath: "string",
targetvalue: "string",
timingsScope: "string",
requestBasicauth: {
accessKey: "string",
accessTokenUrl: "string",
audience: "string",
clientId: "string",
clientSecret: "string",
domain: "string",
password: "string",
region: "string",
resource: "string",
scope: "string",
secretKey: "string",
serviceName: "string",
sessionToken: "string",
tokenApiAuthentication: "string",
type: "string",
username: "string",
workstation: "string",
requestClientCertificate: {
cert: {
content: "string",
filename: "string",
key: {
content: "string",
filename: "string",
extractedValues: [{
name: "string",
parser: {
type: "string",
value: "string",
type: "string",
field: "string",
secure: false,
allowFailure: false,
requestDefinition: {
allowInsecure: false,
body: "string",
bodyType: "string",
callType: "string",
certificateDomains: ["string"],
dnsServer: "string",
dnsServerPort: "string",
followRedirects: false,
host: "string",
httpVersion: "string",
message: "string",
method: "string",
noSavingResponseBody: false,
numberOfPackets: 0,
persistCookies: false,
plainProtoFile: "string",
port: "string",
servername: "string",
service: "string",
shouldTrackHops: false,
timeout: 0,
url: "string",
requestMetadata: {
string: "string",
requestProxy: {
url: "string",
headers: {
string: "string",
requestQuery: {
string: "string",
retry: {
count: 0,
interval: 0,
subtype: "string",
value: 0,
requestDefinition: {
body: "string",
bodyType: "string",
callType: "string",
certificateDomains: ["string"],
dnsServer: "string",
dnsServerPort: "string",
host: "string",
message: "string",
method: "string",
noSavingResponseBody: false,
numberOfPackets: 0,
persistCookies: false,
plainProtoFile: "string",
port: "string",
servername: "string",
service: "string",
shouldTrackHops: false,
timeout: 0,
url: "string",
requestFiles: [{
name: "string",
size: 0,
type: "string",
bucketKey: "string",
content: "string",
originalFileName: "string",
deviceIds: ["string"],
requestMetadata: {
string: "string",
requestProxy: {
url: "string",
headers: {
string: "string",
requestQuery: {
string: "string",
setCookie: "string",
browserSteps: [{
name: "string",
params: {
attribute: "string",
check: "string",
clickType: "string",
code: "string",
delay: 0,
element: "string",
elementUserLocator: {
value: {
value: "string",
type: "string",
failTestOnCannotLocate: false,
email: "string",
file: "string",
files: "string",
modifiers: ["string"],
playingTabId: "string",
request: "string",
subtestPublicId: "string",
value: "string",
variable: {
example: "string",
name: "string",
withClick: false,
x: 0,
y: 0,
type: "string",
allowFailure: false,
forceElementUpdate: false,
isCritical: false,
noScreenshot: false,
timeout: 0,
subtype: "string",
tags: ["string"],
assertions: [{
type: "string",
code: "string",
operator: "string",
property: "string",
target: "string",
targetjsonpath: {
jsonpath: "string",
operator: "string",
elementsoperator: "string",
targetvalue: "string",
targetjsonschema: {
jsonschema: "string",
metaschema: "string",
targetxpath: {
operator: "string",
xpath: "string",
targetvalue: "string",
timingsScope: "string",
variablesFromScript: "string",
type: datadog:SyntheticsTest
- allowFailure: false
- code: string
operator: string
property: string
target: string
elementsoperator: string
jsonpath: string
operator: string
targetvalue: string
jsonschema: string
metaschema: string
operator: string
targetvalue: string
xpath: string
timingsScope: string
type: string
- field: string
name: string
type: string
value: string
secure: false
type: string
isCritical: false
name: string
accessKey: string
accessTokenUrl: string
audience: string
clientId: string
clientSecret: string
domain: string
password: string
region: string
resource: string
scope: string
secretKey: string
serviceName: string
sessionToken: string
tokenApiAuthentication: string
type: string
username: string
workstation: string
content: string
filename: string
content: string
filename: string
allowInsecure: false
body: string
bodyType: string
callType: string
- string
dnsServer: string
dnsServerPort: string
followRedirects: false
host: string
httpVersion: string
message: string
method: string
noSavingResponseBody: false
numberOfPackets: 0
persistCookies: false
plainProtoFile: string
port: string
servername: string
service: string
shouldTrackHops: false
timeout: 0
url: string
- bucketKey: string
content: string
name: string
originalFileName: string
size: 0
type: string
string: string
string: string
string: string
url: string
string: string
count: 0
interval: 0
subtype: string
value: 0
- code: string
operator: string
property: string
target: string
elementsoperator: string
jsonpath: string
operator: string
targetvalue: string
jsonschema: string
metaschema: string
operator: string
targetvalue: string
xpath: string
timingsScope: string
type: string
- allowFailure: false
forceElementUpdate: false
isCritical: false
name: string
noScreenshot: false
attribute: string
check: string
clickType: string
code: string
delay: 0
element: string
failTestOnCannotLocate: false
type: string
value: string
email: string
file: string
files: string
- string
playingTabId: string
request: string
subtestPublicId: string
value: string
example: string
name: string
withClick: false
x: 0
"y": 0
timeout: 0
type: string
- example: string
id: string
name: string
pattern: string
secure: false
type: string
- example: string
id: string
name: string
pattern: string
secure: false
type: string
- string
forceDeleteDependencies: false
- string
message: string
name: string
acceptSelfSigned: false
allowInsecure: false
checkCertificateRevocation: false
executionRule: string
disableCors: false
disableCsp: false
followRedirects: false
httpVersion: string
ignoreServerCertificateError: false
initialNavigationTimeout: 0
minFailureDuration: 0
minLocationFailed: 0
monitorName: string
renotifyInterval: 0
monitorPriority: 0
noScreenshot: false
- string
count: 0
interval: 0
applicationId: string
clientTokenId: 0
isEnabled: false
- day: 0
from: string
to: string
timezone: string
tickEvery: 0
accessKey: string
accessTokenUrl: string
audience: string
clientId: string
clientSecret: string
domain: string
password: string
region: string
resource: string
scope: string
secretKey: string
serviceName: string
sessionToken: string
tokenApiAuthentication: string
type: string
username: string
workstation: string
content: string
filename: string
content: string
filename: string
body: string
bodyType: string
callType: string
- string
dnsServer: string
dnsServerPort: string
host: string
message: string
method: string
noSavingResponseBody: false
numberOfPackets: 0
persistCookies: false
plainProtoFile: string
port: string
servername: string
service: string
shouldTrackHops: false
timeout: 0
url: string
- bucketKey: string
content: string
name: string
originalFileName: string
size: 0
type: string
string: string
string: string
string: string
url: string
string: string
setCookie: string
status: string
subtype: string
- string
type: string
variablesFromScript: string
SyntheticsTest Resource Properties
To learn more about resource properties and how to use them, see Inputs and Outputs in the Architecture and Concepts docs.
In Python, inputs that are objects can be passed either as argument classes or as dictionary literals.
The SyntheticsTest resource accepts the following input properties:
- Locations List<string>
- Array of locations used to run the test. Refer to the Datadog Synthetics location data source to retrieve the list of locations.
- Name string
- Name of Datadog synthetics test.
- Status string
- Define whether you want to start (
) or pause (paused
) a Synthetic test. Valid values arelive
. - Type string
- Synthetics test type. Valid values are
. - Api
Steps List<SyntheticsTest Api Step> - Steps for multi-step api tests
- Assertions
Test Assertion> - Assertions used for the test. Multiple
blocks are allowed with the structure below. - Browser
Steps List<SyntheticsTest Browser Step> - Steps for browser tests.
- Browser
Variables List<SyntheticsTest Browser Variable> - Variables used for a browser test steps. Multiple
blocks are allowed with the structure below. - Config
Variables List<SyntheticsTest Config Variable> - Variables used for the test configuration. Multiple
blocks are allowed with the structure below. - Device
Ids List<string> - Required if
type = "browser"
. Array with the different device IDs used to run the test. Valid values arelaptop_large
. - Force
Delete boolDependencies - A boolean indicating whether this synthetics test can be deleted even if it's referenced by other resources (for example, SLOs and composite monitors).
- Message string
- A message to include with notifications for this synthetics test. Email notifications can be sent to specific users by using the same
notation as events. Defaults to""
. - Options
List SyntheticsTest Options List - Request
Basicauth SyntheticsTest Request Basicauth - The HTTP basic authentication credentials. Exactly one nested block is allowed with the structure below.
- Request
Client SyntheticsCertificate Test Request Client Certificate - Client certificate to use when performing the test request. Exactly one nested block is allowed with the structure below.
- Request
Definition SyntheticsTest Request Definition - Required if
type = "api"
. The synthetics test request. - Request
Files List<SyntheticsTest Request File> - Files to be used as part of the request in the test.
- Request
Headers Dictionary<string, string> - Header name and value map.
- Request
Metadata Dictionary<string, string> - Metadata to include when performing the gRPC request.
- Request
Proxy SyntheticsTest Request Proxy - The proxy to perform the test.
- Request
Query Dictionary<string, string> - Query arguments name and value map.
- string
- Cookies to be used for a browser test request, using the Set-Cookie syntax.
- Subtype string
- The subtype of the Synthetic API test. Defaults to
. Valid values arehttp
. - List<string>
- A list of tags to associate with your synthetics test. This can help you categorize and filter tests in the manage synthetics page of the UI. Default is an empty list (
). - Variables
From stringScript - Variables defined from JavaScript code for API HTTP tests.
- Locations []string
- Array of locations used to run the test. Refer to the Datadog Synthetics location data source to retrieve the list of locations.
- Name string
- Name of Datadog synthetics test.
- Status string
- Define whether you want to start (
) or pause (paused
) a Synthetic test. Valid values arelive
. - Type string
- Synthetics test type. Valid values are
. - Api
Steps []SyntheticsTest Api Step Args - Steps for multi-step api tests
- Assertions
Test Assertion Args - Assertions used for the test. Multiple
blocks are allowed with the structure below. - Browser
Steps []SyntheticsTest Browser Step Args - Steps for browser tests.
- Browser
Variables []SyntheticsTest Browser Variable Args - Variables used for a browser test steps. Multiple
blocks are allowed with the structure below. - Config
Variables []SyntheticsTest Config Variable Args - Variables used for the test configuration. Multiple
blocks are allowed with the structure below. - Device
Ids []string - Required if
type = "browser"
. Array with the different device IDs used to run the test. Valid values arelaptop_large
. - Force
Delete boolDependencies - A boolean indicating whether this synthetics test can be deleted even if it's referenced by other resources (for example, SLOs and composite monitors).
- Message string
- A message to include with notifications for this synthetics test. Email notifications can be sent to specific users by using the same
notation as events. Defaults to""
. - Options
List SyntheticsTest Options List Args - Request
Basicauth SyntheticsTest Request Basicauth Args - The HTTP basic authentication credentials. Exactly one nested block is allowed with the structure below.
- Request
Client SyntheticsCertificate Test Request Client Certificate Args - Client certificate to use when performing the test request. Exactly one nested block is allowed with the structure below.
- Request
Definition SyntheticsTest Request Definition Args - Required if
type = "api"
. The synthetics test request. - Request
Files []SyntheticsTest Request File Args - Files to be used as part of the request in the test.
- Request
Headers map[string]string - Header name and value map.
- Request
Metadata map[string]string - Metadata to include when performing the gRPC request.
- Request
Proxy SyntheticsTest Request Proxy Args - The proxy to perform the test.
- Request
Query map[string]string - Query arguments name and value map.
- string
- Cookies to be used for a browser test request, using the Set-Cookie syntax.
- Subtype string
- The subtype of the Synthetic API test. Defaults to
. Valid values arehttp
. - []string
- A list of tags to associate with your synthetics test. This can help you categorize and filter tests in the manage synthetics page of the UI. Default is an empty list (
). - Variables
From stringScript - Variables defined from JavaScript code for API HTTP tests.
- locations List<String>
- Array of locations used to run the test. Refer to the Datadog Synthetics location data source to retrieve the list of locations.
- name String
- Name of Datadog synthetics test.
- status String
- Define whether you want to start (
) or pause (paused
) a Synthetic test. Valid values arelive
. - type String
- Synthetics test type. Valid values are
. - api
Steps List<SyntheticsTest Api Step> - Steps for multi-step api tests
- assertions
Test Assertion> - Assertions used for the test. Multiple
blocks are allowed with the structure below. - browser
Steps List<SyntheticsTest Browser Step> - Steps for browser tests.
- browser
Variables List<SyntheticsTest Browser Variable> - Variables used for a browser test steps. Multiple
blocks are allowed with the structure below. - config
Variables List<SyntheticsTest Config Variable> - Variables used for the test configuration. Multiple
blocks are allowed with the structure below. - device
Ids List<String> - Required if
type = "browser"
. Array with the different device IDs used to run the test. Valid values arelaptop_large
. - force
Delete BooleanDependencies - A boolean indicating whether this synthetics test can be deleted even if it's referenced by other resources (for example, SLOs and composite monitors).
- message String
- A message to include with notifications for this synthetics test. Email notifications can be sent to specific users by using the same
notation as events. Defaults to""
. - options
List SyntheticsTest Options List - request
Basicauth SyntheticsTest Request Basicauth - The HTTP basic authentication credentials. Exactly one nested block is allowed with the structure below.
- request
Client SyntheticsCertificate Test Request Client Certificate - Client certificate to use when performing the test request. Exactly one nested block is allowed with the structure below.
- request
Definition SyntheticsTest Request Definition - Required if
type = "api"
. The synthetics test request. - request
Files List<SyntheticsTest Request File> - Files to be used as part of the request in the test.
- request
Headers Map<String,String> - Header name and value map.
- request
Metadata Map<String,String> - Metadata to include when performing the gRPC request.
- request
Proxy SyntheticsTest Request Proxy - The proxy to perform the test.
- request
Query Map<String,String> - Query arguments name and value map.
- String
- Cookies to be used for a browser test request, using the Set-Cookie syntax.
- subtype String
- The subtype of the Synthetic API test. Defaults to
. Valid values arehttp
. - List<String>
- A list of tags to associate with your synthetics test. This can help you categorize and filter tests in the manage synthetics page of the UI. Default is an empty list (
). - variables
From StringScript - Variables defined from JavaScript code for API HTTP tests.
- locations string[]
- Array of locations used to run the test. Refer to the Datadog Synthetics location data source to retrieve the list of locations.
- name string
- Name of Datadog synthetics test.
- status string
- Define whether you want to start (
) or pause (paused
) a Synthetic test. Valid values arelive
. - type string
- Synthetics test type. Valid values are
. - api
Steps SyntheticsTest Api Step[] - Steps for multi-step api tests
- assertions
Test Assertion[] - Assertions used for the test. Multiple
blocks are allowed with the structure below. - browser
Steps SyntheticsTest Browser Step[] - Steps for browser tests.
- browser
Variables SyntheticsTest Browser Variable[] - Variables used for a browser test steps. Multiple
blocks are allowed with the structure below. - config
Variables SyntheticsTest Config Variable[] - Variables used for the test configuration. Multiple
blocks are allowed with the structure below. - device
Ids string[] - Required if
type = "browser"
. Array with the different device IDs used to run the test. Valid values arelaptop_large
. - force
Delete booleanDependencies - A boolean indicating whether this synthetics test can be deleted even if it's referenced by other resources (for example, SLOs and composite monitors).
- message string
- A message to include with notifications for this synthetics test. Email notifications can be sent to specific users by using the same
notation as events. Defaults to""
. - options
List SyntheticsTest Options List - request
Basicauth SyntheticsTest Request Basicauth - The HTTP basic authentication credentials. Exactly one nested block is allowed with the structure below.
- request
Client SyntheticsCertificate Test Request Client Certificate - Client certificate to use when performing the test request. Exactly one nested block is allowed with the structure below.
- request
Definition SyntheticsTest Request Definition - Required if
type = "api"
. The synthetics test request. - request
Files SyntheticsTest Request File[] - Files to be used as part of the request in the test.
- request
Headers {[key: string]: string} - Header name and value map.
- request
Metadata {[key: string]: string} - Metadata to include when performing the gRPC request.
- request
Proxy SyntheticsTest Request Proxy - The proxy to perform the test.
- request
Query {[key: string]: string} - Query arguments name and value map.
- string
- Cookies to be used for a browser test request, using the Set-Cookie syntax.
