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  4. getEnforcerGroups
Aquasec v0.8.29 published on Monday, Jul 22, 2024 by Pulumiverse


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Aquasec v0.8.29 published on Monday, Jul 22, 2024 by Pulumiverse

    The data source aquasec.EnforcerGroups provides an Enforcer group template that generates a configuration file, which is subsequently used to generate one or more Enforcers using a Docker command.

    Example Usage

    import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi";
    import * as aquasec from "@pulumi/aquasec";
    const groups = aquasec.getEnforcerGroups({
        groupId: "IacGroup",
    export const groupDetails = groups;
    import pulumi
    import pulumi_aquasec as aquasec
    groups = aquasec.get_enforcer_groups(group_id="IacGroup")
    pulumi.export("groupDetails", groups)
    package main
    import (
    func main() {
    	pulumi.Run(func(ctx *pulumi.Context) error {
    		groups, err := aquasec.LookupEnforcerGroups(ctx, &aquasec.LookupEnforcerGroupsArgs{
    			GroupId: "IacGroup",
    		}, nil)
    		if err != nil {
    			return err
    		ctx.Export("groupDetails", groups)
    		return nil
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.Linq;
    using Pulumi;
    using Aquasec = Pulumi.Aquasec;
    return await Deployment.RunAsync(() => 
        var groups = Aquasec.GetEnforcerGroups.Invoke(new()
            GroupId = "IacGroup",
        return new Dictionary<string, object?>
            ["groupDetails"] = groups,
    package generated_program;
    import com.pulumi.Context;
    import com.pulumi.Pulumi;
    import com.pulumi.core.Output;
    import com.pulumi.aquasec.AquasecFunctions;
    import com.pulumi.aquasec.inputs.GetEnforcerGroupsArgs;
    import java.util.List;
    import java.util.ArrayList;
    import java.util.Map;
    import java.io.File;
    import java.nio.file.Files;
    import java.nio.file.Paths;
    public class App {
        public static void main(String[] args) {
        public static void stack(Context ctx) {
            final var groups = AquasecFunctions.getEnforcerGroups(GetEnforcerGroupsArgs.builder()
            ctx.export("groupDetails", groups.applyValue(getEnforcerGroupsResult -> getEnforcerGroupsResult));
          Function: aquasec:getEnforcerGroups
            groupId: IacGroup
      groupDetails: ${groups}

    Using getEnforcerGroups

    Two invocation forms are available. The direct form accepts plain arguments and either blocks until the result value is available, or returns a Promise-wrapped result. The output form accepts Input-wrapped arguments and returns an Output-wrapped result.

    function getEnforcerGroups(args: GetEnforcerGroupsArgs, opts?: InvokeOptions): Promise<GetEnforcerGroupsResult>
    function getEnforcerGroupsOutput(args: GetEnforcerGroupsOutputArgs, opts?: InvokeOptions): Output<GetEnforcerGroupsResult>
    def get_enforcer_groups(forensics: Optional[bool] = None,
                            group_id: Optional[str] = None,
                            host_forensics: Optional[bool] = None,
                            opts: Optional[InvokeOptions] = None) -> GetEnforcerGroupsResult
    def get_enforcer_groups_output(forensics: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]] = None,
                            group_id: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None,
                            host_forensics: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]] = None,
                            opts: Optional[InvokeOptions] = None) -> Output[GetEnforcerGroupsResult]
    func LookupEnforcerGroups(ctx *Context, args *LookupEnforcerGroupsArgs, opts ...InvokeOption) (*LookupEnforcerGroupsResult, error)
    func LookupEnforcerGroupsOutput(ctx *Context, args *LookupEnforcerGroupsOutputArgs, opts ...InvokeOption) LookupEnforcerGroupsResultOutput

    > Note: This function is named LookupEnforcerGroups in the Go SDK.

    public static class GetEnforcerGroups 
        public static Task<GetEnforcerGroupsResult> InvokeAsync(GetEnforcerGroupsArgs args, InvokeOptions? opts = null)
        public static Output<GetEnforcerGroupsResult> Invoke(GetEnforcerGroupsInvokeArgs args, InvokeOptions? opts = null)
    public static CompletableFuture<GetEnforcerGroupsResult> getEnforcerGroups(GetEnforcerGroupsArgs args, InvokeOptions options)
    // Output-based functions aren't available in Java yet
      function: aquasec:index/getEnforcerGroups:getEnforcerGroups
        # arguments dictionary

    The following arguments are supported:

    GroupId string
    The ID of the Enforcer group.
    Forensics bool
    Select Enabled to send activity logs in your containers to the Aqua Server for forensics purposes.
    HostForensics bool
    Select Enabled to send activity logs in your host to the Aqua Server for forensics purposes.
    GroupId string
    The ID of the Enforcer group.
    Forensics bool
    Select Enabled to send activity logs in your containers to the Aqua Server for forensics purposes.
    HostForensics bool
    Select Enabled to send activity logs in your host to the Aqua Server for forensics purposes.
    groupId String
    The ID of the Enforcer group.
    forensics Boolean
    Select Enabled to send activity logs in your containers to the Aqua Server for forensics purposes.
    hostForensics Boolean
    Select Enabled to send activity logs in your host to the Aqua Server for forensics purposes.
    groupId string
    The ID of the Enforcer group.
    forensics boolean
    Select Enabled to send activity logs in your containers to the Aqua Server for forensics purposes.
    hostForensics boolean
    Select Enabled to send activity logs in your host to the Aqua Server for forensics purposes.
    group_id str
    The ID of the Enforcer group.
    forensics bool
    Select Enabled to send activity logs in your containers to the Aqua Server for forensics purposes.
    host_forensics bool
    Select Enabled to send activity logs in your host to the Aqua Server for forensics purposes.
    groupId String
    The ID of the Enforcer group.
    forensics Boolean
    Select Enabled to send activity logs in your containers to the Aqua Server for forensics purposes.
    hostForensics Boolean
    Select Enabled to send activity logs in your host to the Aqua Server for forensics purposes.

    getEnforcerGroups Result

    The following output properties are available:

    AdmissionControl bool
    Selecting this option will allow the KubeEnforcer to block the deployment of container images that have failed any of these Container Runtime Policy controls:
    * Block Non-Compliant Images
    * Block Non-Compliant Workloads
    * Block Unregistered Images
    This functionality can work only when the KubeEnforcer is deployed in Enforce mode.
    AllowKubeEnforcerAudit bool
    Allow kube enforcer audit.
    AllowedApplications List<string>
    List of application names to allow on the hosts. if provided, only containers of the listed applications will be allowed to run.
    AllowedLabels List<string>
    List of label names to allow on the hosts.
    AllowedRegistries List<string>
    List of registry names to allow on the hosts.
    AntivirusProtection bool
    This setting is available only when you have license for Advanced Malware Protection. Send true to make use of the license and enable the Real-time Malware Protection control in the Host Runtime policies.
    AquaVersion string
    Aqua server version
    AuditAll bool
    Agent will send extra audit messages to the server for success operations from inside the container (runtime).
    AutoCopySecrets bool
    This option is applicable only if Enable Pod Enforcer injection is selected. Select this option if you want Aqua Enterprise to copy the secrets defined above to the Pod Enforcer namespace and container. Otherwise, you can choose to copy these secrets by other means.
    AutoDiscoverConfigureRegistries bool
    This option is available only if Enable workload discovery is selected. If selected, the KubeEnforcer will add previously unknown image registries from the cluster to Aqua.
    AutoDiscoveryEnabled bool
    When this option is selected, the KubeEnforcer will discover workloads on its cluster.
    AutoScanDiscoveredImagesRunningContainers bool
    This option is available only if Enable workload discovery is selected. If selected, the KubeEnforcer will automatically register images running as workloads (and scan the discovered images for security issues).
    BehavioralEngine bool
    If Enabled, detects suspicious activity in your containers and displays potential security threats in the Incidents and Audits pages.
    BlockAdmissionControl bool
    This applies only if both Enable admission control and Enforce mode are set. This additional option must be selected for admission control to work if the KubeEnforcer is not connected to any Gateway. If this option is not selected, admission control will be disabled; this will have no effect on containers already running.
    Commands List<Pulumiverse.Aquasec.Outputs.GetEnforcerGroupsCommand>
    The installation command.
    ConnectedCount int
    Number of connected enforcers in the enforcer group.
    ContainerActivityProtection bool
    When set to True applies Container Runtime Policies, Image Profiles, and Firewall Policies to containers.
    ContainerAntivirusProtection bool
    This setting is available only when you have license for Advanced Malware Protection. Send true to make use of the license and enable the Real-time Malware Protection control in the Container Runtime policies.
    Description string
    A description for the Aqua Enforcer group.
    DisconnectedCount int
    Number of disconnected enforcers in the enforcer group.
    Enforce bool
    Whether the enforce mode is enabled on the Enforcers.
    EnforcerImageName string
    The specific Aqua Enforcer product image (with image tag) to be deployed.
    GatewayAddress string
    Gateway Address
    GatewayName string
    Gateway Name
    Gateways List<string>
    List of Aqua gateway IDs for the Enforcers.
    GroupId string
    The ID of the Enforcer group.
    HighVulns int
    Number of high vulnerabilities in the enforcers that in this enforcer group.
    HostAssurance bool
    When set to True enables host scanning and respective Host Assurance controls.
    HostBehavioralEngine bool
    When set to True enables these Host Runtime Policy controls: OS Users and Groups Allowed and OS Users and Groups Blocked
    HostNetworkProtection bool
    When set to True applies Firewall Policies to hosts, and allows recording network maps for Aqua services. The Network Firewall setting must be disabled when deploying the Aqua Enforcer on a machine running Rocky Linux. See https://docs.aquasec.com/docs/platform-support-limitations-rocky-linux for further information
    HostOs string
    The OS type for the host
    HostProtection bool
    When set to True enables all Host Runtime Policy controls except for OS Users and Groups Allowed and OS Users and Groups Blocked.
    HostUserProtection bool
    When set to True enables these Host Runtime Policy controls: OS Users and Groups Allowed and OS Users and Groups Blocked
    HostsCount int
    Number of enforcers in the enforcer group.
    Id string
    The provider-assigned unique ID for this managed resource.
    ImageAssurance bool
    When Set to True enables selected controls: Container Runtime Policy (Block Non-Compliant Images, Block Unregistered Images, and Registries Allowed) and Default Image Assurance Policy (Images Blocked).
    InstallCommand string
    Enforcer install command
    KubeBenchImageName string
    See https://docs.aquasec.com/docs/securing-kubernetes-applications#section-configuration-hardening, The KubeEnforcer can deploy the Aqua Security kube-bench open-source product to perform Kubernetes CIS benchmark testing of nodes. This field specifies the path and file name of the kube-bench product image for the KubeEnforcer to deploy; it will be filled in automatically. You can optionally enter a different value.
    LastUpdate int
    The last date and time the batch token was updated in UNIX time.
    LogicalName string
    Name for the batch install record.
    LowVulns int
    Number of low vulnerabilities in the enforcers that in this enforcer group.
    MedVulns int
    Number of medium vulnerabilities in the enforcers that in this enforcer group.
    MicroEnforcerCertsSecretsName string
    This option is applicable only if Enable Pod Enforcer injection is selected.
    MicroEnforcerImageName string
    This option is applicable only if Enable Pod Enforcer injection is selected. This field specifies the path and file name of the KubeEnforcer product image to be deployed; it will be filled in automatically. You can optionally enter a different value.
    MicroEnforcerInjection bool
    This applies only if both Enable admission control and Enforce mode are set. This additional option must be selected for admission control to work if the KubeEnforcer is not connected to any Gateway. If this option is not selected, admission control will be disabled; this will have no effect on containers already running.
    MicroEnforcerSecretsName string
    This option is applicable only if Enable Pod Enforcer injection is selected.
    NegVulns int
    Number of negligible vulnerabilities in the enforcers that in this enforcer group.
    NetworkProtection bool
    When set to True applies Firewall Policies to containers, and allows recording network maps for Aqua services. The Network Firewall setting must be disabled when deploying the Aqua Enforcer on a machine running Rocky Linux. See https://docs.aquasec.com/docs/platform-support-limitations-rocky-linux for further information.
    Orchestrators List<Pulumiverse.Aquasec.Outputs.GetEnforcerGroupsOrchestrator>
    The orchestrator for which you are creating the Enforcer group.
    PasDeploymentLink string
    pas deployment link
    Permission string
    Permission Action
    RiskExplorerAutoDiscovery bool
    When set to True allows Enforcers to be discovered in the Risk Explorer.
    RuntimePolicyName string
    Function Runtime Policy that will applay on the nano enforcer.
    RuntimeType string
    The container runtime environment.
    SyncHostImages bool
    When set to True configures Enforcers to discover local host images. Discovered images will be listed under Images > Host Images, as well as under Infrastructure (in the Images tab for applicable hosts).
    SyscallEnabled bool
    When set to True allows profiling and monitoring system calls made by running containers.
    Token string
    The batch install token.
    Type string
    Enforcer Type.
    UserAccessControl bool
    When set to True applies User Access Control Policies to containers. Note that Aqua Enforcers must be deployed with the AQUARUNCINTERCEPTION environment variable set to 0 in order to use User Access Control Policies.
    Forensics bool
    Select Enabled to send activity logs in your containers to the Aqua Server for forensics purposes.
    HostForensics bool
    Select Enabled to send activity logs in your host to the Aqua Server for forensics purposes.