- subtype string
- The subtype of the Synthetic API test. Defaults to
. Valid values arehttp
. - string[]
- A list of tags to associate with your synthetics test. This can help you categorize and filter tests in the manage synthetics page of the UI. Default is an empty list (
). - variables
From stringScript - Variables defined from JavaScript code for API HTTP tests.
- locations Sequence[str]
- Array of locations used to run the test. Refer to the Datadog Synthetics location data source to retrieve the list of locations.
- name str
- Name of Datadog synthetics test.
- status str
- Define whether you want to start (
) or pause (paused
) a Synthetic test. Valid values arelive
. - type str
- Synthetics test type. Valid values are
. - api_
steps Sequence[SyntheticsTest Api Step Args] - Steps for multi-step api tests
- assertions
Test Assertion Args] - Assertions used for the test. Multiple
blocks are allowed with the structure below. - browser_
steps Sequence[SyntheticsTest Browser Step Args] - Steps for browser tests.
- browser_
variables Sequence[SyntheticsTest Browser Variable Args] - Variables used for a browser test steps. Multiple
blocks are allowed with the structure below. - config_
variables Sequence[SyntheticsTest Config Variable Args] - Variables used for the test configuration. Multiple
blocks are allowed with the structure below. - device_
ids Sequence[str] - Required if
type = "browser"
. Array with the different device IDs used to run the test. Valid values arelaptop_large
. - force_
delete_ booldependencies - A boolean indicating whether this synthetics test can be deleted even if it's referenced by other resources (for example, SLOs and composite monitors).
- message str
- A message to include with notifications for this synthetics test. Email notifications can be sent to specific users by using the same
notation as events. Defaults to""
. - options_
list SyntheticsTest Options List Args - request_
basicauth SyntheticsTest Request Basicauth Args - The HTTP basic authentication credentials. Exactly one nested block is allowed with the structure below.
- request_
client_ Syntheticscertificate Test Request Client Certificate Args - Client certificate to use when performing the test request. Exactly one nested block is allowed with the structure below.
- request_
definition SyntheticsTest Request Definition Args - Required if
type = "api"
. The synthetics test request. - request_
files Sequence[SyntheticsTest Request File Args] - Files to be used as part of the request in the test.
- request_
headers Mapping[str, str] - Header name and value map.
- request_
metadata Mapping[str, str] - Metadata to include when performing the gRPC request.
- request_
proxy SyntheticsTest Request Proxy Args - The proxy to perform the test.
- request_
query Mapping[str, str] - Query arguments name and value map.
- str
- Cookies to be used for a browser test request, using the Set-Cookie syntax.
- subtype str
- The subtype of the Synthetic API test. Defaults to
. Valid values arehttp
. - Sequence[str]
- A list of tags to associate with your synthetics test. This can help you categorize and filter tests in the manage synthetics page of the UI. Default is an empty list (
). - variables_
from_ strscript - Variables defined from JavaScript code for API HTTP tests.
- locations List<String>
- Array of locations used to run the test. Refer to the Datadog Synthetics location data source to retrieve the list of locations.
- name String
- Name of Datadog synthetics test.
- status String
- Define whether you want to start (
) or pause (paused
) a Synthetic test. Valid values arelive
. - type String
- Synthetics test type. Valid values are
. - api
Steps List<Property Map> - Steps for multi-step api tests
- assertions List<Property Map>
- Assertions used for the test. Multiple
blocks are allowed with the structure below. - browser
Steps List<Property Map> - Steps for browser tests.
- browser
Variables List<Property Map> - Variables used for a browser test steps. Multiple
blocks are allowed with the structure below. - config
Variables List<Property Map> - Variables used for the test configuration. Multiple
blocks are allowed with the structure below. - device
Ids List<String> - Required if
type = "browser"
. Array with the different device IDs used to run the test. Valid values arelaptop_large
. - force
Delete BooleanDependencies - A boolean indicating whether this synthetics test can be deleted even if it's referenced by other resources (for example, SLOs and composite monitors).
- message String
- A message to include with notifications for this synthetics test. Email notifications can be sent to specific users by using the same
notation as events. Defaults to""
. - options
List Property Map - request
Basicauth Property Map - The HTTP basic authentication credentials. Exactly one nested block is allowed with the structure below.
- request
Client Property MapCertificate - Client certificate to use when performing the test request. Exactly one nested block is allowed with the structure below.
- request
Definition Property Map - Required if
type = "api"
. The synthetics test request. - request
Files List<Property Map> - Files to be used as part of the request in the test.
- request
Headers Map<String> - Header name and value map.
- request
Metadata Map<String> - Metadata to include when performing the gRPC request.
- request
Proxy Property Map - The proxy to perform the test.
- request
Query Map<String> - Query arguments name and value map.
- String
- Cookies to be used for a browser test request, using the Set-Cookie syntax.
- subtype String
- The subtype of the Synthetic API test. Defaults to
. Valid values arehttp
. - List<String>
- A list of tags to associate with your synthetics test. This can help you categorize and filter tests in the manage synthetics page of the UI. Default is an empty list (
). - variables
From StringScript - Variables defined from JavaScript code for API HTTP tests.
All input properties are implicitly available as output properties. Additionally, the SyntheticsTest resource produces the following output properties:
- id str
- The provider-assigned unique ID for this managed resource.
- monitor_
id int - ID of the monitor associated with the Datadog synthetics test.
Look up Existing SyntheticsTest Resource
Get an existing SyntheticsTest resource’s state with the given name, ID, and optional extra properties used to qualify the lookup.
public static get(name: string, id: Input<ID>, state?: SyntheticsTestState, opts?: CustomResourceOptions): SyntheticsTest
def get(resource_name: str,
id: str,
opts: Optional[ResourceOptions] = None,
api_steps: Optional[Sequence[SyntheticsTestApiStepArgs]] = None,
assertions: Optional[Sequence[SyntheticsTestAssertionArgs]] = None,
browser_steps: Optional[Sequence[SyntheticsTestBrowserStepArgs]] = None,
browser_variables: Optional[Sequence[SyntheticsTestBrowserVariableArgs]] = None,
config_variables: Optional[Sequence[SyntheticsTestConfigVariableArgs]] = None,
device_ids: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None,
force_delete_dependencies: Optional[bool] = None,
locations: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None,
message: Optional[str] = None,
monitor_id: Optional[int] = None,
name: Optional[str] = None,
options_list: Optional[SyntheticsTestOptionsListArgs] = None,
request_basicauth: Optional[SyntheticsTestRequestBasicauthArgs] = None,
request_client_certificate: Optional[SyntheticsTestRequestClientCertificateArgs] = None,
request_definition: Optional[SyntheticsTestRequestDefinitionArgs] = None,
request_files: Optional[Sequence[SyntheticsTestRequestFileArgs]] = None,
request_headers: Optional[Mapping[str, str]] = None,
request_metadata: Optional[Mapping[str, str]] = None,
request_proxy: Optional[SyntheticsTestRequestProxyArgs] = None,
request_query: Optional[Mapping[str, str]] = None,
set_cookie: Optional[str] = None,
status: Optional[str] = None,
subtype: Optional[str] = None,
tags: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None,
type: Optional[str] = None,
variables_from_script: Optional[str] = None) -> SyntheticsTest
func GetSyntheticsTest(ctx *Context, name string, id IDInput, state *SyntheticsTestState, opts ...ResourceOption) (*SyntheticsTest, error)
public static SyntheticsTest Get(string name, Input<string> id, SyntheticsTestState? state, CustomResourceOptions? opts = null)
public static SyntheticsTest get(String name, Output<String> id, SyntheticsTestState state, CustomResourceOptions options)
Resource lookup is not supported in YAML
- name
- The unique name of the resulting resource.
- id
- The unique provider ID of the resource to lookup.
- state
- Any extra arguments used during the lookup.
- opts
- A bag of options that control this resource's behavior.
- resource_name
- The unique name of the resulting resource.
- id
- The unique provider ID of the resource to lookup.
- name
- The unique name of the resulting resource.
- id
- The unique provider ID of the resource to lookup.
- state
- Any extra arguments used during the lookup.
- opts
- A bag of options that control this resource's behavior.
- name
- The unique name of the resulting resource.
- id
- The unique provider ID of the resource to lookup.
- state
- Any extra arguments used during the lookup.
- opts
- A bag of options that control this resource's behavior.
- name
- The unique name of the resulting resource.
- id
- The unique provider ID of the resource to lookup.
- state
- Any extra arguments used during the lookup.
- opts
- A bag of options that control this resource's behavior.
- Api
Steps List<SyntheticsTest Api Step> - Steps for multi-step api tests
- Assertions
Test Assertion> - Assertions used for the test. Multiple
blocks are allowed with the structure below. - Browser
Steps List<SyntheticsTest Browser Step> - Steps for browser tests.
- Browser
Variables List<SyntheticsTest Browser Variable> - Variables used for a browser test steps. Multiple
blocks are allowed with the structure below. - Config
Variables List<SyntheticsTest Config Variable> - Variables used for the test configuration. Multiple
blocks are allowed with the structure below. - Device
Ids List<string> - Required if
type = "browser"
. Array with the different device IDs used to run the test. Valid values arelaptop_large
. - Force
Delete boolDependencies - A boolean indicating whether this synthetics test can be deleted even if it's referenced by other resources (for example, SLOs and composite monitors).
- Locations List<string>
- Array of locations used to run the test. Refer to the Datadog Synthetics location data source to retrieve the list of locations.
- Message string
- A message to include with notifications for this synthetics test. Email notifications can be sent to specific users by using the same
notation as events. Defaults to""
. - Monitor
Id int - ID of the monitor associated with the Datadog synthetics test.
- Name string
- Name of Datadog synthetics test.
- Options
List SyntheticsTest Options List - Request
Basicauth SyntheticsTest Request Basicauth - The HTTP basic authentication credentials. Exactly one nested block is allowed with the structure below.
- Request
Client SyntheticsCertificate Test Request Client Certificate - Client certificate to use when performing the test request. Exactly one nested block is allowed with the structure below.
- Request
Definition SyntheticsTest Request Definition - Required if
type = "api"
. The synthetics test request. - Request
Files List<SyntheticsTest Request File> - Files to be used as part of the request in the test.
- Request
Headers Dictionary<string, string> - Header name and value map.
- Request
Metadata Dictionary<string, string> - Metadata to include when performing the gRPC request.
- Request
Proxy SyntheticsTest Request Proxy - The proxy to perform the test.
- Request
Query Dictionary<string, string> - Query arguments name and value map.
- string
- Cookies to be used for a browser test request, using the Set-Cookie syntax.
- Status string
- Define whether you want to start (
) or pause (paused
) a Synthetic test. Valid values arelive
. - Subtype string
- The subtype of the Synthetic API test. Defaults to
. Valid values arehttp
. - List<string>
- A list of tags to associate with your synthetics test. This can help you categorize and filter tests in the manage synthetics page of the UI. Default is an empty list (
). - Type string
- Synthetics test type. Valid values are
. - Variables
From stringScript - Variables defined from JavaScript code for API HTTP tests.
- Api
Steps []SyntheticsTest Api Step Args - Steps for multi-step api tests
- Assertions
Test Assertion Args - Assertions used for the test. Multiple
blocks are allowed with the structure below. - Browser
Steps []SyntheticsTest Browser Step Args - Steps for browser tests.
- Browser
Variables []SyntheticsTest Browser Variable Args - Variables used for a browser test steps. Multiple
blocks are allowed with the structure below. - Config
Variables []SyntheticsTest Config Variable Args - Variables used for the test configuration. Multiple
blocks are allowed with the structure below. - Device
Ids []string - Required if
type = "browser"
. Array with the different device IDs used to run the test. Valid values arelaptop_large
. - Force
Delete boolDependencies - A boolean indicating whether this synthetics test can be deleted even if it's referenced by other resources (for example, SLOs and composite monitors).
- Locations []string
- Array of locations used to run the test. Refer to the Datadog Synthetics location data source to retrieve the list of locations.
- Message string
- A message to include with notifications for this synthetics test. Email notifications can be sent to specific users by using the same
notation as events. Defaults to""
. - Monitor
Id int - ID of the monitor associated with the Datadog synthetics test.
- Name string
- Name of Datadog synthetics test.
- Options
List SyntheticsTest Options List Args - Request
Basicauth SyntheticsTest Request Basicauth Args - The HTTP basic authentication credentials. Exactly one nested block is allowed with the structure below.
- Request
Client SyntheticsCertificate Test Request Client Certificate Args - Client certificate to use when performing the test request. Exactly one nested block is allowed with the structure below.
- Request
Definition SyntheticsTest Request Definition Args - Required if
type = "api"
. The synthetics test request. - Request
Files []SyntheticsTest Request File Args - Files to be used as part of the request in the test.
- Request
Headers map[string]string - Header name and value map.
- Request
Metadata map[string]string - Metadata to include when performing the gRPC request.
- Request
Proxy SyntheticsTest Request Proxy Args - The proxy to perform the test.
- Request
Query map[string]string - Query arguments name and value map.
- string
- Cookies to be used for a browser test request, using the Set-Cookie syntax.
- Status string
- Define whether you want to start (
) or pause (paused
) a Synthetic test. Valid values arelive
. - Subtype string
- The subtype of the Synthetic API test. Defaults to
. Valid values arehttp
. - []string
- A list of tags to associate with your synthetics test. This can help you categorize and filter tests in the manage synthetics page of the UI. Default is an empty list (
). - Type string
- Synthetics test type. Valid values are
. - Variables
From stringScript - Variables defined from JavaScript code for API HTTP tests.
- api
Steps List<SyntheticsTest Api Step> - Steps for multi-step api tests
- assertions
Test Assertion> - Assertions used for the test. Multiple
blocks are allowed with the structure below. - browser
Steps List<SyntheticsTest Browser Step> - Steps for browser tests.
- browser
Variables List<SyntheticsTest Browser Variable> - Variables used for a browser test steps. Multiple
blocks are allowed with the structure below. - config
Variables List<SyntheticsTest Config Variable> - Variables used for the test configuration. Multiple
blocks are allowed with the structure below. - device
Ids List<String> - Required if
type = "browser"
. Array with the different device IDs used to run the test. Valid values arelaptop_large
. - force
Delete BooleanDependencies - A boolean indicating whether this synthetics test can be deleted even if it's referenced by other resources (for example, SLOs and composite monitors).
- locations List<String>
- Array of locations used to run the test. Refer to the Datadog Synthetics location data source to retrieve the list of locations.
- message String
- A message to include with notifications for this synthetics test. Email notifications can be sent to specific users by using the same
notation as events. Defaults to""
. - monitor
Id Integer - ID of the monitor associated with the Datadog synthetics test.
- name String
- Name of Datadog synthetics test.
- options
List SyntheticsTest Options List - request
Basicauth SyntheticsTest Request Basicauth - The HTTP basic authentication credentials. Exactly one nested block is allowed with the structure below.
- request
Client SyntheticsCertificate Test Request Client Certificate - Client certificate to use when performing the test request. Exactly one nested block is allowed with the structure below.
- request
Definition SyntheticsTest Request Definition - Required if
type = "api"
. The synthetics test request. - request
Files List<SyntheticsTest Request File> - Files to be used as part of the request in the test.
- request
Headers Map<String,String> - Header name and value map.
- request
Metadata Map<String,String> - Metadata to include when performing the gRPC request.
- request
Proxy SyntheticsTest Request Proxy - The proxy to perform the test.
- request
Query Map<String,String> - Query arguments name and value map.
- String
- Cookies to be used for a browser test request, using the Set-Cookie syntax.
- status String
- Define whether you want to start (
) or pause (paused
) a Synthetic test. Valid values arelive
. - subtype String
- The subtype of the Synthetic API test. Defaults to
. Valid values arehttp
. - List<String>
- A list of tags to associate with your synthetics test. This can help you categorize and filter tests in the manage synthetics page of the UI. Default is an empty list (
). - type String
- Synthetics test type. Valid values are
. - variables
From StringScript - Variables defined from JavaScript code for API HTTP tests.
- api
Steps SyntheticsTest Api Step[] - Steps for multi-step api tests
- assertions
Test Assertion[] - Assertions used for the test. Multiple
blocks are allowed with the structure below. - browser
Steps SyntheticsTest Browser Step[] - Steps for browser tests.