    AdmissionControl bool
    Selecting this option will allow the KubeEnforcer to block the deployment of container images that have failed any of these Container Runtime Policy controls:
    * Block Non-Compliant Images
    * Block Non-Compliant Workloads
    * Block Unregistered Images
    This functionality can work only when the KubeEnforcer is deployed in Enforce mode.
    AllowKubeEnforcerAudit bool
    Allow kube enforcer audit.
    AllowedApplications []string
    List of application names to allow on the hosts. if provided, only containers of the listed applications will be allowed to run.
    AllowedLabels []string
    List of label names to allow on the hosts.
    AllowedRegistries []string
    List of registry names to allow on the hosts.
    AntivirusProtection bool
    This setting is available only when you have license for Advanced Malware Protection. Send true to make use of the license and enable the Real-time Malware Protection control in the Host Runtime policies.
    AquaVersion string
    Aqua server version
    AuditAll bool
    Agent will send extra audit messages to the server for success operations from inside the container (runtime).
    AutoCopySecrets bool
    This option is applicable only if Enable Pod Enforcer injection is selected. Select this option if you want Aqua Enterprise to copy the secrets defined above to the Pod Enforcer namespace and container. Otherwise, you can choose to copy these secrets by other means.
    AutoDiscoverConfigureRegistries bool
    This option is available only if Enable workload discovery is selected. If selected, the KubeEnforcer will add previously unknown image registries from the cluster to Aqua.
    AutoDiscoveryEnabled bool
    When this option is selected, the KubeEnforcer will discover workloads on its cluster.
    AutoScanDiscoveredImagesRunningContainers bool
    This option is available only if Enable workload discovery is selected. If selected, the KubeEnforcer will automatically register images running as workloads (and scan the discovered images for security issues).
    BehavioralEngine bool
    If Enabled, detects suspicious activity in your containers and displays potential security threats in the Incidents and Audits pages.
    BlockAdmissionControl bool
    This applies only if both Enable admission control and Enforce mode are set. This additional option must be selected for admission control to work if the KubeEnforcer is not connected to any Gateway. If this option is not selected, admission control will be disabled; this will have no effect on containers already running.
    Commands []GetEnforcerGroupsCommand
    The installation command.
    ConnectedCount int
    Number of connected enforcers in the enforcer group.
    ContainerActivityProtection bool
    When set to True applies Container Runtime Policies, Image Profiles, and Firewall Policies to containers.
    ContainerAntivirusProtection bool
    This setting is available only when you have license for Advanced Malware Protection. Send true to make use of the license and enable the Real-time Malware Protection control in the Container Runtime policies.
    Description string
    A description for the Aqua Enforcer group.
    DisconnectedCount int
    Number of disconnected enforcers in the enforcer group.
    Enforce bool
    Whether the enforce mode is enabled on the Enforcers.
    EnforcerImageName string
    The specific Aqua Enforcer product image (with image tag) to be deployed.
    GatewayAddress string
    Gateway Address
    GatewayName string
    Gateway Name
    Gateways []string
    List of Aqua gateway IDs for the Enforcers.
    GroupId string
    The ID of the Enforcer group.
    HighVulns int
    Number of high vulnerabilities in the enforcers that in this enforcer group.
    HostAssurance bool
    When set to True enables host scanning and respective Host Assurance controls.
    HostBehavioralEngine bool
    When set to True enables these Host Runtime Policy controls: OS Users and Groups Allowed and OS Users and Groups Blocked
    HostNetworkProtection bool
    When set to True applies Firewall Policies to hosts, and allows recording network maps for Aqua services. The Network Firewall setting must be disabled when deploying the Aqua Enforcer on a machine running Rocky Linux. See https://docs.aquasec.com/docs/platform-support-limitations-rocky-linux for further information
    HostOs string
    The OS type for the host
    HostProtection bool
    When set to True enables all Host Runtime Policy controls except for OS Users and Groups Allowed and OS Users and Groups Blocked.
    HostUserProtection bool
    When set to True enables these Host Runtime Policy controls: OS Users and Groups Allowed and OS Users and Groups Blocked
    HostsCount int
    Number of enforcers in the enforcer group.
    Id string
    The provider-assigned unique ID for this managed resource.
    ImageAssurance bool
    When Set to True enables selected controls: Container Runtime Policy (Block Non-Compliant Images, Block Unregistered Images, and Registries Allowed) and Default Image Assurance Policy (Images Blocked).
    InstallCommand string
    Enforcer install command
    KubeBenchImageName string
    See https://docs.aquasec.com/docs/securing-kubernetes-applications#section-configuration-hardening, The KubeEnforcer can deploy the Aqua Security kube-bench open-source product to perform Kubernetes CIS benchmark testing of nodes. This field specifies the path and file name of the kube-bench product image for the KubeEnforcer to deploy; it will be filled in automatically. You can optionally enter a different value.
    LastUpdate int
    The last date and time the batch token was updated in UNIX time.
    LogicalName string
    Name for the batch install record.
    LowVulns int
    Number of low vulnerabilities in the enforcers that in this enforcer group.
    MedVulns int
    Number of medium vulnerabilities in the enforcers that in this enforcer group.
    MicroEnforcerCertsSecretsName string
    This option is applicable only if Enable Pod Enforcer injection is selected.
    MicroEnforcerImageName string
    This option is applicable only if Enable Pod Enforcer injection is selected. This field specifies the path and file name of the KubeEnforcer product image to be deployed; it will be filled in automatically. You can optionally enter a different value.
    MicroEnforcerInjection bool
    This applies only if both Enable admission control and Enforce mode are set. This additional option must be selected for admission control to work if the KubeEnforcer is not connected to any Gateway. If this option is not selected, admission control will be disabled; this will have no effect on containers already running.
    MicroEnforcerSecretsName string
    This option is applicable only if Enable Pod Enforcer injection is selected.
    NegVulns int
    Number of negligible vulnerabilities in the enforcers that in this enforcer group.
    NetworkProtection bool
    When set to True applies Firewall Policies to containers, and allows recording network maps for Aqua services. The Network Firewall setting must be disabled when deploying the Aqua Enforcer on a machine running Rocky Linux. See https://docs.aquasec.com/docs/platform-support-limitations-rocky-linux for further information.
    Orchestrators []GetEnforcerGroupsOrchestrator
    The orchestrator for which you are creating the Enforcer group.
    PasDeploymentLink string
    pas deployment link
    Permission string
    Permission Action
    RiskExplorerAutoDiscovery bool
    When set to True allows Enforcers to be discovered in the Risk Explorer.
    RuntimePolicyName string
    Function Runtime Policy that will applay on the nano enforcer.
    RuntimeType string
    The container runtime environment.
    SyncHostImages bool
    When set to True configures Enforcers to discover local host images. Discovered images will be listed under Images > Host Images, as well as under Infrastructure (in the Images tab for applicable hosts).
    SyscallEnabled bool
    When set to True allows profiling and monitoring system calls made by running containers.
    Token string
    The batch install token.
    Type string
    Enforcer Type.
    UserAccessControl bool
    When set to True applies User Access Control Policies to containers. Note that Aqua Enforcers must be deployed with the AQUARUNCINTERCEPTION environment variable set to 0 in order to use User Access Control Policies.
    Forensics bool
    Select Enabled to send activity logs in your containers to the Aqua Server for forensics purposes.
    HostForensics bool
    Select Enabled to send activity logs in your host to the Aqua Server for forensics purposes.
    admissionControl Boolean