- browser
Variables SyntheticsTest Browser Variable[] - Variables used for a browser test steps. Multiple
blocks are allowed with the structure below. - config
Variables SyntheticsTest Config Variable[] - Variables used for the test configuration. Multiple
blocks are allowed with the structure below. - device
Ids string[] - Required if
type = "browser"
. Array with the different device IDs used to run the test. Valid values arelaptop_large
. - force
Delete booleanDependencies - A boolean indicating whether this synthetics test can be deleted even if it's referenced by other resources (for example, SLOs and composite monitors).
- locations string[]
- Array of locations used to run the test. Refer to the Datadog Synthetics location data source to retrieve the list of locations.
- message string
- A message to include with notifications for this synthetics test. Email notifications can be sent to specific users by using the same
notation as events. Defaults to""
. - monitor
Id number - ID of the monitor associated with the Datadog synthetics test.
- name string
- Name of Datadog synthetics test.
- options
List SyntheticsTest Options List - request
Basicauth SyntheticsTest Request Basicauth - The HTTP basic authentication credentials. Exactly one nested block is allowed with the structure below.
- request
Client SyntheticsCertificate Test Request Client Certificate - Client certificate to use when performing the test request. Exactly one nested block is allowed with the structure below.
- request
Definition SyntheticsTest Request Definition - Required if
type = "api"
. The synthetics test request. - request
Files SyntheticsTest Request File[] - Files to be used as part of the request in the test.
- request
Headers {[key: string]: string} - Header name and value map.
- request
Metadata {[key: string]: string} - Metadata to include when performing the gRPC request.
- request
Proxy SyntheticsTest Request Proxy - The proxy to perform the test.
- request
Query {[key: string]: string} - Query arguments name and value map.
- string
- Cookies to be used for a browser test request, using the Set-Cookie syntax.
- status string
- Define whether you want to start (
) or pause (paused
) a Synthetic test. Valid values arelive
. - subtype string
- The subtype of the Synthetic API test. Defaults to
. Valid values arehttp
. - string[]
- A list of tags to associate with your synthetics test. This can help you categorize and filter tests in the manage synthetics page of the UI. Default is an empty list (
). - type string
- Synthetics test type. Valid values are
. - variables
From stringScript - Variables defined from JavaScript code for API HTTP tests.
- api_
steps Sequence[SyntheticsTest Api Step Args] - Steps for multi-step api tests
- assertions
Test Assertion Args] - Assertions used for the test. Multiple
blocks are allowed with the structure below. - browser_
steps Sequence[SyntheticsTest Browser Step Args] - Steps for browser tests.
- browser_
variables Sequence[SyntheticsTest Browser Variable Args] - Variables used for a browser test steps. Multiple
blocks are allowed with the structure below. - config_
variables Sequence[SyntheticsTest Config Variable Args] - Variables used for the test configuration. Multiple
blocks are allowed with the structure below. - device_
ids Sequence[str] - Required if
type = "browser"
. Array with the different device IDs used to run the test. Valid values arelaptop_large
. - force_
delete_ booldependencies - A boolean indicating whether this synthetics test can be deleted even if it's referenced by other resources (for example, SLOs and composite monitors).
- locations Sequence[str]
- Array of locations used to run the test. Refer to the Datadog Synthetics location data source to retrieve the list of locations.
- message str
- A message to include with notifications for this synthetics test. Email notifications can be sent to specific users by using the same
notation as events. Defaults to""
. - monitor_
id int - ID of the monitor associated with the Datadog synthetics test.
- name str
- Name of Datadog synthetics test.
- options_
list SyntheticsTest Options List Args - request_
basicauth SyntheticsTest Request Basicauth Args - The HTTP basic authentication credentials. Exactly one nested block is allowed with the structure below.
- request_
client_ Syntheticscertificate Test Request Client Certificate Args - Client certificate to use when performing the test request. Exactly one nested block is allowed with the structure below.
- request_
definition SyntheticsTest Request Definition Args - Required if
type = "api"
. The synthetics test request. - request_
files Sequence[SyntheticsTest Request File Args] - Files to be used as part of the request in the test.
- request_
headers Mapping[str, str] - Header name and value map.
- request_
metadata Mapping[str, str] - Metadata to include when performing the gRPC request.
- request_
proxy SyntheticsTest Request Proxy Args - The proxy to perform the test.
- request_
query Mapping[str, str] - Query arguments name and value map.
- str
- Cookies to be used for a browser test request, using the Set-Cookie syntax.
- status str
- Define whether you want to start (
) or pause (paused
) a Synthetic test. Valid values arelive
. - subtype str
- The subtype of the Synthetic API test. Defaults to
. Valid values arehttp
. - Sequence[str]
- A list of tags to associate with your synthetics test. This can help you categorize and filter tests in the manage synthetics page of the UI. Default is an empty list (
). - type str
- Synthetics test type. Valid values are
. - variables_
from_ strscript - Variables defined from JavaScript code for API HTTP tests.
- api
Steps List<Property Map> - Steps for multi-step api tests
- assertions List<Property Map>
- Assertions used for the test. Multiple
blocks are allowed with the structure below. - browser
Steps List<Property Map> - Steps for browser tests.
- browser
Variables List<Property Map> - Variables used for a browser test steps. Multiple
blocks are allowed with the structure below. - config
Variables List<Property Map> - Variables used for the test configuration. Multiple
blocks are allowed with the structure below. - device
Ids List<String> - Required if
type = "browser"
. Array with the different device IDs used to run the test. Valid values arelaptop_large
. - force
Delete BooleanDependencies - A boolean indicating whether this synthetics test can be deleted even if it's referenced by other resources (for example, SLOs and composite monitors).
- locations List<String>
- Array of locations used to run the test. Refer to the Datadog Synthetics location data source to retrieve the list of locations.
- message String
- A message to include with notifications for this synthetics test. Email notifications can be sent to specific users by using the same
notation as events. Defaults to""
. - monitor
Id Number - ID of the monitor associated with the Datadog synthetics test.
- name String
- Name of Datadog synthetics test.
- options
List Property Map - request
Basicauth Property Map - The HTTP basic authentication credentials. Exactly one nested block is allowed with the structure below.
- request
Client Property MapCertificate - Client certificate to use when performing the test request. Exactly one nested block is allowed with the structure below.
- request
Definition Property Map - Required if
type = "api"
. The synthetics test request. - request
Files List<Property Map> - Files to be used as part of the request in the test.
- request
Headers Map<String> - Header name and value map.
- request
Metadata Map<String> - Metadata to include when performing the gRPC request.
- request
Proxy Property Map - The proxy to perform the test.
- request
Query Map<String> - Query arguments name and value map.
- String
- Cookies to be used for a browser test request, using the Set-Cookie syntax.
- status String
- Define whether you want to start (
) or pause (paused
) a Synthetic test. Valid values arelive
. - subtype String
- The subtype of the Synthetic API test. Defaults to
. Valid values arehttp
. - List<String>
- A list of tags to associate with your synthetics test. This can help you categorize and filter tests in the manage synthetics page of the UI. Default is an empty list (
). - type String
- Synthetics test type. Valid values are
. - variables
From StringScript - Variables defined from JavaScript code for API HTTP tests.
Supporting Types
SyntheticsTestApiStep, SyntheticsTestApiStepArgs
- Name string
- The name of the step.
- Allow
Failure bool - Determines whether or not to continue with test if this step fails.
- Assertions
Test Api Step Assertion> - Assertions used for the test. Multiple
blocks are allowed with the structure below. - Extracted
Values List<SyntheticsTest Api Step Extracted Value> - Values to parse and save as variables from the response.
- Is
Critical bool - Determines whether or not to consider the entire test as failed if this step fails. Can be used only if
. - Request
Basicauth SyntheticsTest Api Step Request Basicauth - The HTTP basic authentication credentials. Exactly one nested block is allowed with the structure below.
- Request
Client SyntheticsCertificate Test Api Step Request Client Certificate - Client certificate to use when performing the test request. Exactly one nested block is allowed with the structure below.
- Request
Definition SyntheticsTest Api Step Request Definition - The request for the api step.
- Request
Files List<SyntheticsTest Api Step Request File> - Files to be used as part of the request in the test.
- Request
Headers Dictionary<string, string> - Header name and value map.
- Request
Metadata Dictionary<string, string> - Metadata to include when performing the gRPC request.
- Request
Proxy SyntheticsTest Api Step Request Proxy - The proxy to perform the test.
- Request
Query Dictionary<string, string> - Query arguments name and value map.
- Retry
Test Api Step Retry - Subtype string
- The subtype of the Synthetic multi-step API test step. Valid values are
. Defaults to"http"
. - Value int
- The time to wait in seconds. Minimum value: 0. Maximum value: 180.
- Name string
- The name of the step.
- Allow
Failure bool - Determines whether or not to continue with test if this step fails.
- Assertions
Test Api Step Assertion - Assertions used for the test. Multiple
blocks are allowed with the structure below. - Extracted
Values []SyntheticsTest Api Step Extracted Value - Values to parse and save as variables from the response.
- Is
Critical bool - Determines whether or not to consider the entire test as failed if this step fails. Can be used only if
. - Request
Basicauth SyntheticsTest Api Step Request Basicauth - The HTTP basic authentication credentials. Exactly one nested block is allowed with the structure below.
- Request
Client SyntheticsCertificate Test Api Step Request Client Certificate - Client certificate to use when performing the test request. Exactly one nested block is allowed with the structure below.
- Request
Definition SyntheticsTest Api Step Request Definition - The request for the api step.
- Request
Files []SyntheticsTest Api Step Request File - Files to be used as part of the request in the test.
- Request
Headers map[string]string - Header name and value map.
- Request
Metadata map[string]string - Metadata to include when performing the gRPC request.
- Request
Proxy SyntheticsTest Api Step Request Proxy - The proxy to perform the test.
- Request
Query map[string]string - Query arguments name and value map.
- Retry
Test Api Step Retry - Subtype string
- The subtype of the Synthetic multi-step API test step. Valid values are
. Defaults to"http"
. - Value int
- The time to wait in seconds. Minimum value: 0. Maximum value: 180.
- name String
- The name of the step.
- allow
Failure Boolean - Determines whether or not to continue with test if this step fails.
- assertions
Test Api Step Assertion> - Assertions used for the test. Multiple
blocks are allowed with the structure below. - extracted
Values List<SyntheticsTest Api Step Extracted Value> - Values to parse and save as variables from the response.
- is
Critical Boolean - Determines whether or not to consider the entire test as failed if this step fails. Can be used only if
. - request
Basicauth SyntheticsTest Api Step Request Basicauth - The HTTP basic authentication credentials. Exactly one nested block is allowed with the structure below.
- request
Client SyntheticsCertificate Test Api Step Request Client Certificate - Client certificate to use when performing the test request. Exactly one nested block is allowed with the structure below.
- request
Definition SyntheticsTest Api Step Request Definition - The request for the api step.
- request
Files List<SyntheticsTest Api Step Request File> - Files to be used as part of the request in the test.
- request
Headers Map<String,String> - Header name and value map.
- request
Metadata Map<String,String> - Metadata to include when performing the gRPC request.
- request
Proxy SyntheticsTest Api Step Request Proxy - The proxy to perform the test.
- request
Query Map<String,String> - Query arguments name and value map.
- retry
Test Api Step Retry - subtype String
- The subtype of the Synthetic multi-step API test step. Valid values are
. Defaults to"http"
. - value Integer
- The time to wait in seconds. Minimum value: 0. Maximum value: 180.
- name string
- The name of the step.
- allow
Failure boolean - Determines whether or not to continue with test if this step fails.
- assertions
Test Api Step Assertion[] - Assertions used for the test. Multiple
blocks are allowed with the structure below. - extracted
Values SyntheticsTest Api Step Extracted Value[] - Values to parse and save as variables from the response.
- is
Critical boolean - Determines whether or not to consider the entire test as failed if this step fails. Can be used only if
. - request
Basicauth SyntheticsTest Api Step Request Basicauth - The HTTP basic authentication credentials. Exactly one nested block is allowed with the structure below.
- request
Client SyntheticsCertificate Test Api Step Request Client Certificate - Client certificate to use when performing the test request. Exactly one nested block is allowed with the structure below.
- request
Definition SyntheticsTest Api Step Request Definition - The request for the api step.
- request
Files SyntheticsTest Api Step Request File[] - Files to be used as part of the request in the test.
- request
Headers {[key: string]: string} - Header name and value map.
- request
Metadata {[key: string]: string} - Metadata to include when performing the gRPC request.
- request
Proxy SyntheticsTest Api Step Request Proxy - The proxy to perform the test.
- request
Query {[key: string]: string} - Query arguments name and value map.
- retry
Test Api Step Retry - subtype string
- The subtype of the Synthetic multi-step API test step. Valid values are
. Defaults to"http"
. - value number
- The time to wait in seconds. Minimum value: 0. Maximum value: 180.
- name str
- The name of the step.
- allow_
failure bool - Determines whether or not to continue with test if this step fails.
- assertions
Test Api Step Assertion] - Assertions used for the test. Multiple
blocks are allowed with the structure below. - extracted_
values Sequence[SyntheticsTest Api Step Extracted Value] - Values to parse and save as variables from the response.
- is_
critical bool - Determines whether or not to consider the entire test as failed if this step fails. Can be used only if
. - request_
basicauth SyntheticsTest Api Step Request Basicauth - The HTTP basic authentication credentials. Exactly one nested block is allowed with the structure below.
- request_
client_ Syntheticscertificate Test Api Step Request Client Certificate - Client certificate to use when performing the test request. Exactly one nested block is allowed with the structure below.
- request_
definition SyntheticsTest Api Step Request Definition - The request for the api step.
- request_
files Sequence[SyntheticsTest Api Step Request File] - Files to be used as part of the request in the test.
- request_
headers Mapping[str, str] - Header name and value map.
- request_
metadata Mapping[str, str] - Metadata to include when performing the gRPC request.
- request_
proxy SyntheticsTest Api Step Request Proxy - The proxy to perform the test.
- request_
query Mapping[str, str] - Query arguments name and value map.
- retry
Test Api Step Retry - subtype str
- The subtype of the Synthetic multi-step API test step. Valid values are
. Defaults to"http"
. - value int
- The time to wait in seconds. Minimum value: 0. Maximum value: 180.
- name String
- The name of the step.
- allow
Failure Boolean - Determines whether or not to continue with test if this step fails.
- assertions List<Property Map>
- Assertions used for the test. Multiple
blocks are allowed with the structure below. - extracted
Values List<Property Map> - Values to parse and save as variables from the response.
- is
Critical Boolean - Determines whether or not to consider the entire test as failed if this step fails. Can be used only if
. - request
Basicauth Property Map - The HTTP basic authentication credentials. Exactly one nested block is allowed with the structure below.
- request
Client Property MapCertificate - Client certificate to use when performing the test request. Exactly one nested block is allowed with the structure below.
- request
Definition Property Map - The request for the api step.
- request
Files List<Property Map> - Files to be used as part of the request in the test.
- request
Headers Map<String> - Header name and value map.
- request
Metadata Map<String> - Metadata to include when performing the gRPC request.
- request
Proxy Property Map - The proxy to perform the test.
- request
Query Map<String> - Query arguments name and value map.
- retry Property Map
- subtype String
- The subtype of the Synthetic multi-step API test step. Valid values are
. Defaults to"http"
. - value Number
- The time to wait in seconds. Minimum value: 0. Maximum value: 180.
SyntheticsTestApiStepAssertion, SyntheticsTestApiStepAssertionArgs
- Type string
- Type of assertion. Note Only some combinations of
are valid (please refer to Datadog documentation). Valid values arebody
. - Code string
- If assertion type is
, this is the JavaScript code that performs the assertions. - Operator string
- Assertion operator. Note Only some combinations of
are valid (please refer to Datadog documentation). - Property string
- If assertion type is
, this is the header name. - Target string
- Expected value. Depends on the assertion type, refer to Datadog documentation for details.
- Targetjsonpath
Test Api Step Assertion Targetjsonpath - Expected structure if
. Exactly one nested block is allowed with the structure below. - Targetjsonschema
Test Api Step Assertion Targetjsonschema - Expected structure if
. Exactly one nested block is allowed with the structure below. - Targetxpath
Test Api Step Assertion Targetxpath - Expected structure if
. Exactly one nested block is allowed with the structure below. - Timings
Scope string - Timings scope for response time assertions. Valid values are
- Type string
- Type of assertion. Note Only some combinations of
are valid (please refer to Datadog documentation). Valid values arebody
. - Code string
- If assertion type is
, this is the JavaScript code that performs the assertions. - Operator string
- Assertion operator. Note Only some combinations of
are valid (please refer to Datadog documentation). - Property string
- If assertion type is
, this is the header name. - Target string
- Expected value. Depends on the assertion type, refer to Datadog documentation for details.