    Selecting this option will allow the KubeEnforcer to block the deployment of container images that have failed any of these Container Runtime Policy controls:
    * Block Non-Compliant Images
    * Block Non-Compliant Workloads
    * Block Unregistered Images
    This functionality can work only when the KubeEnforcer is deployed in Enforce mode.
    allowKubeEnforcerAudit Boolean
    Allow kube enforcer audit.
    allowedApplications List<String>
    List of application names to allow on the hosts. if provided, only containers of the listed applications will be allowed to run.
    allowedLabels List<String>
    List of label names to allow on the hosts.
    allowedRegistries List<String>
    List of registry names to allow on the hosts.
    antivirusProtection Boolean
    This setting is available only when you have license for Advanced Malware Protection. Send true to make use of the license and enable the Real-time Malware Protection control in the Host Runtime policies.
    aquaVersion String
    Aqua server version
    auditAll Boolean
    Agent will send extra audit messages to the server for success operations from inside the container (runtime).
    autoCopySecrets Boolean
    This option is applicable only if Enable Pod Enforcer injection is selected. Select this option if you want Aqua Enterprise to copy the secrets defined above to the Pod Enforcer namespace and container. Otherwise, you can choose to copy these secrets by other means.
    autoDiscoverConfigureRegistries Boolean
    This option is available only if Enable workload discovery is selected. If selected, the KubeEnforcer will add previously unknown image registries from the cluster to Aqua.
    autoDiscoveryEnabled Boolean
    When this option is selected, the KubeEnforcer will discover workloads on its cluster.
    autoScanDiscoveredImagesRunningContainers Boolean
    This option is available only if Enable workload discovery is selected. If selected, the KubeEnforcer will automatically register images running as workloads (and scan the discovered images for security issues).
    behavioralEngine Boolean
    If Enabled, detects suspicious activity in your containers and displays potential security threats in the Incidents and Audits pages.
    blockAdmissionControl Boolean
    This applies only if both Enable admission control and Enforce mode are set. This additional option must be selected for admission control to work if the KubeEnforcer is not connected to any Gateway. If this option is not selected, admission control will be disabled; this will have no effect on containers already running.
    commands List<GetEnforcerGroupsCommand>
    The installation command.
    connectedCount Integer
    Number of connected enforcers in the enforcer group.
    containerActivityProtection Boolean
    When set to True applies Container Runtime Policies, Image Profiles, and Firewall Policies to containers.
    containerAntivirusProtection Boolean
    This setting is available only when you have license for Advanced Malware Protection. Send true to make use of the license and enable the Real-time Malware Protection control in the Container Runtime policies.
    description String
    A description for the Aqua Enforcer group.
    disconnectedCount Integer
    Number of disconnected enforcers in the enforcer group.
    enforce Boolean
    Whether the enforce mode is enabled on the Enforcers.
    enforcerImageName String
    The specific Aqua Enforcer product image (with image tag) to be deployed.
    gatewayAddress String
    Gateway Address
    gatewayName String
    Gateway Name
    gateways List<String>
    List of Aqua gateway IDs for the Enforcers.
    groupId String
    The ID of the Enforcer group.
    highVulns Integer
    Number of high vulnerabilities in the enforcers that in this enforcer group.
    hostAssurance Boolean
    When set to True enables host scanning and respective Host Assurance controls.
    hostBehavioralEngine Boolean
    When set to True enables these Host Runtime Policy controls: OS Users and Groups Allowed and OS Users and Groups Blocked
    hostNetworkProtection Boolean
    When set to True applies Firewall Policies to hosts, and allows recording network maps for Aqua services. The Network Firewall setting must be disabled when deploying the Aqua Enforcer on a machine running Rocky Linux. See https://docs.aquasec.com/docs/platform-support-limitations-rocky-linux for further information
    hostOs String
    The OS type for the host
    hostProtection Boolean
    When set to True enables all Host Runtime Policy controls except for OS Users and Groups Allowed and OS Users and Groups Blocked.
    hostUserProtection Boolean
    When set to True enables these Host Runtime Policy controls: OS Users and Groups Allowed and OS Users and Groups Blocked
    hostsCount Integer
    Number of enforcers in the enforcer group.
    id String
    The provider-assigned unique ID for this managed resource.
    imageAssurance Boolean
    When Set to True enables selected controls: Container Runtime Policy (Block Non-Compliant Images, Block Unregistered Images, and Registries Allowed) and Default Image Assurance Policy (Images Blocked).
    installCommand String
    Enforcer install command
    kubeBenchImageName String
    See https://docs.aquasec.com/docs/securing-kubernetes-applications#section-configuration-hardening, The KubeEnforcer can deploy the Aqua Security kube-bench open-source product to perform Kubernetes CIS benchmark testing of nodes. This field specifies the path and file name of the kube-bench product image for the KubeEnforcer to deploy; it will be filled in automatically. You can optionally enter a different value.
    lastUpdate Integer
    The last date and time the batch token was updated in UNIX time.
    logicalName String
    Name for the batch install record.
    lowVulns Integer
    Number of low vulnerabilities in the enforcers that in this enforcer group.
    medVulns Integer
    Number of medium vulnerabilities in the enforcers that in this enforcer group.
    microEnforcerCertsSecretsName String
    This option is applicable only if Enable Pod Enforcer injection is selected.
    microEnforcerImageName String
    This option is applicable only if Enable Pod Enforcer injection is selected. This field specifies the path and file name of the KubeEnforcer product image to be deployed; it will be filled in automatically. You can optionally enter a different value.
    microEnforcerInjection Boolean
    This applies only if both Enable admission control and Enforce mode are set. This additional option must be selected for admission control to work if the KubeEnforcer is not connected to any Gateway. If this option is not selected, admission control will be disabled; this will have no effect on containers already running.
    microEnforcerSecretsName String
    This option is applicable only if Enable Pod Enforcer injection is selected.
    negVulns Integer
    Number of negligible vulnerabilities in the enforcers that in this enforcer group.
    networkProtection Boolean
    When set to True applies Firewall Policies to containers, and allows recording network maps for Aqua services. The Network Firewall setting must be disabled when deploying the Aqua Enforcer on a machine running Rocky Linux. See https://docs.aquasec.com/docs/platform-support-limitations-rocky-linux for further information.
    orchestrators List<GetEnforcerGroupsOrchestrator>
    The orchestrator for which you are creating the Enforcer group.
    pasDeploymentLink String
    pas deployment link
    permission String
    Permission Action
    riskExplorerAutoDiscovery Boolean
    When set to True allows Enforcers to be discovered in the Risk Explorer.
    runtimePolicyName String
    Function Runtime Policy that will applay on the nano enforcer.
    runtimeType String
    The container runtime environment.
    syncHostImages Boolean
    When set to True configures Enforcers to discover local host images. Discovered images will be listed under Images > Host Images, as well as under Infrastructure (in the Images tab for applicable hosts).
    syscallEnabled Boolean
    When set to True allows profiling and monitoring system calls made by running containers.
    token String
    The batch install token.
    type String
    Enforcer Type.
    userAccessControl Boolean
    When set to True applies User Access Control Policies to containers. Note that Aqua Enforcers must be deployed with the AQUARUNCINTERCEPTION environment variable set to 0 in order to use User Access Control Policies.
    forensics Boolean
    Select Enabled to send activity logs in your containers to the Aqua Server for forensics purposes.
    hostForensics Boolean
    Select Enabled to send activity logs in your host to the Aqua Server for forensics purposes.
    admissionControl boolean