- Targetjsonpath
Test Api Step Assertion Targetjsonpath - Expected structure if
. Exactly one nested block is allowed with the structure below. - Targetjsonschema
Test Api Step Assertion Targetjsonschema - Expected structure if
. Exactly one nested block is allowed with the structure below. - Targetxpath
Test Api Step Assertion Targetxpath - Expected structure if
. Exactly one nested block is allowed with the structure below. - Timings
Scope string - Timings scope for response time assertions. Valid values are
- type String
- Type of assertion. Note Only some combinations of
are valid (please refer to Datadog documentation). Valid values arebody
. - code String
- If assertion type is
, this is the JavaScript code that performs the assertions. - operator String
- Assertion operator. Note Only some combinations of
are valid (please refer to Datadog documentation). - property String
- If assertion type is
, this is the header name. - target String
- Expected value. Depends on the assertion type, refer to Datadog documentation for details.
- targetjsonpath
Test Api Step Assertion Targetjsonpath - Expected structure if
. Exactly one nested block is allowed with the structure below. - targetjsonschema
Test Api Step Assertion Targetjsonschema - Expected structure if
. Exactly one nested block is allowed with the structure below. - targetxpath
Test Api Step Assertion Targetxpath - Expected structure if
. Exactly one nested block is allowed with the structure below. - timings
Scope String - Timings scope for response time assertions. Valid values are
- type string
- Type of assertion. Note Only some combinations of
are valid (please refer to Datadog documentation). Valid values arebody
. - code string
- If assertion type is
, this is the JavaScript code that performs the assertions. - operator string
- Assertion operator. Note Only some combinations of
are valid (please refer to Datadog documentation). - property string
- If assertion type is
, this is the header name. - target string
- Expected value. Depends on the assertion type, refer to Datadog documentation for details.
- targetjsonpath
Test Api Step Assertion Targetjsonpath - Expected structure if
. Exactly one nested block is allowed with the structure below. - targetjsonschema
Test Api Step Assertion Targetjsonschema - Expected structure if
. Exactly one nested block is allowed with the structure below. - targetxpath
Test Api Step Assertion Targetxpath - Expected structure if
. Exactly one nested block is allowed with the structure below. - timings
Scope string - Timings scope for response time assertions. Valid values are
- type str
- Type of assertion. Note Only some combinations of
are valid (please refer to Datadog documentation). Valid values arebody
. - code str
- If assertion type is
, this is the JavaScript code that performs the assertions. - operator str
- Assertion operator. Note Only some combinations of
are valid (please refer to Datadog documentation). - property str
- If assertion type is
, this is the header name. - target str
- Expected value. Depends on the assertion type, refer to Datadog documentation for details.
- targetjsonpath
Test Api Step Assertion Targetjsonpath - Expected structure if
. Exactly one nested block is allowed with the structure below. - targetjsonschema
Test Api Step Assertion Targetjsonschema - Expected structure if
. Exactly one nested block is allowed with the structure below. - targetxpath
Test Api Step Assertion Targetxpath - Expected structure if
. Exactly one nested block is allowed with the structure below. - timings_
scope str - Timings scope for response time assertions. Valid values are
- type String
- Type of assertion. Note Only some combinations of
are valid (please refer to Datadog documentation). Valid values arebody
. - code String
- If assertion type is
, this is the JavaScript code that performs the assertions. - operator String
- Assertion operator. Note Only some combinations of
are valid (please refer to Datadog documentation). - property String
- If assertion type is
, this is the header name. - target String
- Expected value. Depends on the assertion type, refer to Datadog documentation for details.
- targetjsonpath Property Map
- Expected structure if
. Exactly one nested block is allowed with the structure below. - targetjsonschema Property Map
- Expected structure if
. Exactly one nested block is allowed with the structure below. - targetxpath Property Map
- Expected structure if
. Exactly one nested block is allowed with the structure below. - timings
Scope String - Timings scope for response time assertions. Valid values are
SyntheticsTestApiStepAssertionTargetjsonpath, SyntheticsTestApiStepAssertionTargetjsonpathArgs
- Jsonpath string
- The JSON path to assert.
- Operator string
- The specific operator to use on the path.
- Elementsoperator string
- The element from the list of results to assert on. Select from
(the first element in the list),everyElementMatches
(every element in the list),atLeastOneElementMatches
(at least one element in the list), orserializationMatches
(the serialized value of the list). Defaults tofirstElementMatches
. Defaults to"firstElementMatches"
. - Targetvalue string
- Expected matching value.
- Jsonpath string
- The JSON path to assert.
- Operator string
- The specific operator to use on the path.
- Elementsoperator string
- The element from the list of results to assert on. Select from
(the first element in the list),everyElementMatches
(every element in the list),atLeastOneElementMatches
(at least one element in the list), orserializationMatches
(the serialized value of the list). Defaults tofirstElementMatches
. Defaults to"firstElementMatches"
. - Targetvalue string
- Expected matching value.
- jsonpath String
- The JSON path to assert.
- operator String
- The specific operator to use on the path.
- elementsoperator String
- The element from the list of results to assert on. Select from
(the first element in the list),everyElementMatches
(every element in the list),atLeastOneElementMatches
(at least one element in the list), orserializationMatches
(the serialized value of the list). Defaults tofirstElementMatches
. Defaults to"firstElementMatches"
. - targetvalue String
- Expected matching value.
- jsonpath string
- The JSON path to assert.
- operator string
- The specific operator to use on the path.
- elementsoperator string
- The element from the list of results to assert on. Select from
(the first element in the list),everyElementMatches
(every element in the list),atLeastOneElementMatches
(at least one element in the list), orserializationMatches
(the serialized value of the list). Defaults tofirstElementMatches
. Defaults to"firstElementMatches"
. - targetvalue string
- Expected matching value.
- jsonpath str
- The JSON path to assert.
- operator str
- The specific operator to use on the path.
- elementsoperator str
- The element from the list of results to assert on. Select from
(the first element in the list),everyElementMatches
(every element in the list),atLeastOneElementMatches
(at least one element in the list), orserializationMatches
(the serialized value of the list). Defaults tofirstElementMatches
. Defaults to"firstElementMatches"
. - targetvalue str
- Expected matching value.
- jsonpath String
- The JSON path to assert.
- operator String
- The specific operator to use on the path.
- elementsoperator String
- The element from the list of results to assert on. Select from
(the first element in the list),everyElementMatches
(every element in the list),atLeastOneElementMatches
(at least one element in the list), orserializationMatches
(the serialized value of the list). Defaults tofirstElementMatches
. Defaults to"firstElementMatches"
. - targetvalue String
- Expected matching value.
SyntheticsTestApiStepAssertionTargetjsonschema, SyntheticsTestApiStepAssertionTargetjsonschemaArgs
- Jsonschema string
- The JSON Schema to validate the body against.
- Metaschema string
- The meta schema to use for the JSON Schema. Defaults to
- Jsonschema string
- The JSON Schema to validate the body against.
- Metaschema string
- The meta schema to use for the JSON Schema. Defaults to
- jsonschema String
- The JSON Schema to validate the body against.
- metaschema String
- The meta schema to use for the JSON Schema. Defaults to
- jsonschema string
- The JSON Schema to validate the body against.
- metaschema string
- The meta schema to use for the JSON Schema. Defaults to
- jsonschema str
- The JSON Schema to validate the body against.
- metaschema str
- The meta schema to use for the JSON Schema. Defaults to
- jsonschema String
- The JSON Schema to validate the body against.
- metaschema String
- The meta schema to use for the JSON Schema. Defaults to
SyntheticsTestApiStepAssertionTargetxpath, SyntheticsTestApiStepAssertionTargetxpathArgs
- Operator string
- The specific operator to use on the path.
- Xpath string
- The xpath to assert.
- Targetvalue string
- Expected matching value.
- Operator string
- The specific operator to use on the path.
- Xpath string
- The xpath to assert.
- Targetvalue string
- Expected matching value.
- operator String
- The specific operator to use on the path.
- xpath String
- The xpath to assert.
- targetvalue String
- Expected matching value.
- operator string
- The specific operator to use on the path.
- xpath string
- The xpath to assert.
- targetvalue string
- Expected matching value.
- operator str
- The specific operator to use on the path.
- xpath str
- The xpath to assert.
- targetvalue str
- Expected matching value.
- operator String
- The specific operator to use on the path.
- xpath String
- The xpath to assert.
- targetvalue String
- Expected matching value.
SyntheticsTestApiStepExtractedValue, SyntheticsTestApiStepExtractedValueArgs
- Name string
- Parser
Test Api Step Extracted Value Parser - Type string
- Property of the Synthetics Test Response to use for the variable. Valid values are
. - Field string
- When type is
, name of the header or metadatum to extract. - Secure bool
- Determines whether or not the extracted value will be obfuscated.
- Name string
- Parser
Test Api Step Extracted Value Parser - Type string
- Property of the Synthetics Test Response to use for the variable. Valid values are
. - Field string
- When type is
, name of the header or metadatum to extract. - Secure bool
- Determines whether or not the extracted value will be obfuscated.
- name String
- parser
Test Api Step Extracted Value Parser - type String
- Property of the Synthetics Test Response to use for the variable. Valid values are
. - field String
- When type is
, name of the header or metadatum to extract. - secure Boolean
- Determines whether or not the extracted value will be obfuscated.
- name string
- parser
Test Api Step Extracted Value Parser - type string
- Property of the Synthetics Test Response to use for the variable. Valid values are
. - field string
- When type is
, name of the header or metadatum to extract. - secure boolean
- Determines whether or not the extracted value will be obfuscated.
- name str
- parser
Test Api Step Extracted Value Parser - type str
- Property of the Synthetics Test Response to use for the variable. Valid values are
. - field str
- When type is
, name of the header or metadatum to extract. - secure bool
- Determines whether or not the extracted value will be obfuscated.
- name String
- parser Property Map
- type String
- Property of the Synthetics Test Response to use for the variable. Valid values are
. - field String
- When type is
, name of the header or metadatum to extract. - secure Boolean
- Determines whether or not the extracted value will be obfuscated.
SyntheticsTestApiStepExtractedValueParser, SyntheticsTestApiStepExtractedValueParserArgs
SyntheticsTestApiStepRequestBasicauth, SyntheticsTestApiStepRequestBasicauthArgs
- Access
Key string - Access key for
authentication. - Access
Token stringUrl - Access token url for
authentication. - Audience string
- Audience for
authentication. Defaults to""
. - Client
Id string - Client ID for
authentication. - Client
Secret string - Client secret for
authentication. - Domain string
- Domain for
authentication. - Password string
- Password for authentication.
- Region string
- Region for
authentication. - Resource string
- Resource for
authentication. Defaults to""
. - Scope string
- Scope for
authentication. Defaults to""
. - Secret
Key string - Secret key for
authentication. - Service
Name string - Service name for
authentication. - Session
Token string - Session token for
authentication. - Token
Api stringAuthentication - Token API Authentication for
authentication. Valid values areheader
. - Type string
- Type of basic authentication to use when performing the test. Defaults to
. - Username string
- Username for authentication.
- Workstation string
- Workstation for
- Access
Key string - Access key for
authentication. - Access
Token stringUrl - Access token url for
authentication. - Audience string
- Audience for
authentication. Defaults to""
. - Client
Id string - Client ID for
authentication. - Client
Secret string - Client secret for
authentication. - Domain string
- Domain for
authentication. - Password string
- Password for authentication.
- Region string
- Region for
authentication. - Resource string
- Resource for
authentication. Defaults to""
. - Scope string
- Scope for
authentication. Defaults to""
. - Secret
Key string - Secret key for
authentication. - Service
Name string - Service name for
authentication. - Session
Token string - Session token for
authentication. - Token
Api stringAuthentication - Token API Authentication for
authentication. Valid values areheader
. - Type string
- Type of basic authentication to use when performing the test. Defaults to
. - Username string
- Username for authentication.
- Workstation string
- Workstation for
- access
Key String - Access key for
authentication. - access
Token StringUrl - Access token url for
authentication. - audience String
- Audience for
authentication. Defaults to""
. - client
Id String - Client ID for
authentication. - client
Secret String - Client secret for
authentication. - domain String
- Domain for
authentication. - password String
- Password for authentication.
- region String
- Region for
authentication. - resource String
- Resource for
authentication. Defaults to""
. - scope String
- Scope for
authentication. Defaults to""
. - secret
Key String - Secret key for
authentication. - service
Name String - Service name for
authentication. - session
Token String - Session token for
authentication. - token
Api StringAuthentication - Token API Authentication for
authentication. Valid values areheader
. - type String
- Type of basic authentication to use when performing the test. Defaults to
. - username String
- Username for authentication.
- workstation String
- Workstation for
- access
Key string - Access key for
authentication. - access
Token stringUrl - Access token url for
authentication. - audience string
- Audience for
authentication. Defaults to""
. - client
Id string - Client ID for
authentication. - client
Secret string - Client secret for
authentication. - domain string
- Domain for
authentication. - password string
- Password for authentication.
- region string
- Region for
authentication. - resource string
- Resource for
authentication. Defaults to""
. - scope string
- Scope for
authentication. Defaults to""
. - secret
Key string - Secret key for
authentication. - service
Name string - Service name for
authentication. - session
Token string - Session token for
authentication. - token
Api stringAuthentication - Token API Authentication for
authentication. Valid values areheader
. - type string
- Type of basic authentication to use when performing the test. Defaults to
. - username string
- Username for authentication.
- workstation string
- Workstation for
- access_
key str - Access key for
authentication. - access_
token_ strurl - Access token url for
authentication. - audience str
- Audience for
authentication. Defaults to""
. - client_
id str - Client ID for
authentication. - client_
secret str - Client secret for
authentication. - domain str
- Domain for
authentication. - password str
- Password for authentication.
- region str
- Region for
authentication. - resource str
- Resource for
authentication. Defaults to""
. - scope str
- Scope for
authentication. Defaults to""
. - secret_
key str - Secret key for
authentication. - service_
name str - Service name for
authentication. - session_
token str - Session token for
authentication. - token_
api_ strauthentication - Token API Authentication for
authentication. Valid values areheader
. - type str
- Type of basic authentication to use when performing the test. Defaults to
. - username str
- Username for authentication.
- workstation str
- Workstation for
- access
Key String - Access key for
authentication. - access
Token StringUrl - Access token url for
authentication. - audience String
- Audience for
authentication. Defaults to""
. - client
Id String - Client ID for
authentication. - client
Secret String - Client secret for
authentication. - domain String
- Domain for
authentication. - password String
- Password for authentication.
- region String
- Region for
authentication. - resource String
- Resource for
authentication. Defaults to""
. - scope String
- Scope for
authentication. Defaults to""
. - secret
Key String - Secret key for
authentication. - service
Name String - Service name for
authentication. - session
Token String - Session token for
authentication. - token
Api StringAuthentication - Token API Authentication for
authentication. Valid values areheader
. - type String
- Type of basic authentication to use when performing the test. Defaults to
. - username String
- Username for authentication.
- workstation String
- Workstation for
SyntheticsTestApiStepRequestClientCertificate, SyntheticsTestApiStepRequestClientCertificateArgs
SyntheticsTestApiStepRequestClientCertificateCert, SyntheticsTestApiStepRequestClientCertificateCertArgs
SyntheticsTestApiStepRequestClientCertificateKey, SyntheticsTestApiStepRequestClientCertificateKeyArgs
SyntheticsTestApiStepRequestDefinition, SyntheticsTestApiStepRequestDefinitionArgs
- Allow
Insecure bool - Allows loading insecure content for a request in an API test or in a multistep API test step.
- Body string
- The request body.
- Body
Type string - Type of the request body. Valid values are
. - Call
Type string - The type of gRPC call to perform. Valid values are
. - Certificate
Domains List<string> - By default, the client certificate is applied on the domain of the starting URL for browser tests. If you want your client certificate to be applied on other domains instead, add them in
. - Dns
Server string - DNS server to use for DNS tests (
subtype = "dns"
). - Dns
Server stringPort - DNS server port to use for DNS tests.
- Follow
Redirects bool - Determines whether or not the API HTTP test should follow redirects.