    Selecting this option will allow the KubeEnforcer to block the deployment of container images that have failed any of these Container Runtime Policy controls:
    * Block Non-Compliant Images
    * Block Non-Compliant Workloads
    * Block Unregistered Images
    This functionality can work only when the KubeEnforcer is deployed in Enforce mode.
    allowKubeEnforcerAudit boolean
    Allow kube enforcer audit.
    allowedApplications string[]
    List of application names to allow on the hosts. if provided, only containers of the listed applications will be allowed to run.
    allowedLabels string[]
    List of label names to allow on the hosts.
    allowedRegistries string[]
    List of registry names to allow on the hosts.
    antivirusProtection boolean
    This setting is available only when you have license for Advanced Malware Protection. Send true to make use of the license and enable the Real-time Malware Protection control in the Host Runtime policies.
    aquaVersion string
    Aqua server version
    auditAll boolean
    Agent will send extra audit messages to the server for success operations from inside the container (runtime).
    autoCopySecrets boolean
    This option is applicable only if Enable Pod Enforcer injection is selected. Select this option if you want Aqua Enterprise to copy the secrets defined above to the Pod Enforcer namespace and container. Otherwise, you can choose to copy these secrets by other means.
    autoDiscoverConfigureRegistries boolean
    This option is available only if Enable workload discovery is selected. If selected, the KubeEnforcer will add previously unknown image registries from the cluster to Aqua.
    autoDiscoveryEnabled boolean
    When this option is selected, the KubeEnforcer will discover workloads on its cluster.
    autoScanDiscoveredImagesRunningContainers boolean
    This option is available only if Enable workload discovery is selected. If selected, the KubeEnforcer will automatically register images running as workloads (and scan the discovered images for security issues).
    behavioralEngine boolean
    If Enabled, detects suspicious activity in your containers and displays potential security threats in the Incidents and Audits pages.
    blockAdmissionControl boolean
    This applies only if both Enable admission control and Enforce mode are set. This additional option must be selected for admission control to work if the KubeEnforcer is not connected to any Gateway. If this option is not selected, admission control will be disabled; this will have no effect on containers already running.
    commands GetEnforcerGroupsCommand[]
    The installation command.
    connectedCount number
    Number of connected enforcers in the enforcer group.
    containerActivityProtection boolean
    When set to True applies Container Runtime Policies, Image Profiles, and Firewall Policies to containers.
    containerAntivirusProtection boolean
    This setting is available only when you have license for Advanced Malware Protection. Send true to make use of the license and enable the Real-time Malware Protection control in the Container Runtime policies.
    description string
    A description for the Aqua Enforcer group.
    disconnectedCount number
    Number of disconnected enforcers in the enforcer group.
    enforce boolean
    Whether the enforce mode is enabled on the Enforcers.
    enforcerImageName string
    The specific Aqua Enforcer product image (with image tag) to be deployed.
    gatewayAddress string
    Gateway Address
    gatewayName string
    Gateway Name
    gateways string[]
    List of Aqua gateway IDs for the Enforcers.
    groupId string
    The ID of the Enforcer group.
    highVulns number
    Number of high vulnerabilities in the enforcers that in this enforcer group.
    hostAssurance boolean
    When set to True enables host scanning and respective Host Assurance controls.
    hostBehavioralEngine boolean
    When set to True enables these Host Runtime Policy controls: OS Users and Groups Allowed and OS Users and Groups Blocked
    hostNetworkProtection boolean
    When set to True applies Firewall Policies to hosts, and allows recording network maps for Aqua services. The Network Firewall setting must be disabled when deploying the Aqua Enforcer on a machine running Rocky Linux. See https://docs.aquasec.com/docs/platform-support-limitations-rocky-linux for further information
    hostOs string
    The OS type for the host
    hostProtection boolean
    When set to True enables all Host Runtime Policy controls except for OS Users and Groups Allowed and OS Users and Groups Blocked.
    hostUserProtection boolean
    When set to True enables these Host Runtime Policy controls: OS Users and Groups Allowed and OS Users and Groups Blocked
    hostsCount number
    Number of enforcers in the enforcer group.
    id string
    The provider-assigned unique ID for this managed resource.
    imageAssurance boolean
    When Set to True enables selected controls: Container Runtime Policy (Block Non-Compliant Images, Block Unregistered Images, and Registries Allowed) and Default Image Assurance Policy (Images Blocked).
    installCommand string
    Enforcer install command
    kubeBenchImageName string
    See https://docs.aquasec.com/docs/securing-kubernetes-applications#section-configuration-hardening, The KubeEnforcer can deploy the Aqua Security kube-bench open-source product to perform Kubernetes CIS benchmark testing of nodes. This field specifies the path and file name of the kube-bench product image for the KubeEnforcer to deploy; it will be filled in automatically. You can optionally enter a different value.
    lastUpdate number
    The last date and time the batch token was updated in UNIX time.
    logicalName string
    Name for the batch install record.
    lowVulns number
    Number of low vulnerabilities in the enforcers that in this enforcer group.
    medVulns number
    Number of medium vulnerabilities in the enforcers that in this enforcer group.
    microEnforcerCertsSecretsName string
    This option is applicable only if Enable Pod Enforcer injection is selected.
    microEnforcerImageName string
    This option is applicable only if Enable Pod Enforcer injection is selected. This field specifies the path and file name of the KubeEnforcer product image to be deployed; it will be filled in automatically. You can optionally enter a different value.
    microEnforcerInjection boolean
    This applies only if both Enable admission control and Enforce mode are set. This additional option must be selected for admission control to work if the KubeEnforcer is not connected to any Gateway. If this option is not selected, admission control will be disabled; this will have no effect on containers already running.
    microEnforcerSecretsName string
    This option is applicable only if Enable Pod Enforcer injection is selected.
    negVulns number
    Number of negligible vulnerabilities in the enforcers that in this enforcer group.
    networkProtection boolean
    When set to True applies Firewall Policies to containers, and allows recording network maps for Aqua services. The Network Firewall setting must be disabled when deploying the Aqua Enforcer on a machine running Rocky Linux. See https://docs.aquasec.com/docs/platform-support-limitations-rocky-linux for further information.
    orchestrators GetEnforcerGroupsOrchestrator[]
    The orchestrator for which you are creating the Enforcer group.
    pasDeploymentLink string
    pas deployment link
    permission string
    Permission Action
    riskExplorerAutoDiscovery boolean
    When set to True allows Enforcers to be discovered in the Risk Explorer.
    runtimePolicyName string
    Function Runtime Policy that will applay on the nano enforcer.
    runtimeType string
    The container runtime environment.
    syncHostImages boolean
    When set to True configures Enforcers to discover local host images. Discovered images will be listed under Images > Host Images, as well as under Infrastructure (in the Images tab for applicable hosts).
    syscallEnabled boolean
    When set to True allows profiling and monitoring system calls made by running containers.
    token string
    The batch install token.
    type string
    Enforcer Type.
    userAccessControl boolean
    When set to True applies User Access Control Policies to containers. Note that Aqua Enforcers must be deployed with the AQUARUNCINTERCEPTION environment variable set to 0 in order to use User Access Control Policies.
    forensics boolean
    Select Enabled to send activity logs in your containers to the Aqua Server for forensics purposes.
    hostForensics boolean
    Select Enabled to send activity logs in your host to the Aqua Server for forensics purposes.