- Host string
- Host name to perform the test with.
- Http
Version string - HTTP version to use for an HTTP request in an API test or step. Valid values are
. Defaults to"any"
. - Message string
- For UDP and websocket tests, message to send with the request.
- Method string
- Either the HTTP method/verb to use or a gRPC method available on the service set in the
field. Required ifsubtype
or ifsubtype
. - No
Saving boolResponse Body - Determines whether or not to save the response body.
- Number
Of intPackets - Number of pings to use per test for ICMP tests (
subtype = "icmp"
) between 0 and 10. - bool
- Persist cookies across redirects.
- Plain
Proto stringFile - The content of a proto file as a string.
- Port string
- Port to use when performing the test.
- Proto
Json stringDescriptor - A protobuf JSON descriptor. Deprecated. Use
instead. - Servername string
- For SSL tests, it specifies on which server you want to initiate the TLS handshake, allowing the server to present one of multiple possible certificates on the same IP address and TCP port number.
- Service string
- The gRPC service on which you want to perform the gRPC call.
- Should
Track boolHops - This will turn on a traceroute probe to discover all gateways along the path to the host destination. For ICMP tests (
subtype = "icmp"
). - Timeout int
- Timeout in seconds for the test.
- Url string
- The URL to send the request to.
- Allow
Insecure bool - Allows loading insecure content for a request in an API test or in a multistep API test step.
- Body string
- The request body.
- Body
Type string - Type of the request body. Valid values are
. - Call
Type string - The type of gRPC call to perform. Valid values are
. - Certificate
Domains []string - By default, the client certificate is applied on the domain of the starting URL for browser tests. If you want your client certificate to be applied on other domains instead, add them in
. - Dns
Server string - DNS server to use for DNS tests (
subtype = "dns"
). - Dns
Server stringPort - DNS server port to use for DNS tests.
- Follow
Redirects bool - Determines whether or not the API HTTP test should follow redirects.
- Host string
- Host name to perform the test with.
- Http
Version string - HTTP version to use for an HTTP request in an API test or step. Valid values are
. Defaults to"any"
. - Message string
- For UDP and websocket tests, message to send with the request.
- Method string
- Either the HTTP method/verb to use or a gRPC method available on the service set in the
field. Required ifsubtype
or ifsubtype
. - No
Saving boolResponse Body - Determines whether or not to save the response body.
- Number
Of intPackets - Number of pings to use per test for ICMP tests (
subtype = "icmp"
) between 0 and 10. - bool
- Persist cookies across redirects.
- Plain
Proto stringFile - The content of a proto file as a string.
- Port string
- Port to use when performing the test.
- Proto
Json stringDescriptor - A protobuf JSON descriptor. Deprecated. Use
instead. - Servername string
- For SSL tests, it specifies on which server you want to initiate the TLS handshake, allowing the server to present one of multiple possible certificates on the same IP address and TCP port number.
- Service string
- The gRPC service on which you want to perform the gRPC call.
- Should
Track boolHops - This will turn on a traceroute probe to discover all gateways along the path to the host destination. For ICMP tests (
subtype = "icmp"
). - Timeout int
- Timeout in seconds for the test.
- Url string
- The URL to send the request to.
- allow
Insecure Boolean - Allows loading insecure content for a request in an API test or in a multistep API test step.
- body String
- The request body.
- body
Type String - Type of the request body. Valid values are
. - call
Type String - The type of gRPC call to perform. Valid values are
. - certificate
Domains List<String> - By default, the client certificate is applied on the domain of the starting URL for browser tests. If you want your client certificate to be applied on other domains instead, add them in
. - dns
Server String - DNS server to use for DNS tests (
subtype = "dns"
). - dns
Server StringPort - DNS server port to use for DNS tests.
- follow
Redirects Boolean - Determines whether or not the API HTTP test should follow redirects.
- host String
- Host name to perform the test with.
- http
Version String - HTTP version to use for an HTTP request in an API test or step. Valid values are
. Defaults to"any"
. - message String
- For UDP and websocket tests, message to send with the request.
- method String
- Either the HTTP method/verb to use or a gRPC method available on the service set in the
field. Required ifsubtype
or ifsubtype
. - no
Saving BooleanResponse Body - Determines whether or not to save the response body.
- number
Of IntegerPackets - Number of pings to use per test for ICMP tests (
subtype = "icmp"
) between 0 and 10. - Boolean
- Persist cookies across redirects.
- plain
Proto StringFile - The content of a proto file as a string.
- port String
- Port to use when performing the test.
- proto
Json StringDescriptor - A protobuf JSON descriptor. Deprecated. Use
instead. - servername String
- For SSL tests, it specifies on which server you want to initiate the TLS handshake, allowing the server to present one of multiple possible certificates on the same IP address and TCP port number.
- service String
- The gRPC service on which you want to perform the gRPC call.
- should
Track BooleanHops - This will turn on a traceroute probe to discover all gateways along the path to the host destination. For ICMP tests (
subtype = "icmp"
). - timeout Integer
- Timeout in seconds for the test.
- url String
- The URL to send the request to.
- allow
Insecure boolean - Allows loading insecure content for a request in an API test or in a multistep API test step.
- body string
- The request body.
- body
Type string - Type of the request body. Valid values are
. - call
Type string - The type of gRPC call to perform. Valid values are
. - certificate
Domains string[] - By default, the client certificate is applied on the domain of the starting URL for browser tests. If you want your client certificate to be applied on other domains instead, add them in
. - dns
Server string - DNS server to use for DNS tests (
subtype = "dns"
). - dns
Server stringPort - DNS server port to use for DNS tests.
- follow
Redirects boolean - Determines whether or not the API HTTP test should follow redirects.
- host string
- Host name to perform the test with.
- http
Version string - HTTP version to use for an HTTP request in an API test or step. Valid values are
. Defaults to"any"
. - message string
- For UDP and websocket tests, message to send with the request.
- method string
- Either the HTTP method/verb to use or a gRPC method available on the service set in the
field. Required ifsubtype
or ifsubtype
. - no
Saving booleanResponse Body - Determines whether or not to save the response body.
- number
Of numberPackets - Number of pings to use per test for ICMP tests (
subtype = "icmp"
) between 0 and 10. - boolean
- Persist cookies across redirects.
- plain
Proto stringFile - The content of a proto file as a string.
- port string
- Port to use when performing the test.
- proto
Json stringDescriptor - A protobuf JSON descriptor. Deprecated. Use
instead. - servername string
- For SSL tests, it specifies on which server you want to initiate the TLS handshake, allowing the server to present one of multiple possible certificates on the same IP address and TCP port number.
- service string
- The gRPC service on which you want to perform the gRPC call.
- should
Track booleanHops - This will turn on a traceroute probe to discover all gateways along the path to the host destination. For ICMP tests (
subtype = "icmp"
). - timeout number
- Timeout in seconds for the test.
- url string
- The URL to send the request to.
- allow_
insecure bool - Allows loading insecure content for a request in an API test or in a multistep API test step.
- body str
- The request body.
- body_
type str - Type of the request body. Valid values are
. - call_
type str - The type of gRPC call to perform. Valid values are
. - certificate_
domains Sequence[str] - By default, the client certificate is applied on the domain of the starting URL for browser tests. If you want your client certificate to be applied on other domains instead, add them in
. - dns_
server str - DNS server to use for DNS tests (
subtype = "dns"
). - dns_
server_ strport - DNS server port to use for DNS tests.
- follow_
redirects bool - Determines whether or not the API HTTP test should follow redirects.
- host str
- Host name to perform the test with.
- http_
version str - HTTP version to use for an HTTP request in an API test or step. Valid values are
. Defaults to"any"
. - message str
- For UDP and websocket tests, message to send with the request.
- method str
- Either the HTTP method/verb to use or a gRPC method available on the service set in the
field. Required ifsubtype
or ifsubtype
. - no_
saving_ boolresponse_ body - Determines whether or not to save the response body.
- number_
of_ intpackets - Number of pings to use per test for ICMP tests (
subtype = "icmp"
) between 0 and 10. - bool
- Persist cookies across redirects.
- plain_
proto_ strfile - The content of a proto file as a string.
- port str
- Port to use when performing the test.
- proto_
json_ strdescriptor - A protobuf JSON descriptor. Deprecated. Use
instead. - servername str
- For SSL tests, it specifies on which server you want to initiate the TLS handshake, allowing the server to present one of multiple possible certificates on the same IP address and TCP port number.
- service str
- The gRPC service on which you want to perform the gRPC call.
- should_
track_ boolhops - This will turn on a traceroute probe to discover all gateways along the path to the host destination. For ICMP tests (
subtype = "icmp"
). - timeout int
- Timeout in seconds for the test.
- url str
- The URL to send the request to.
- allow
Insecure Boolean - Allows loading insecure content for a request in an API test or in a multistep API test step.
- body String
- The request body.
- body
Type String - Type of the request body. Valid values are
. - call
Type String - The type of gRPC call to perform. Valid values are
. - certificate
Domains List<String> - By default, the client certificate is applied on the domain of the starting URL for browser tests. If you want your client certificate to be applied on other domains instead, add them in
. - dns
Server String - DNS server to use for DNS tests (
subtype = "dns"
). - dns
Server StringPort - DNS server port to use for DNS tests.
- follow
Redirects Boolean - Determines whether or not the API HTTP test should follow redirects.
- host String
- Host name to perform the test with.
- http
Version String - HTTP version to use for an HTTP request in an API test or step. Valid values are
. Defaults to"any"
. - message String
- For UDP and websocket tests, message to send with the request.
- method String
- Either the HTTP method/verb to use or a gRPC method available on the service set in the
field. Required ifsubtype
or ifsubtype
. - no
Saving BooleanResponse Body - Determines whether or not to save the response body.
- number
Of NumberPackets - Number of pings to use per test for ICMP tests (
subtype = "icmp"
) between 0 and 10. - Boolean
- Persist cookies across redirects.
- plain
Proto StringFile - The content of a proto file as a string.
- port String
- Port to use when performing the test.
- proto
Json StringDescriptor - A protobuf JSON descriptor. Deprecated. Use
instead. - servername String
- For SSL tests, it specifies on which server you want to initiate the TLS handshake, allowing the server to present one of multiple possible certificates on the same IP address and TCP port number.
- service String
- The gRPC service on which you want to perform the gRPC call.
- should
Track BooleanHops - This will turn on a traceroute probe to discover all gateways along the path to the host destination. For ICMP tests (
subtype = "icmp"
). - timeout Number
- Timeout in seconds for the test.
- url String
- The URL to send the request to.
SyntheticsTestApiStepRequestFile, SyntheticsTestApiStepRequestFileArgs
- name str
- Name of the file.
- size int
- Size of the file.
- type str
- Type of the file.
- bucket_
key str - Bucket key of the file.
- content str
- Content of the file.
- original_
file_ strname - Original name of the file.
SyntheticsTestApiStepRequestProxy, SyntheticsTestApiStepRequestProxyArgs
SyntheticsTestApiStepRetry, SyntheticsTestApiStepRetryArgs
SyntheticsTestAssertion, SyntheticsTestAssertionArgs
- Type string
- Type of assertion. Note Only some combinations of
are valid (please refer to Datadog documentation). Valid values arebody
. - Code string
- If assertion type is
, this is the JavaScript code that performs the assertions. - Operator string
- Assertion operator. Note Only some combinations of
are valid (please refer to Datadog documentation). - Property string
- If assertion type is
, this is the header name. - Target string
- Expected value. Depends on the assertion type, refer to Datadog documentation for details.
- Targetjsonpath
Test Assertion Targetjsonpath - Expected structure if
. Exactly one nested block is allowed with the structure below. - Targetjsonschema
Test Assertion Targetjsonschema - Expected structure if
. Exactly one nested block is allowed with the structure below. - Targetxpath
Test Assertion Targetxpath - Expected structure if
. Exactly one nested block is allowed with the structure below. - Timings
Scope string - Timings scope for response time assertions. Valid values are
- Type string
- Type of assertion. Note Only some combinations of
are valid (please refer to Datadog documentation). Valid values arebody
. - Code string
- If assertion type is
, this is the JavaScript code that performs the assertions. - Operator string
- Assertion operator. Note Only some combinations of
are valid (please refer to Datadog documentation). - Property string
- If assertion type is
, this is the header name. - Target string
- Expected value. Depends on the assertion type, refer to Datadog documentation for details.
- Targetjsonpath
Test Assertion Targetjsonpath - Expected structure if
. Exactly one nested block is allowed with the structure below. - Targetjsonschema
Test Assertion Targetjsonschema - Expected structure if
. Exactly one nested block is allowed with the structure below. - Targetxpath
Test Assertion Targetxpath - Expected structure if
. Exactly one nested block is allowed with the structure below. - Timings
Scope string - Timings scope for response time assertions. Valid values are
- type String
- Type of assertion. Note Only some combinations of
are valid (please refer to Datadog documentation). Valid values arebody
. - code String
- If assertion type is
, this is the JavaScript code that performs the assertions. - operator String
- Assertion operator. Note Only some combinations of
are valid (please refer to Datadog documentation). - property String
- If assertion type is
, this is the header name. - target String
- Expected value. Depends on the assertion type, refer to Datadog documentation for details.
- targetjsonpath
Test Assertion Targetjsonpath - Expected structure if
. Exactly one nested block is allowed with the structure below. - targetjsonschema
Test Assertion Targetjsonschema - Expected structure if
. Exactly one nested block is allowed with the structure below. - targetxpath
Test Assertion Targetxpath - Expected structure if
. Exactly one nested block is allowed with the structure below. - timings
Scope String - Timings scope for response time assertions. Valid values are
- type string
- Type of assertion. Note Only some combinations of
are valid (please refer to Datadog documentation). Valid values arebody
. - code string
- If assertion type is
, this is the JavaScript code that performs the assertions. - operator string
- Assertion operator. Note Only some combinations of
are valid (please refer to Datadog documentation). - property string
- If assertion type is
, this is the header name. - target string
- Expected value. Depends on the assertion type, refer to Datadog documentation for details.
- targetjsonpath
Test Assertion Targetjsonpath - Expected structure if
. Exactly one nested block is allowed with the structure below. - targetjsonschema
Test Assertion Targetjsonschema - Expected structure if
. Exactly one nested block is allowed with the structure below. - targetxpath
Test Assertion Targetxpath - Expected structure if
. Exactly one nested block is allowed with the structure below. - timings
Scope string - Timings scope for response time assertions. Valid values are
- type str
- Type of assertion. Note Only some combinations of
are valid (please refer to Datadog documentation). Valid values arebody
. - code str
- If assertion type is
, this is the JavaScript code that performs the assertions. - operator str
- Assertion operator. Note Only some combinations of
are valid (please refer to Datadog documentation). - property str
- If assertion type is
, this is the header name. - target str
- Expected value. Depends on the assertion type, refer to Datadog documentation for details.
- targetjsonpath
Test Assertion Targetjsonpath - Expected structure if
. Exactly one nested block is allowed with the structure below. - targetjsonschema
Test Assertion Targetjsonschema - Expected structure if
. Exactly one nested block is allowed with the structure below. - targetxpath
Test Assertion Targetxpath - Expected structure if
. Exactly one nested block is allowed with the structure below. - timings_
scope str - Timings scope for response time assertions. Valid values are
- type String
- Type of assertion. Note Only some combinations of
are valid (please refer to Datadog documentation). Valid values arebody
. - code String
- If assertion type is
, this is the JavaScript code that performs the assertions. - operator String
- Assertion operator. Note Only some combinations of
are valid (please refer to Datadog documentation). - property String
- If assertion type is
, this is the header name. - target String
- Expected value. Depends on the assertion type, refer to Datadog documentation for details.
- targetjsonpath Property Map
- Expected structure if
. Exactly one nested block is allowed with the structure below. - targetjsonschema Property Map
- Expected structure if
. Exactly one nested block is allowed with the structure below. - targetxpath Property Map
- Expected structure if
. Exactly one nested block is allowed with the structure below. - timings
Scope String - Timings scope for response time assertions. Valid values are
SyntheticsTestAssertionTargetjsonpath, SyntheticsTestAssertionTargetjsonpathArgs
- Jsonpath string
- The JSON path to assert.
- Operator string
- The specific operator to use on the path.