    admission_control bool
    Selecting this option will allow the KubeEnforcer to block the deployment of container images that have failed any of these Container Runtime Policy controls:
    * Block Non-Compliant Images
    * Block Non-Compliant Workloads
    * Block Unregistered Images
    This functionality can work only when the KubeEnforcer is deployed in Enforce mode.
    allow_kube_enforcer_audit bool
    Allow kube enforcer audit.
    allowed_applications Sequence[str]
    List of application names to allow on the hosts. if provided, only containers of the listed applications will be allowed to run.
    allowed_labels Sequence[str]
    List of label names to allow on the hosts.
    allowed_registries Sequence[str]
    List of registry names to allow on the hosts.
    antivirus_protection bool
    This setting is available only when you have license for Advanced Malware Protection. Send true to make use of the license and enable the Real-time Malware Protection control in the Host Runtime policies.
    aqua_version str
    Aqua server version
    audit_all bool
    Agent will send extra audit messages to the server for success operations from inside the container (runtime).
    auto_copy_secrets bool
    This option is applicable only if Enable Pod Enforcer injection is selected. Select this option if you want Aqua Enterprise to copy the secrets defined above to the Pod Enforcer namespace and container. Otherwise, you can choose to copy these secrets by other means.
    auto_discover_configure_registries bool
    This option is available only if Enable workload discovery is selected. If selected, the KubeEnforcer will add previously unknown image registries from the cluster to Aqua.
    auto_discovery_enabled bool
    When this option is selected, the KubeEnforcer will discover workloads on its cluster.
    auto_scan_discovered_images_running_containers bool
    This option is available only if Enable workload discovery is selected. If selected, the KubeEnforcer will automatically register images running as workloads (and scan the discovered images for security issues).
    behavioral_engine bool
    If Enabled, detects suspicious activity in your containers and displays potential security threats in the Incidents and Audits pages.
    block_admission_control bool
    This applies only if both Enable admission control and Enforce mode are set. This additional option must be selected for admission control to work if the KubeEnforcer is not connected to any Gateway. If this option is not selected, admission control will be disabled; this will have no effect on containers already running.
    commands Sequence[GetEnforcerGroupsCommand]
    The installation command.
    connected_count int
    Number of connected enforcers in the enforcer group.
    container_activity_protection bool
    When set to True applies Container Runtime Policies, Image Profiles, and Firewall Policies to containers.
    container_antivirus_protection bool
    This setting is available only when you have license for Advanced Malware Protection. Send true to make use of the license and enable the Real-time Malware Protection control in the Container Runtime policies.
    description str
    A description for the Aqua Enforcer group.
    disconnected_count int
    Number of disconnected enforcers in the enforcer group.
    enforce bool
    Whether the enforce mode is enabled on the Enforcers.
    enforcer_image_name str
    The specific Aqua Enforcer product image (with image tag) to be deployed.
    gateway_address str
    Gateway Address
    gateway_name str
    Gateway Name
    gateways Sequence[str]
    List of Aqua gateway IDs for the Enforcers.
    group_id str
    The ID of the Enforcer group.
    high_vulns int
    Number of high vulnerabilities in the enforcers that in this enforcer group.
    host_assurance bool
    When set to True enables host scanning and respective Host Assurance controls.
    host_behavioral_engine bool
    When set to True enables these Host Runtime Policy controls: OS Users and Groups Allowed and OS Users and Groups Blocked
    host_network_protection bool
    When set to True applies Firewall Policies to hosts, and allows recording network maps for Aqua services. The Network Firewall setting must be disabled when deploying the Aqua Enforcer on a machine running Rocky Linux. See https://docs.aquasec.com/docs/platform-support-limitations-rocky-linux for further information
    host_os str
    The OS type for the host
    host_protection bool
    When set to True enables all Host Runtime Policy controls except for OS Users and Groups Allowed and OS Users and Groups Blocked.
    host_user_protection bool
    When set to True enables these Host Runtime Policy controls: OS Users and Groups Allowed and OS Users and Groups Blocked
    hosts_count int
    Number of enforcers in the enforcer group.
    id str
    The provider-assigned unique ID for this managed resource.
    image_assurance bool
    When Set to True enables selected controls: Container Runtime Policy (Block Non-Compliant Images, Block Unregistered Images, and Registries Allowed) and Default Image Assurance Policy (Images Blocked).
    install_command str
    Enforcer install command
    kube_bench_image_name str
    See https://docs.aquasec.com/docs/securing-kubernetes-applications#section-configuration-hardening, The KubeEnforcer can deploy the Aqua Security kube-bench open-source product to perform Kubernetes CIS benchmark testing of nodes. This field specifies the path and file name of the kube-bench product image for the KubeEnforcer to deploy; it will be filled in automatically. You can optionally enter a different value.
    last_update int
    The last date and time the batch token was updated in UNIX time.
    logical_name str
    Name for the batch install record.
    low_vulns int
    Number of low vulnerabilities in the enforcers that in this enforcer group.
    med_vulns int
    Number of medium vulnerabilities in the enforcers that in this enforcer group.
    micro_enforcer_certs_secrets_name str
    This option is applicable only if Enable Pod Enforcer injection is selected.
    micro_enforcer_image_name str
    This option is applicable only if Enable Pod Enforcer injection is selected. This field specifies the path and file name of the KubeEnforcer product image to be deployed; it will be filled in automatically. You can optionally enter a different value.
    micro_enforcer_injection bool
    This applies only if both Enable admission control and Enforce mode are set. This additional option must be selected for admission control to work if the KubeEnforcer is not connected to any Gateway. If this option is not selected, admission control will be disabled; this will have no effect on containers already running.
    micro_enforcer_secrets_name str
    This option is applicable only if Enable Pod Enforcer injection is selected.
    neg_vulns int
    Number of negligible vulnerabilities in the enforcers that in this enforcer group.
    network_protection bool
    When set to True applies Firewall Policies to containers, and allows recording network maps for Aqua services. The Network Firewall setting must be disabled when deploying the Aqua Enforcer on a machine running Rocky Linux. See https://docs.aquasec.com/docs/platform-support-limitations-rocky-linux for further information.
    orchestrators Sequence[GetEnforcerGroupsOrchestrator]
    The orchestrator for which you are creating the Enforcer group.
    pas_deployment_link str
    pas deployment link
    permission str
    Permission Action
    risk_explorer_auto_discovery bool
    When set to True allows Enforcers to be discovered in the Risk Explorer.
    runtime_policy_name str
    Function Runtime Policy that will applay on the nano enforcer.
    runtime_type str
    The container runtime environment.
    sync_host_images bool
    When set to True configures Enforcers to discover local host images. Discovered images will be listed under Images > Host Images, as well as under Infrastructure (in the Images tab for applicable hosts).
    syscall_enabled bool
    When set to True allows profiling and monitoring system calls made by running containers.
    token str
    The batch install token.
    type str
    Enforcer Type.
    user_access_control bool
    When set to True applies User Access Control Policies to containers. Note that Aqua Enforcers must be deployed with the AQUARUNCINTERCEPTION environment variable set to 0 in order to use User Access Control Policies.
    forensics bool
    Select Enabled to send activity logs in your containers to the Aqua Server for forensics purposes.
    host_forensics bool
    Select Enabled to send activity logs in your host to the Aqua Server for forensics purposes.
    admissionControl Boolean