- Elementsoperator string
- The element from the list of results to assert on. Select from
(the first element in the list),everyElementMatches
(every element in the list),atLeastOneElementMatches
(at least one element in the list), orserializationMatches
(the serialized value of the list). Defaults tofirstElementMatches
. Defaults to"firstElementMatches"
. - Targetvalue string
- Expected matching value.
- Jsonpath string
- The JSON path to assert.
- Operator string
- The specific operator to use on the path.
- Elementsoperator string
- The element from the list of results to assert on. Select from
(the first element in the list),everyElementMatches
(every element in the list),atLeastOneElementMatches
(at least one element in the list), orserializationMatches
(the serialized value of the list). Defaults tofirstElementMatches
. Defaults to"firstElementMatches"
. - Targetvalue string
- Expected matching value.
- jsonpath String
- The JSON path to assert.
- operator String
- The specific operator to use on the path.
- elementsoperator String
- The element from the list of results to assert on. Select from
(the first element in the list),everyElementMatches
(every element in the list),atLeastOneElementMatches
(at least one element in the list), orserializationMatches
(the serialized value of the list). Defaults tofirstElementMatches
. Defaults to"firstElementMatches"
. - targetvalue String
- Expected matching value.
- jsonpath string
- The JSON path to assert.
- operator string
- The specific operator to use on the path.
- elementsoperator string
- The element from the list of results to assert on. Select from
(the first element in the list),everyElementMatches
(every element in the list),atLeastOneElementMatches
(at least one element in the list), orserializationMatches
(the serialized value of the list). Defaults tofirstElementMatches
. Defaults to"firstElementMatches"
. - targetvalue string
- Expected matching value.
- jsonpath str
- The JSON path to assert.
- operator str
- The specific operator to use on the path.
- elementsoperator str
- The element from the list of results to assert on. Select from
(the first element in the list),everyElementMatches
(every element in the list),atLeastOneElementMatches
(at least one element in the list), orserializationMatches
(the serialized value of the list). Defaults tofirstElementMatches
. Defaults to"firstElementMatches"
. - targetvalue str
- Expected matching value.
- jsonpath String
- The JSON path to assert.
- operator String
- The specific operator to use on the path.
- elementsoperator String
- The element from the list of results to assert on. Select from
(the first element in the list),everyElementMatches
(every element in the list),atLeastOneElementMatches
(at least one element in the list), orserializationMatches
(the serialized value of the list). Defaults tofirstElementMatches
. Defaults to"firstElementMatches"
. - targetvalue String
- Expected matching value.
SyntheticsTestAssertionTargetjsonschema, SyntheticsTestAssertionTargetjsonschemaArgs
- Jsonschema string
- The JSON Schema to validate the body against.
- Metaschema string
- The meta schema to use for the JSON Schema. Defaults to
- Jsonschema string
- The JSON Schema to validate the body against.
- Metaschema string
- The meta schema to use for the JSON Schema. Defaults to
- jsonschema String
- The JSON Schema to validate the body against.
- metaschema String
- The meta schema to use for the JSON Schema. Defaults to
- jsonschema string
- The JSON Schema to validate the body against.
- metaschema string
- The meta schema to use for the JSON Schema. Defaults to
- jsonschema str
- The JSON Schema to validate the body against.
- metaschema str
- The meta schema to use for the JSON Schema. Defaults to
- jsonschema String
- The JSON Schema to validate the body against.
- metaschema String
- The meta schema to use for the JSON Schema. Defaults to
SyntheticsTestAssertionTargetxpath, SyntheticsTestAssertionTargetxpathArgs
- Operator string
- The specific operator to use on the path.
- Xpath string
- The xpath to assert.
- Targetvalue string
- Expected matching value.
- Operator string
- The specific operator to use on the path.
- Xpath string
- The xpath to assert.
- Targetvalue string
- Expected matching value.
- operator String
- The specific operator to use on the path.
- xpath String
- The xpath to assert.
- targetvalue String
- Expected matching value.
- operator string
- The specific operator to use on the path.
- xpath string
- The xpath to assert.
- targetvalue string
- Expected matching value.
- operator str
- The specific operator to use on the path.
- xpath str
- The xpath to assert.
- targetvalue str
- Expected matching value.
- operator String
- The specific operator to use on the path.
- xpath String
- The xpath to assert.
- targetvalue String
- Expected matching value.
SyntheticsTestBrowserStep, SyntheticsTestBrowserStepArgs
- Name string
- Name of the step.
- Params
Test Browser Step Params - Parameters for the step.
- Type string
- Type of the step. Valid values are
. - Allow
Failure bool - Determines if the step should be allowed to fail.
- Force
Element boolUpdate - Force update of the "element" parameter for the step
- Is
Critical bool - Determines whether or not to consider the entire test as failed if this step fails. Can be used only if
. - No
Screenshot bool - Prevents saving screenshots of the step.
- Timeout int
- Used to override the default timeout of a step.
- Name string
- Name of the step.
- Params
Test Browser Step Params - Parameters for the step.
- Type string
- Type of the step. Valid values are
. - Allow
Failure bool - Determines if the step should be allowed to fail.
- Force
Element boolUpdate - Force update of the "element" parameter for the step
- Is
Critical bool - Determines whether or not to consider the entire test as failed if this step fails. Can be used only if
. - No
Screenshot bool - Prevents saving screenshots of the step.
- Timeout int
- Used to override the default timeout of a step.
- name String
- Name of the step.
- params
Test Browser Step Params - Parameters for the step.
- type String
- Type of the step. Valid values are
. - allow
Failure Boolean - Determines if the step should be allowed to fail.
- force
Element BooleanUpdate - Force update of the "element" parameter for the step
- is
Critical Boolean - Determines whether or not to consider the entire test as failed if this step fails. Can be used only if
. - no
Screenshot Boolean - Prevents saving screenshots of the step.
- timeout Integer
- Used to override the default timeout of a step.
- name string
- Name of the step.
- params
Test Browser Step Params - Parameters for the step.
- type string
- Type of the step. Valid values are
. - allow
Failure boolean - Determines if the step should be allowed to fail.
- force
Element booleanUpdate - Force update of the "element" parameter for the step
- is
Critical boolean - Determines whether or not to consider the entire test as failed if this step fails. Can be used only if
. - no
Screenshot boolean - Prevents saving screenshots of the step.
- timeout number
- Used to override the default timeout of a step.
- name str
- Name of the step.
- params
Test Browser Step Params - Parameters for the step.
- type str
- Type of the step. Valid values are
. - allow_
failure bool - Determines if the step should be allowed to fail.
- force_
element_ boolupdate - Force update of the "element" parameter for the step
- is_
critical bool - Determines whether or not to consider the entire test as failed if this step fails. Can be used only if
. - no_
screenshot bool - Prevents saving screenshots of the step.
- timeout int
- Used to override the default timeout of a step.
- name String
- Name of the step.
- params Property Map
- Parameters for the step.
- type String
- Type of the step. Valid values are
. - allow
Failure Boolean - Determines if the step should be allowed to fail.
- force
Element BooleanUpdate - Force update of the "element" parameter for the step
- is
Critical Boolean - Determines whether or not to consider the entire test as failed if this step fails. Can be used only if
. - no
Screenshot Boolean - Prevents saving screenshots of the step.
- timeout Number
- Used to override the default timeout of a step.
SyntheticsTestBrowserStepParams, SyntheticsTestBrowserStepParamsArgs
- Attribute string
- Name of the attribute to use for an "assert attribute" step.
- Check string
- Check type to use for an assertion step. Valid values are
. - Click
Type string - Type of click to use for a "click" step.
- Code string
- Javascript code to use for the step.
- Delay int
- Delay between each key stroke for a "type test" step.
- Element string
- Element to use for the step, JSON encoded string.
- Element
User SyntheticsLocator Test Browser Step Params Element User Locator - Custom user selector to use for the step.
- Email string
- Details of the email for an "assert email" step, JSON encoded string.
- File string
- JSON encoded string used for an "assert download" step. Refer to the examples for a usage example showing the schema.
- Files string
- Details of the files for an "upload files" step, JSON encoded string.
- Modifiers List<string>
- Modifier to use for a "press key" step.
- Playing
Tab stringId - ID of the tab to play the subtest.
- Request string
- Request for an API step.
- Subtest
Public stringId - ID of the Synthetics test to use as subtest.
- Value string
- Value of the step.
- Variable
Test Browser Step Params Variable - Details of the variable to extract.
- With
Click bool - For "file upload" steps.
- X int
- X coordinates for a "scroll step".
- Y int
- Y coordinates for a "scroll step".
- Attribute string
- Name of the attribute to use for an "assert attribute" step.
- Check string
- Check type to use for an assertion step. Valid values are
. - Click
Type string - Type of click to use for a "click" step.
- Code string
- Javascript code to use for the step.
- Delay int
- Delay between each key stroke for a "type test" step.
- Element string
- Element to use for the step, JSON encoded string.
- Element
User SyntheticsLocator Test Browser Step Params Element User Locator - Custom user selector to use for the step.
- Email string
- Details of the email for an "assert email" step, JSON encoded string.
- File string
- JSON encoded string used for an "assert download" step. Refer to the examples for a usage example showing the schema.
- Files string
- Details of the files for an "upload files" step, JSON encoded string.
- Modifiers []string
- Modifier to use for a "press key" step.
- Playing
Tab stringId - ID of the tab to play the subtest.
- Request string
- Request for an API step.
- Subtest
Public stringId - ID of the Synthetics test to use as subtest.
- Value string
- Value of the step.
- Variable
Test Browser Step Params Variable - Details of the variable to extract.
- With
Click bool - For "file upload" steps.
- X int
- X coordinates for a "scroll step".
- Y int
- Y coordinates for a "scroll step".
- attribute String
- Name of the attribute to use for an "assert attribute" step.
- check String
- Check type to use for an assertion step. Valid values are
. - click
Type String - Type of click to use for a "click" step.
- code String
- Javascript code to use for the step.
- delay Integer
- Delay between each key stroke for a "type test" step.
- element String
- Element to use for the step, JSON encoded string.
- element
User SyntheticsLocator Test Browser Step Params Element User Locator - Custom user selector to use for the step.
- email String
- Details of the email for an "assert email" step, JSON encoded string.
- file String
- JSON encoded string used for an "assert download" step. Refer to the examples for a usage example showing the schema.
- files String
- Details of the files for an "upload files" step, JSON encoded string.
- modifiers List<String>
- Modifier to use for a "press key" step.
- playing
Tab StringId - ID of the tab to play the subtest.
- request String
- Request for an API step.
- subtest
Public StringId - ID of the Synthetics test to use as subtest.
- value String
- Value of the step.
- variable
Test Browser Step Params Variable - Details of the variable to extract.
- with
Click Boolean - For "file upload" steps.
- x Integer
- X coordinates for a "scroll step".
- y Integer
- Y coordinates for a "scroll step".
- attribute string
- Name of the attribute to use for an "assert attribute" step.
- check string
- Check type to use for an assertion step. Valid values are
. - click
Type string - Type of click to use for a "click" step.
- code string
- Javascript code to use for the step.
- delay number
- Delay between each key stroke for a "type test" step.
- element string
- Element to use for the step, JSON encoded string.
- element
User SyntheticsLocator Test Browser Step Params Element User Locator - Custom user selector to use for the step.
- email string
- Details of the email for an "assert email" step, JSON encoded string.
- file string
- JSON encoded string used for an "assert download" step. Refer to the examples for a usage example showing the schema.
- files string
- Details of the files for an "upload files" step, JSON encoded string.
- modifiers string[]
- Modifier to use for a "press key" step.
- playing
Tab stringId - ID of the tab to play the subtest.
- request string
- Request for an API step.
- subtest
Public stringId - ID of the Synthetics test to use as subtest.
- value string
- Value of the step.
- variable
Test Browser Step Params Variable - Details of the variable to extract.
- with
Click boolean - For "file upload" steps.
- x number
- X coordinates for a "scroll step".
- y number
- Y coordinates for a "scroll step".
- attribute str
- Name of the attribute to use for an "assert attribute" step.
- check str
- Check type to use for an assertion step. Valid values are
. - click_
type str - Type of click to use for a "click" step.
- code str
- Javascript code to use for the step.
- delay int
- Delay between each key stroke for a "type test" step.
- element str
- Element to use for the step, JSON encoded string.
- element_
user_ Syntheticslocator Test Browser Step Params Element User Locator - Custom user selector to use for the step.
- email str
- Details of the email for an "assert email" step, JSON encoded string.
- file str
- JSON encoded string used for an "assert download" step. Refer to the examples for a usage example showing the schema.
- files str
- Details of the files for an "upload files" step, JSON encoded string.
- modifiers Sequence[str]
- Modifier to use for a "press key" step.
- playing_
tab_ strid - ID of the tab to play the subtest.
- request str
- Request for an API step.
- subtest_
public_ strid - ID of the Synthetics test to use as subtest.
- value str
- Value of the step.
- variable
Test Browser Step Params Variable - Details of the variable to extract.
- with_
click bool - For "file upload" steps.
- x int
- X coordinates for a "scroll step".
- y int
- Y coordinates for a "scroll step".
- attribute String
- Name of the attribute to use for an "assert attribute" step.
- check String
- Check type to use for an assertion step. Valid values are
. - click
Type String - Type of click to use for a "click" step.
- code String
- Javascript code to use for the step.
- delay Number
- Delay between each key stroke for a "type test" step.
- element String
- Element to use for the step, JSON encoded string.
- element
User Property MapLocator - Custom user selector to use for the step.
- email String
- Details of the email for an "assert email" step, JSON encoded string.
- file String
- JSON encoded string used for an "assert download" step. Refer to the examples for a usage example showing the schema.
- files String
- Details of the files for an "upload files" step, JSON encoded string.
- modifiers List<String>
- Modifier to use for a "press key" step.
- playing
Tab StringId - ID of the tab to play the subtest.
- request String
- Request for an API step.
- subtest
Public StringId - ID of the Synthetics test to use as subtest.
- value String
- Value of the step.
- variable Property Map
- Details of the variable to extract.
- with
Click Boolean - For "file upload" steps.
- x Number
- X coordinates for a "scroll step".
- y Number
- Y coordinates for a "scroll step".
SyntheticsTestBrowserStepParamsElementUserLocator, SyntheticsTestBrowserStepParamsElementUserLocatorArgs
- Value
Test Browser Step Params Element User Locator Value - Fail
Test boolOn Cannot Locate - Defaults to
- Value
Test Browser Step Params Element User Locator Value - Fail
Test boolOn Cannot Locate - Defaults to
- value
Test Browser Step Params Element User Locator Value - fail
Test BooleanOn Cannot Locate - Defaults to
- value
Test Browser Step Params Element User Locator Value - fail
Test booleanOn Cannot Locate - Defaults to
- value
Test Browser Step Params Element User Locator Value - fail_
test_ boolon_ cannot_ locate - Defaults to
- value Property Map
- fail
Test BooleanOn Cannot Locate - Defaults to
SyntheticsTestBrowserStepParamsElementUserLocatorValue, SyntheticsTestBrowserStepParamsElementUserLocatorValueArgs
SyntheticsTestBrowserStepParamsVariable, SyntheticsTestBrowserStepParamsVariableArgs
SyntheticsTestBrowserVariable, SyntheticsTestBrowserVariableArgs
- Name string
- Name of the variable.
- Type string
- Type of browser test variable. Valid values are
. - Example string
- Example for the variable. Defaults to
. - Id string
- ID of the global variable to use. This is actually only used (and required) in the case of using a variable of type
. - Pattern string
- Pattern of the variable. Defaults to
. - Secure bool
- Determines whether or not the browser test variable is obfuscated. Can only be used with a browser variable of type
- Name string
- Name of the variable.
- Type string
- Type of browser test variable. Valid values are
. - Example string
- Example for the variable. Defaults to
. - Id string
- ID of the global variable to use. This is actually only used (and required) in the case of using a variable of type
. - Pattern string
- Pattern of the variable. Defaults to
. - Secure bool
- Determines whether or not the browser test variable is obfuscated. Can only be used with a browser variable of type
- name String
- Name of the variable.
- type String
- Type of browser test variable. Valid values are
. - example String
- Example for the variable. Defaults to
. - id String
- ID of the global variable to use. This is actually only used (and required) in the case of using a variable of type
. - pattern String
- Pattern of the variable. Defaults to
. - secure Boolean
- Determines whether or not the browser test variable is obfuscated. Can only be used with a browser variable of type
- name string
- Name of the variable.
- type string
- Type of browser test variable. Valid values are
. - example string
- Example for the variable. Defaults to
. - id string
- ID of the global variable to use. This is actually only used (and required) in the case of using a variable of type
. - pattern string
- Pattern of the variable. Defaults to
. - secure boolean
- Determines whether or not the browser test variable is obfuscated. Can only be used with a browser variable of type
- name str
- Name of the variable.
- type str
- Type of browser test variable. Valid values are
. - example str
- Example for the variable. Defaults to
. - id str
- ID of the global variable to use. This is actually only used (and required) in the case of using a variable of type
. - pattern str
- Pattern of the variable. Defaults to
. - secure bool
- Determines whether or not the browser test variable is obfuscated. Can only be used with a browser variable of type
- name String
- Name of the variable.
- type String
- Type of browser test variable. Valid values are
. - example String
- Example for the variable. Defaults to
. - id String
- ID of the global variable to use. This is actually only used (and required) in the case of using a variable of type
. - pattern String
- Pattern of the variable. Defaults to
. - secure Boolean
- Determines whether or not the browser test variable is obfuscated. Can only be used with a browser variable of type
SyntheticsTestConfigVariable, SyntheticsTestConfigVariableArgs
- Name string
- Name of the variable.
- Type string
- Type of test configuration variable. Valid values are
. - Example string
- Id string
- When type =
, ID of the global variable to use. - Pattern string
- Secure bool
- Whether the value of this variable will be obfuscated in test results. Defaults to
- Name string
- Name of the variable.
- Type string
- Type of test configuration variable. Valid values are
. - Example string
- Id string
- When type =
, ID of the global variable to use. - Pattern string
- Secure bool
- Whether the value of this variable will be obfuscated in test results. Defaults to
- name String
- Name of the variable.
- type String
- Type of test configuration variable. Valid values are
. - example String
- id String
- When type =
, ID of the global variable to use. - pattern String
- secure Boolean
- Whether the value of this variable will be obfuscated in test results. Defaults to
- name string
- Name of the variable.
- type string
- Type of test configuration variable. Valid values are
. - example string
- id string
- When type =
, ID of the global variable to use. - pattern string
- secure boolean
- Whether the value of this variable will be obfuscated in test results. Defaults to
- name String
- Name of the variable.
- type String
- Type of test configuration variable. Valid values are
. - example String
- id String
- When type =
, ID of the global variable to use. - pattern String
- secure Boolean
- Whether the value of this variable will be obfuscated in test results. Defaults to
SyntheticsTestOptionsList, SyntheticsTestOptionsListArgs
- Tick
Every int - How often the test should run (in seconds).
- Accept
Self boolSigned - For SSL test, whether or not the test should allow self signed certificates.
- Allow
Insecure bool - Allows loading insecure content for a request in an API test or in a multistep API test step.
- Check
Certificate boolRevocation - For SSL test, whether or not the test should fail on revoked certificate in stapled OCSP.
- Ci
Test Options List Ci - CI/CD options for a Synthetic test.
- Disable
Cors bool - Disable Cross-Origin Resource Sharing for browser tests.
- Disable
Csp bool - Disable Content Security Policy for browser tests.
- Follow
Redirects bool - Determines whether or not the API HTTP test should follow redirects.
- Http
Version string - HTTP version to use for an HTTP request in an API test or step. Valid values are
. Defaults to"any"
. - Ignore
Server boolCertificate Error - Ignore server certificate error for browser tests.
- int
- Timeout before declaring the initial step as failed (in seconds) for browser tests.
- Min
Failure intDuration - Minimum amount of time in failure required to trigger an alert (in seconds). Default is
. - Min
Location intFailed - Minimum number of locations in failure required to trigger an alert. Defaults to
. - Monitor
Name string - The monitor name is used for the alert title as well as for all monitor dashboard widgets and SLOs.
- Monitor
Options SyntheticsTest Options List Monitor Options - Monitor
Priority int - No
Screenshot bool - Prevents saving screenshots of the steps.
- Restricted
Roles List<string> - A list of role identifiers pulled from the Roles API to restrict read and write access.
- Retry
Test Options List Retry - Rum
Settings SyntheticsTest Options List Rum Settings - The RUM data collection settings for the Synthetic browser test.
- Scheduling
Test Options List Scheduling - Object containing timeframes and timezone used for advanced scheduling.
- Tick
Every int - How often the test should run (in seconds).
- Accept
Self boolSigned - For SSL test, whether or not the test should allow self signed certificates.
- Allow
Insecure bool - Allows loading insecure content for a request in an API test or in a multistep API test step.
- Check
Certificate boolRevocation - For SSL test, whether or not the test should fail on revoked certificate in stapled OCSP.
- Ci
Test Options List Ci - CI/CD options for a Synthetic test.
- Disable
Cors bool - Disable Cross-Origin Resource Sharing for browser tests.
- Disable
Csp bool - Disable Content Security Policy for browser tests.
- Follow
Redirects bool - Determines whether or not the API HTTP test should follow redirects.
- Http
Version string - HTTP version to use for an HTTP request in an API test or step. Valid values are
. Defaults to"any"
. - Ignore
Server boolCertificate Error - Ignore server certificate error for browser tests.
- int
- Timeout before declaring the initial step as failed (in seconds) for browser tests.
- Min
Failure intDuration - Minimum amount of time in failure required to trigger an alert (in seconds). Default is
. - Min
Location intFailed - Minimum number of locations in failure required to trigger an alert. Defaults to
. - Monitor
Name string - The monitor name is used for the alert title as well as for all monitor dashboard widgets and SLOs.
- Monitor
Options SyntheticsTest Options List Monitor Options - Monitor
Priority int - No
Screenshot bool - Prevents saving screenshots of the steps.
- Restricted
Roles []string - A list of role identifiers pulled from the Roles API to restrict read and write access.
- Retry
Test Options List Retry - Rum
Settings SyntheticsTest Options List Rum Settings - The RUM data collection settings for the Synthetic browser test.
- Scheduling
Test Options List Scheduling - Object containing timeframes and timezone used for advanced scheduling.
- tick
Every Integer - How often the test should run (in seconds).
- accept
Self BooleanSigned - For SSL test, whether or not the test should allow self signed certificates.
- allow
Insecure Boolean - Allows loading insecure content for a request in an API test or in a multistep API test step.
- check
Certificate BooleanRevocation - For SSL test, whether or not the test should fail on revoked certificate in stapled OCSP.
- ci
Test Options List Ci - CI/CD options for a Synthetic test.
- disable
Cors Boolean - Disable Cross-Origin Resource Sharing for browser tests.
- disable
Csp Boolean - Disable Content Security Policy for browser tests.
- follow
Redirects Boolean - Determines whether or not the API HTTP test should follow redirects.
- http
Version String - HTTP version to use for an HTTP request in an API test or step. Valid values are
. Defaults to"any"
. - ignore
Server BooleanCertificate Error - Ignore server certificate error for browser tests.
- Integer
- Timeout before declaring the initial step as failed (in seconds) for browser tests.
- min
Failure IntegerDuration - Minimum amount of time in failure required to trigger an alert (in seconds). Default is
. - min
Location IntegerFailed - Minimum number of locations in failure required to trigger an alert. Defaults to
. - monitor
Name String - The monitor name is used for the alert title as well as for all monitor dashboard widgets and SLOs.
- monitor
Options SyntheticsTest Options List Monitor Options - monitor
Priority Integer - no
Screenshot Boolean - Prevents saving screenshots of the steps.
- restricted
Roles List<String> - A list of role identifiers pulled from the Roles API to restrict read and write access.
- retry
Test Options List Retry - rum
Settings SyntheticsTest Options List Rum Settings - The RUM data collection settings for the Synthetic browser test.
- scheduling
Test Options List Scheduling - Object containing timeframes and timezone used for advanced scheduling.
- tick
Every number - How often the test should run (in seconds).
- accept
Self booleanSigned - For SSL test, whether or not the test should allow self signed certificates.
- allow
Insecure boolean - Allows loading insecure content for a request in an API test or in a multistep API test step.
- check
Certificate booleanRevocation - For SSL test, whether or not the test should fail on revoked certificate in stapled OCSP.
- ci
Test Options List Ci - CI/CD options for a Synthetic test.
- disable
Cors boolean - Disable Cross-Origin Resource Sharing for browser tests.
- disable
Csp boolean - Disable Content Security Policy for browser tests.
- follow
Redirects boolean - Determines whether or not the API HTTP test should follow redirects.
- http
Version string - HTTP version to use for an HTTP request in an API test or step. Valid values are
. Defaults to"any"
. - ignore
Server booleanCertificate Error - Ignore server certificate error for browser tests.
- number
- Timeout before declaring the initial step as failed (in seconds) for browser tests.
- min
Failure numberDuration - Minimum amount of time in failure required to trigger an alert (in seconds). Default is
. - min
Location numberFailed - Minimum number of locations in failure required to trigger an alert. Defaults to
. - monitor
Name string - The monitor name is used for the alert title as well as for all monitor dashboard widgets and SLOs.
- monitor
Options SyntheticsTest Options List Monitor Options - monitor
Priority number - no
Screenshot boolean - Prevents saving screenshots of the steps.
- restricted
Roles string[] - A list of role identifiers pulled from the Roles API to restrict read and write access.
- retry
Test Options List Retry - rum
Settings SyntheticsTest Options List Rum Settings - The RUM data collection settings for the Synthetic browser test.
- scheduling
Test Options List Scheduling - Object containing timeframes and timezone used for advanced scheduling.
- tick_
every int - How often the test should run (in seconds).
- accept_
self_ boolsigned - For SSL test, whether or not the test should allow self signed certificates.
- allow_
insecure bool - Allows loading insecure content for a request in an API test or in a multistep API test step.
- check_
certificate_ boolrevocation - For SSL test, whether or not the test should fail on revoked certificate in stapled OCSP.
- ci
Test Options List Ci - CI/CD options for a Synthetic test.
- disable_
cors bool - Disable Cross-Origin Resource Sharing for browser tests.
- disable_
csp bool - Disable Content Security Policy for browser tests.
- follow_
redirects bool - Determines whether or not the API HTTP test should follow redirects.
- http_
version str - HTTP version to use for an HTTP request in an API test or step. Valid values are
. Defaults to"any"
. - ignore_
server_ boolcertificate_ error - Ignore server certificate error for browser tests.
- int
- Timeout before declaring the initial step as failed (in seconds) for browser tests.
- min_
failure_ intduration - Minimum amount of time in failure required to trigger an alert (in seconds). Default is
. - min_
location_ intfailed - Minimum number of locations in failure required to trigger an alert. Defaults to
. - monitor_
name str - The monitor name is used for the alert title as well as for all monitor dashboard widgets and SLOs.
- monitor_
options SyntheticsTest Options List Monitor Options - monitor_
priority int - no_
screenshot bool - Prevents saving screenshots of the steps.
- restricted_
roles Sequence[str] - A list of role identifiers pulled from the Roles API to restrict read and write access.
- retry
Test Options List Retry - rum_
settings SyntheticsTest Options List Rum Settings - The RUM data collection settings for the Synthetic browser test.
- scheduling
Test Options List Scheduling - Object containing timeframes and timezone used for advanced scheduling.
- tick
Every Number - How often the test should run (in seconds).
- accept
Self BooleanSigned - For SSL test, whether or not the test should allow self signed certificates.
- allow
Insecure Boolean - Allows loading insecure content for a request in an API test or in a multistep API test step.
- check
Certificate BooleanRevocation - For SSL test, whether or not the test should fail on revoked certificate in stapled OCSP.
- ci Property Map
- CI/CD options for a Synthetic test.
- disable
Cors Boolean - Disable Cross-Origin Resource Sharing for browser tests.
- disable
Csp Boolean - Disable Content Security Policy for browser tests.
- follow
Redirects Boolean - Determines whether or not the API HTTP test should follow redirects.
- http
Version String - HTTP version to use for an HTTP request in an API test or step. Valid values are
. Defaults to"any"
. - ignore
Server BooleanCertificate Error - Ignore server certificate error for browser tests.
- Number
- Timeout before declaring the initial step as failed (in seconds) for browser tests.
- min
Failure NumberDuration - Minimum amount of time in failure required to trigger an alert (in seconds). Default is
. - min
Location NumberFailed - Minimum number of locations in failure required to trigger an alert. Defaults to
. - monitor
Name String - The monitor name is used for the alert title as well as for all monitor dashboard widgets and SLOs.
- monitor
Options Property Map - monitor
Priority Number - no
Screenshot Boolean - Prevents saving screenshots of the steps.
- restricted
Roles List<String> - A list of role identifiers pulled from the Roles API to restrict read and write access.
- retry Property Map
- rum
Settings Property Map - The RUM data collection settings for the Synthetic browser test.
- scheduling Property Map
- Object containing timeframes and timezone used for advanced scheduling.
SyntheticsTestOptionsListCi, SyntheticsTestOptionsListCiArgs
- Execution
Rule string - Execution rule for a Synthetics test. Valid values are
- Execution
Rule string - Execution rule for a Synthetics test. Valid values are
- execution
Rule String - Execution rule for a Synthetics test. Valid values are
- execution
Rule string - Execution rule for a Synthetics test. Valid values are
- execution_
rule str - Execution rule for a Synthetics test. Valid values are
- execution
Rule String - Execution rule for a Synthetics test. Valid values are
SyntheticsTestOptionsListMonitorOptions, SyntheticsTestOptionsListMonitorOptionsArgs
- Renotify
Interval int - Specify a renotification frequency in minutes. Values available by default are
. Defaults to0
- Renotify
Interval int - Specify a renotification frequency in minutes. Values available by default are
. Defaults to0
- renotify
Interval Integer - Specify a renotification frequency in minutes. Values available by default are
. Defaults to0
- renotify
Interval number - Specify a renotification frequency in minutes. Values available by default are
. Defaults to0
- renotify_
interval int - Specify a renotification frequency in minutes. Values available by default are
. Defaults to0
- renotify
Interval Number - Specify a renotification frequency in minutes. Values available by default are
. Defaults to0
SyntheticsTestOptionsListRetry, SyntheticsTestOptionsListRetryArgs
SyntheticsTestOptionsListRumSettings, SyntheticsTestOptionsListRumSettingsArgs
- Is
Enabled bool - Determines whether RUM data is collected during test runs.
- Application
Id string - RUM application ID used to collect RUM data for the browser test.
- Client
Token intId - RUM application API key ID used to collect RUM data for the browser test.
- Is
Enabled bool - Determines whether RUM data is collected during test runs.
- Application
Id string - RUM application ID used to collect RUM data for the browser test.
- Client
Token intId - RUM application API key ID used to collect RUM data for the browser test.
- is
Enabled Boolean - Determines whether RUM data is collected during test runs.
- application
Id String - RUM application ID used to collect RUM data for the browser test.
- client
Token IntegerId - RUM application API key ID used to collect RUM data for the browser test.
- is
Enabled boolean - Determines whether RUM data is collected during test runs.
- application
Id string - RUM application ID used to collect RUM data for the browser test.
- client
Token numberId - RUM application API key ID used to collect RUM data for the browser test.
- is_
enabled bool - Determines whether RUM data is collected during test runs.
- application_
id str - RUM application ID used to collect RUM data for the browser test.
- client_
token_ intid - RUM application API key ID used to collect RUM data for the browser test.
- is
Enabled Boolean - Determines whether RUM data is collected during test runs.
- application
Id String - RUM application ID used to collect RUM data for the browser test.
- client
Token NumberId - RUM application API key ID used to collect RUM data for the browser test.
SyntheticsTestOptionsListScheduling, SyntheticsTestOptionsListSchedulingArgs
- Timeframes
Test Options List Scheduling Timeframe> - Array containing objects describing the scheduling pattern to apply to each day.
- Timezone string
- Timezone in which the timeframe is based.
- Timeframes
Test Options List Scheduling Timeframe - Array containing objects describing the scheduling pattern to apply to each day.
- Timezone string
- Timezone in which the timeframe is based.
- timeframes
Test Options List Scheduling Timeframe> - Array containing objects describing the scheduling pattern to apply to each day.
- timezone String
- Timezone in which the timeframe is based.
- timeframes
Test Options List Scheduling Timeframe[] - Array containing objects describing the scheduling pattern to apply to each day.
- timezone string
- Timezone in which the timeframe is based.
- timeframes
Test Options List Scheduling Timeframe] - Array containing objects describing the scheduling pattern to apply to each day.
- timezone str
- Timezone in which the timeframe is based.