    Selecting this option will allow the KubeEnforcer to block the deployment of container images that have failed any of these Container Runtime Policy controls:
    * Block Non-Compliant Images
    * Block Non-Compliant Workloads
    * Block Unregistered Images
    This functionality can work only when the KubeEnforcer is deployed in Enforce mode.
    allowKubeEnforcerAudit Boolean
    Allow kube enforcer audit.
    allowedApplications List<String>
    List of application names to allow on the hosts. if provided, only containers of the listed applications will be allowed to run.
    allowedLabels List<String>
    List of label names to allow on the hosts.
    allowedRegistries List<String>
    List of registry names to allow on the hosts.
    antivirusProtection Boolean
    This setting is available only when you have license for Advanced Malware Protection. Send true to make use of the license and enable the Real-time Malware Protection control in the Host Runtime policies.
    aquaVersion String
    Aqua server version
    auditAll Boolean
    Agent will send extra audit messages to the server for success operations from inside the container (runtime).
    autoCopySecrets Boolean
    This option is applicable only if Enable Pod Enforcer injection is selected. Select this option if you want Aqua Enterprise to copy the secrets defined above to the Pod Enforcer namespace and container. Otherwise, you can choose to copy these secrets by other means.
    autoDiscoverConfigureRegistries Boolean
    This option is available only if Enable workload discovery is selected. If selected, the KubeEnforcer will add previously unknown image registries from the cluster to Aqua.
    autoDiscoveryEnabled Boolean
    When this option is selected, the KubeEnforcer will discover workloads on its cluster.
    autoScanDiscoveredImagesRunningContainers Boolean
    This option is available only if Enable workload discovery is selected. If selected, the KubeEnforcer will automatically register images running as workloads (and scan the discovered images for security issues).
    behavioralEngine Boolean
    If Enabled, detects suspicious activity in your containers and displays potential security threats in the Incidents and Audits pages.
    blockAdmissionControl Boolean
    This applies only if both Enable admission control and Enforce mode are set. This additional option must be selected for admission control to work if the KubeEnforcer is not connected to any Gateway. If this option is not selected, admission control will be disabled; this will have no effect on containers already running.
    commands List<Property Map>
    The installation command.
    connectedCount Number
    Number of connected enforcers in the enforcer group.
    containerActivityProtection Boolean
    When set to True applies Container Runtime Policies, Image Profiles, and Firewall Policies to containers.
    containerAntivirusProtection Boolean
    This setting is available only when you have license for Advanced Malware Protection. Send true to make use of the license and enable the Real-time Malware Protection control in the Container Runtime policies.
    description String
    A description for the Aqua Enforcer group.
    disconnectedCount Number
    Number of disconnected enforcers in the enforcer group.
    enforce Boolean
    Whether the enforce mode is enabled on the Enforcers.
    enforcerImageName String
    The specific Aqua Enforcer product image (with image tag) to be deployed.
    gatewayAddress String
    Gateway Address
    gatewayName String
    Gateway Name
    gateways List<String>
    List of Aqua gateway IDs for the Enforcers.
    groupId String
    The ID of the Enforcer group.
    highVulns Number
    Number of high vulnerabilities in the enforcers that in this enforcer group.
    hostAssurance Boolean
    When set to True enables host scanning and respective Host Assurance controls.
    hostBehavioralEngine Boolean
    When set to True enables these Host Runtime Policy controls: OS Users and Groups Allowed and OS Users and Groups Blocked
    hostNetworkProtection Boolean
    When set to True applies Firewall Policies to hosts, and allows recording network maps for Aqua services. The Network Firewall setting must be disabled when deploying the Aqua Enforcer on a machine running Rocky Linux. See https://docs.aquasec.com/docs/platform-support-limitations-rocky-linux for further information
    hostOs String
    The OS type for the host
    hostProtection Boolean
    When set to True enables all Host Runtime Policy controls except for OS Users and Groups Allowed and OS Users and Groups Blocked.
    hostUserProtection Boolean
    When set to True enables these Host Runtime Policy controls: OS Users and Groups Allowed and OS Users and Groups Blocked
    hostsCount Number
    Number of enforcers in the enforcer group.
    id String
    The provider-assigned unique ID for this managed resource.
    imageAssurance Boolean
    When Set to True enables selected controls: Container Runtime Policy (Block Non-Compliant Images, Block Unregistered Images, and Registries Allowed) and Default Image Assurance Policy (Images Blocked).
    installCommand String
    Enforcer install command
    kubeBenchImageName String
    See https://docs.aquasec.com/docs/securing-kubernetes-applications#section-configuration-hardening, The KubeEnforcer can deploy the Aqua Security kube-bench open-source product to perform Kubernetes CIS benchmark testing of nodes. This field specifies the path and file name of the kube-bench product image for the KubeEnforcer to deploy; it will be filled in automatically. You can optionally enter a different value.
    lastUpdate Number
    The last date and time the batch token was updated in UNIX time.
    logicalName String
    Name for the batch install record.
    lowVulns Number
    Number of low vulnerabilities in the enforcers that in this enforcer group.
    medVulns Number
    Number of medium vulnerabilities in the enforcers that in this enforcer group.
    microEnforcerCertsSecretsName String
    This option is applicable only if Enable Pod Enforcer injection is selected.
    microEnforcerImageName String
    This option is applicable only if Enable Pod Enforcer injection is selected. This field specifies the path and file name of the KubeEnforcer product image to be deployed; it will be filled in automatically. You can optionally enter a different value.
    microEnforcerInjection Boolean
    This applies only if both Enable admission control and Enforce mode are set. This additional option must be selected for admission control to work if the KubeEnforcer is not connected to any Gateway. If this option is not selected, admission control will be disabled; this will have no effect on containers already running.
    microEnforcerSecretsName String
    This option is applicable only if Enable Pod Enforcer injection is selected.
    negVulns Number
    Number of negligible vulnerabilities in the enforcers that in this enforcer group.
    networkProtection Boolean
    When set to True applies Firewall Policies to containers, and allows recording network maps for Aqua services. The Network Firewall setting must be disabled when deploying the Aqua Enforcer on a machine running Rocky Linux. See https://docs.aquasec.com/docs/platform-support-limitations-rocky-linux for further information.
    orchestrators List<Property Map>
    The orchestrator for which you are creating the Enforcer group.
    pasDeploymentLink String
    pas deployment link
    permission String
    Permission Action
    riskExplorerAutoDiscovery Boolean
    When set to True allows Enforcers to be discovered in the Risk Explorer.
    runtimePolicyName String
    Function Runtime Policy that will applay on the nano enforcer.
    runtimeType String
    The container runtime environment.
    syncHostImages Boolean
    When set to True configures Enforcers to discover local host images. Discovered images will be listed under Images > Host Images, as well as under Infrastructure (in the Images tab for applicable hosts).
    syscallEnabled Boolean
    When set to True allows profiling and monitoring system calls made by running containers.
    token String
    The batch install token.
    type String
    Enforcer Type.
    userAccessControl Boolean
    When set to True applies User Access Control Policies to containers. Note that Aqua Enforcers must be deployed with the AQUARUNCINTERCEPTION environment variable set to 0 in order to use User Access Control Policies.
    forensics Boolean
    Select Enabled to send activity logs in your containers to the Aqua Server for forensics purposes.
    hostForensics Boolean
    Select Enabled to send activity logs in your host to the Aqua Server for forensics purposes.