- timeframes List<Property Map>
- Array containing objects describing the scheduling pattern to apply to each day.
- timezone String
- Timezone in which the timeframe is based.
SyntheticsTestOptionsListSchedulingTimeframe, SyntheticsTestOptionsListSchedulingTimeframeArgs
SyntheticsTestRequestBasicauth, SyntheticsTestRequestBasicauthArgs
- Access
Key string - Access key for
authentication. - Access
Token stringUrl - Access token url for
authentication. - Audience string
- Audience for
authentication. Defaults to""
. - Client
Id string - Client ID for
authentication. - Client
Secret string - Client secret for
authentication. - Domain string
- Domain for
authentication. - Password string
- Password for authentication.
- Region string
- Region for
authentication. - Resource string
- Resource for
authentication. Defaults to""
. - Scope string
- Scope for
authentication. Defaults to""
. - Secret
Key string - Secret key for
authentication. - Service
Name string - Service name for
authentication. - Session
Token string - Session token for
authentication. - Token
Api stringAuthentication - Token API Authentication for
authentication. Valid values areheader
. - Type string
- Type of basic authentication to use when performing the test. Defaults to
. - Username string
- Username for authentication.
- Workstation string
- Workstation for
- Access
Key string - Access key for
authentication. - Access
Token stringUrl - Access token url for
authentication. - Audience string
- Audience for
authentication. Defaults to""
. - Client
Id string - Client ID for
authentication. - Client
Secret string - Client secret for
authentication. - Domain string
- Domain for
authentication. - Password string
- Password for authentication.
- Region string
- Region for
authentication. - Resource string
- Resource for
authentication. Defaults to""
. - Scope string
- Scope for
authentication. Defaults to""
. - Secret
Key string - Secret key for
authentication. - Service
Name string - Service name for
authentication. - Session
Token string - Session token for
authentication. - Token
Api stringAuthentication - Token API Authentication for
authentication. Valid values areheader
. - Type string
- Type of basic authentication to use when performing the test. Defaults to
. - Username string
- Username for authentication.
- Workstation string
- Workstation for
- access
Key String - Access key for
authentication. - access
Token StringUrl - Access token url for
authentication. - audience String
- Audience for
authentication. Defaults to""
. - client
Id String - Client ID for
authentication. - client
Secret String - Client secret for
authentication. - domain String
- Domain for
authentication. - password String
- Password for authentication.
- region String
- Region for
authentication. - resource String
- Resource for
authentication. Defaults to""
. - scope String
- Scope for
authentication. Defaults to""
. - secret
Key String - Secret key for
authentication. - service
Name String - Service name for
authentication. - session
Token String - Session token for
authentication. - token
Api StringAuthentication - Token API Authentication for
authentication. Valid values areheader
. - type String
- Type of basic authentication to use when performing the test. Defaults to
. - username String
- Username for authentication.
- workstation String
- Workstation for
- access
Key string - Access key for
authentication. - access
Token stringUrl - Access token url for
authentication. - audience string
- Audience for
authentication. Defaults to""
. - client
Id string - Client ID for
authentication. - client
Secret string - Client secret for
authentication. - domain string
- Domain for
authentication. - password string
- Password for authentication.
- region string
- Region for
authentication. - resource string
- Resource for
authentication. Defaults to""
. - scope string
- Scope for
authentication. Defaults to""
. - secret
Key string - Secret key for
authentication. - service
Name string - Service name for
authentication. - session
Token string - Session token for
authentication. - token
Api stringAuthentication - Token API Authentication for
authentication. Valid values areheader
. - type string
- Type of basic authentication to use when performing the test. Defaults to
. - username string
- Username for authentication.
- workstation string
- Workstation for
- access_
key str - Access key for
authentication. - access_
token_ strurl - Access token url for
authentication. - audience str
- Audience for
authentication. Defaults to""
. - client_
id str - Client ID for
authentication. - client_
secret str - Client secret for
authentication. - domain str
- Domain for
authentication. - password str
- Password for authentication.
- region str
- Region for
authentication. - resource str
- Resource for
authentication. Defaults to""
. - scope str
- Scope for
authentication. Defaults to""
. - secret_
key str - Secret key for
authentication. - service_
name str - Service name for
authentication. - session_
token str - Session token for
authentication. - token_
api_ strauthentication - Token API Authentication for
authentication. Valid values areheader
. - type str
- Type of basic authentication to use when performing the test. Defaults to
. - username str
- Username for authentication.
- workstation str
- Workstation for
- access
Key String - Access key for
authentication. - access
Token StringUrl - Access token url for
authentication. - audience String
- Audience for
authentication. Defaults to""
. - client
Id String - Client ID for
authentication. - client
Secret String - Client secret for
authentication. - domain String
- Domain for
authentication. - password String
- Password for authentication.
- region String
- Region for
authentication. - resource String
- Resource for
authentication. Defaults to""
. - scope String
- Scope for
authentication. Defaults to""
. - secret
Key String - Secret key for
authentication. - service
Name String - Service name for
authentication. - session
Token String - Session token for
authentication. - token
Api StringAuthentication - Token API Authentication for
authentication. Valid values areheader
. - type String
- Type of basic authentication to use when performing the test. Defaults to
. - username String
- Username for authentication.
- workstation String
- Workstation for
SyntheticsTestRequestClientCertificate, SyntheticsTestRequestClientCertificateArgs
SyntheticsTestRequestClientCertificateCert, SyntheticsTestRequestClientCertificateCertArgs
SyntheticsTestRequestClientCertificateKey, SyntheticsTestRequestClientCertificateKeyArgs
SyntheticsTestRequestDefinition, SyntheticsTestRequestDefinitionArgs
- Body string
- The request body.
- Body
Type string - Type of the request body. Valid values are
. - Call
Type string - The type of gRPC call to perform. Valid values are
. - Certificate
Domains List<string> - By default, the client certificate is applied on the domain of the starting URL for browser tests. If you want your client certificate to be applied on other domains instead, add them in
. - Dns
Server string - DNS server to use for DNS tests (
subtype = "dns"
). - Dns
Server stringPort - DNS server port to use for DNS tests.
- Host string
- Host name to perform the test with.
- Http
Version string - HTTP version to use for an HTTP request in an API test or step. Deprecated. Use
in theoptions_list
field instead. - Message string
- For UDP and websocket tests, message to send with the request.
- Method string
- Either the HTTP method/verb to use or a gRPC method available on the service set in the
field. Required ifsubtype
or ifsubtype
. - No
Saving boolResponse Body - Determines whether or not to save the response body.
- Number
Of intPackets - Number of pings to use per test for ICMP tests (
subtype = "icmp"
) between 0 and 10. - bool
- Persist cookies across redirects.
- Plain
Proto stringFile - The content of a proto file as a string.
- Port string
- Port to use when performing the test.
- Proto
Json stringDescriptor - A protobuf JSON descriptor. Deprecated. Use
instead. - Servername string
- For SSL tests, it specifies on which server you want to initiate the TLS handshake, allowing the server to present one of multiple possible certificates on the same IP address and TCP port number.
- Service string
- The gRPC service on which you want to perform the gRPC call.
- Should
Track boolHops - This will turn on a traceroute probe to discover all gateways along the path to the host destination. For ICMP tests (
subtype = "icmp"
). - Timeout int
- Timeout in seconds for the test.
- Url string
- The URL to send the request to.
- Body string
- The request body.
- Body
Type string - Type of the request body. Valid values are
. - Call
Type string - The type of gRPC call to perform. Valid values are
. - Certificate
Domains []string - By default, the client certificate is applied on the domain of the starting URL for browser tests. If you want your client certificate to be applied on other domains instead, add them in
. - Dns
Server string - DNS server to use for DNS tests (
subtype = "dns"
). - Dns
Server stringPort - DNS server port to use for DNS tests.
- Host string
- Host name to perform the test with.
- Http
Version string - HTTP version to use for an HTTP request in an API test or step. Deprecated. Use
in theoptions_list
field instead. - Message string
- For UDP and websocket tests, message to send with the request.
- Method string
- Either the HTTP method/verb to use or a gRPC method available on the service set in the
field. Required ifsubtype
or ifsubtype
. - No
Saving boolResponse Body - Determines whether or not to save the response body.
- Number
Of intPackets - Number of pings to use per test for ICMP tests (
subtype = "icmp"
) between 0 and 10. - bool
- Persist cookies across redirects.
- Plain
Proto stringFile - The content of a proto file as a string.
- Port string
- Port to use when performing the test.
- Proto
Json stringDescriptor - A protobuf JSON descriptor. Deprecated. Use
instead. - Servername string
- For SSL tests, it specifies on which server you want to initiate the TLS handshake, allowing the server to present one of multiple possible certificates on the same IP address and TCP port number.
- Service string
- The gRPC service on which you want to perform the gRPC call.
- Should
Track boolHops - This will turn on a traceroute probe to discover all gateways along the path to the host destination. For ICMP tests (
subtype = "icmp"
). - Timeout int
- Timeout in seconds for the test.
- Url string
- The URL to send the request to.
- body String
- The request body.
- body
Type String - Type of the request body. Valid values are
. - call
Type String - The type of gRPC call to perform. Valid values are
. - certificate
Domains List<String> - By default, the client certificate is applied on the domain of the starting URL for browser tests. If you want your client certificate to be applied on other domains instead, add them in
. - dns
Server String - DNS server to use for DNS tests (
subtype = "dns"
). - dns
Server StringPort - DNS server port to use for DNS tests.
- host String
- Host name to perform the test with.
- http
Version String - HTTP version to use for an HTTP request in an API test or step. Deprecated. Use
in theoptions_list
field instead. - message String
- For UDP and websocket tests, message to send with the request.
- method String
- Either the HTTP method/verb to use or a gRPC method available on the service set in the
field. Required ifsubtype
or ifsubtype
. - no
Saving BooleanResponse Body - Determines whether or not to save the response body.
- number
Of IntegerPackets - Number of pings to use per test for ICMP tests (
subtype = "icmp"
) between 0 and 10. - Boolean
- Persist cookies across redirects.
- plain
Proto StringFile - The content of a proto file as a string.
- port String
- Port to use when performing the test.
- proto
Json StringDescriptor - A protobuf JSON descriptor. Deprecated. Use
instead. - servername String
- For SSL tests, it specifies on which server you want to initiate the TLS handshake, allowing the server to present one of multiple possible certificates on the same IP address and TCP port number.
- service String
- The gRPC service on which you want to perform the gRPC call.
- should
Track BooleanHops - This will turn on a traceroute probe to discover all gateways along the path to the host destination. For ICMP tests (
subtype = "icmp"
). - timeout Integer
- Timeout in seconds for the test.
- url String
- The URL to send the request to.
- body string
- The request body.
- body
Type string - Type of the request body. Valid values are
. - call
Type string - The type of gRPC call to perform. Valid values are
. - certificate
Domains string[] - By default, the client certificate is applied on the domain of the starting URL for browser tests. If you want your client certificate to be applied on other domains instead, add them in
. - dns
Server string - DNS server to use for DNS tests (
subtype = "dns"
). - dns
Server stringPort - DNS server port to use for DNS tests.
- host string
- Host name to perform the test with.
- http
Version string - HTTP version to use for an HTTP request in an API test or step. Deprecated. Use
in theoptions_list
field instead. - message string
- For UDP and websocket tests, message to send with the request.
- method string
- Either the HTTP method/verb to use or a gRPC method available on the service set in the
field. Required ifsubtype
or ifsubtype
. - no
Saving booleanResponse Body - Determines whether or not to save the response body.
- number
Of numberPackets - Number of pings to use per test for ICMP tests (
subtype = "icmp"
) between 0 and 10. - boolean
- Persist cookies across redirects.
- plain
Proto stringFile - The content of a proto file as a string.
- port string
- Port to use when performing the test.
- proto
Json stringDescriptor - A protobuf JSON descriptor. Deprecated. Use
instead. - servername string
- For SSL tests, it specifies on which server you want to initiate the TLS handshake, allowing the server to present one of multiple possible certificates on the same IP address and TCP port number.
- service string
- The gRPC service on which you want to perform the gRPC call.
- should
Track booleanHops - This will turn on a traceroute probe to discover all gateways along the path to the host destination. For ICMP tests (
subtype = "icmp"
). - timeout number
- Timeout in seconds for the test.
- url string
- The URL to send the request to.
- body str
- The request body.
- body_
type str - Type of the request body. Valid values are
. - call_
type str - The type of gRPC call to perform. Valid values are
. - certificate_
domains Sequence[str] - By default, the client certificate is applied on the domain of the starting URL for browser tests. If you want your client certificate to be applied on other domains instead, add them in
. - dns_
server str - DNS server to use for DNS tests (
subtype = "dns"
). - dns_
server_ strport - DNS server port to use for DNS tests.
- host str
- Host name to perform the test with.
- http_
version str - HTTP version to use for an HTTP request in an API test or step. Deprecated. Use
in theoptions_list
field instead. - message str
- For UDP and websocket tests, message to send with the request.
- method str
- Either the HTTP method/verb to use or a gRPC method available on the service set in the
field. Required ifsubtype
or ifsubtype
. - no_
saving_ boolresponse_ body - Determines whether or not to save the response body.
- number_
of_ intpackets - Number of pings to use per test for ICMP tests (
subtype = "icmp"
) between 0 and 10. - bool
- Persist cookies across redirects.
- plain_
proto_ strfile - The content of a proto file as a string.
- port str
- Port to use when performing the test.
- proto_
json_ strdescriptor - A protobuf JSON descriptor. Deprecated. Use
instead. - servername str
- For SSL tests, it specifies on which server you want to initiate the TLS handshake, allowing the server to present one of multiple possible certificates on the same IP address and TCP port number.
- service str
- The gRPC service on which you want to perform the gRPC call.
- should_
track_ boolhops - This will turn on a traceroute probe to discover all gateways along the path to the host destination. For ICMP tests (
subtype = "icmp"
). - timeout int
- Timeout in seconds for the test.
- url str
- The URL to send the request to.
- body String
- The request body.
- body
Type String - Type of the request body. Valid values are
. - call
Type String - The type of gRPC call to perform. Valid values are
. - certificate
Domains List<String> - By default, the client certificate is applied on the domain of the starting URL for browser tests. If you want your client certificate to be applied on other domains instead, add them in
. - dns
Server String - DNS server to use for DNS tests (
subtype = "dns"
). - dns
Server StringPort - DNS server port to use for DNS tests.
- host String
- Host name to perform the test with.
- http
Version String - HTTP version to use for an HTTP request in an API test or step. Deprecated. Use
in theoptions_list
field instead. - message String
- For UDP and websocket tests, message to send with the request.
- method String
- Either the HTTP method/verb to use or a gRPC method available on the service set in the
field. Required ifsubtype
or ifsubtype
. - no
Saving BooleanResponse Body - Determines whether or not to save the response body.
- number
Of NumberPackets - Number of pings to use per test for ICMP tests (
subtype = "icmp"
) between 0 and 10. - Boolean
- Persist cookies across redirects.
- plain
Proto StringFile - The content of a proto file as a string.
- port String
- Port to use when performing the test.
- proto
Json StringDescriptor - A protobuf JSON descriptor. Deprecated. Use
instead. - servername String
- For SSL tests, it specifies on which server you want to initiate the TLS handshake, allowing the server to present one of multiple possible certificates on the same IP address and TCP port number.
- service String
- The gRPC service on which you want to perform the gRPC call.
- should
Track BooleanHops - This will turn on a traceroute probe to discover all gateways along the path to the host destination. For ICMP tests (
subtype = "icmp"
). - timeout Number
- Timeout in seconds for the test.
- url String
- The URL to send the request to.
SyntheticsTestRequestFile, SyntheticsTestRequestFileArgs
- name str
- Name of the file.
- size int
- Size of the file.
- type str
- Type of the file.
- bucket_
key str - Bucket key of the file.
- content str
- Content of the file.
- original_
file_ strname - Original name of the file.
SyntheticsTestRequestProxy, SyntheticsTestRequestProxyArgs
Synthetics tests can be imported using their public string ID, e.g.
$ pulumi import datadog:index/syntheticsTest:SyntheticsTest fizz abc-123-xyz
To learn more about importing existing cloud resources, see Importing resources.
Package Details
- Repository
- Datadog pulumi/pulumi-datadog
- License
- Apache-2.0
- Notes
- This Pulumi package is based on the
Terraform Provider.