    Supporting Types


    Default string
    Kubernetes string
    Swarm string
    Windows string
    Default string
    Kubernetes string
    Swarm string
    Windows string
    default_ String
    kubernetes String
    swarm String
    windows String
    default string
    kubernetes string
    swarm string
    windows string
    default String
    kubernetes String
    swarm String
    windows String


    Master bool
    Namespace string
    May be specified for these orchestrators: Kubernetes, Kubernetes GKE, VMware Tanzu Kubernetes Grid Integrated Edition (PKS).
    ServiceAccount string
    May be specified for these orchestrators: Kubernetes, Kubernetes GKE, OpenShift, VMware Tanzu Kubernetes Grid Integrated Edition (PKS).
    Type string
    Master bool
    Namespace string
    May be specified for these orchestrators: Kubernetes, Kubernetes GKE, VMware Tanzu Kubernetes Grid Integrated Edition (PKS).
    ServiceAccount string
    May be specified for these orchestrators: Kubernetes, Kubernetes GKE, OpenShift, VMware Tanzu Kubernetes Grid Integrated Edition (PKS).
    Type string
    master Boolean
    namespace String
    May be specified for these orchestrators: Kubernetes, Kubernetes GKE, VMware Tanzu Kubernetes Grid Integrated Edition (PKS).
    serviceAccount String
    May be specified for these orchestrators: Kubernetes, Kubernetes GKE, OpenShift, VMware Tanzu Kubernetes Grid Integrated Edition (PKS).
    type String
    master boolean
    namespace string
    May be specified for these orchestrators: Kubernetes, Kubernetes GKE, VMware Tanzu Kubernetes Grid Integrated Edition (PKS).
    serviceAccount string
    May be specified for these orchestrators: Kubernetes, Kubernetes GKE, OpenShift, VMware Tanzu Kubernetes Grid Integrated Edition (PKS).
    type string
    master bool
    namespace str
    May be specified for these orchestrators: Kubernetes, Kubernetes GKE, VMware Tanzu Kubernetes Grid Integrated Edition (PKS).
    service_account str
    May be specified for these orchestrators: Kubernetes, Kubernetes GKE, OpenShift, VMware Tanzu Kubernetes Grid Integrated Edition (PKS).
    type str
    master Boolean
    namespace String
    May be specified for these orchestrators: Kubernetes, Kubernetes GKE, VMware Tanzu Kubernetes Grid Integrated Edition (PKS).
    serviceAccount String
    May be specified for these orchestrators: Kubernetes, Kubernetes GKE, OpenShift, VMware Tanzu Kubernetes Grid Integrated Edition (PKS).
    type String

    Package Details

    aquasec pulumiverse/pulumi-aquasec
    This Pulumi package is based on the aquasec Terraform Provider.
    aquasec logo
    Aquasec v0.8.29 published on Monday, Jul 22, 2024 by Pulumiverse